★阿修羅♪ > 2nYDhYOfZnM > 100000
g検索 2nYDhYOfZnM  
2nYDhYOfZnM コメント履歴 No: 100000
[政治・選挙・NHK256] <きょうの各紙を見て驚いた!>安倍首相の外交下手がすべてをぶち壊した北方領土問題  天木直人  赤かぶ
27. 2019年1月11日 09:29:04 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[1]


[原発・フッ素50] 被曝線量過少、論文修正へ 実際は3倍「意図的でない」 早野龍五・東大名誉教授ら(朝日新聞)  赤かぶ
51. 2019年1月11日 09:55:04 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[2]





[経世済民130] もはや先進国ではない。なぜ、日本経済はスカスカになったのか?  冷泉彰彦(まぐまぐニュース) 赤かぶ
29. 2019年1月11日 10:07:21 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[3]






[政治・選挙・NHK256] 「誰からのレクチャー?」玉城デニー氏投稿の“絶妙な2行” 室井佑月の「嗚呼、仰ってますが。」(日刊ゲンダイ) 赤かぶ
18. 2019年1月12日 10:48:27 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[4]


熨斗紙つけて 出しやすくしとくのは どこもやってる

中身がないほど 立派な熨斗紙



[政治・選挙・NHK256] 東京五輪招致で竹田会長の捜査開始決定(共同通信)-1964年じゃ無く1940年の再現か? JAXVN
17. 2019年1月12日 11:05:09 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[5]

しかし、さにあらず国際常識はフランスも韓国も米国もどこも三権分立だから政府への忖度はない。司法界は独立した "法の番人" 会長であろうが大統領であろうが国王であろうが容赦なく法で処罰する。



[政治・選挙・NHK256] 竹田会長「訴追」で東京五輪の危機を招いた政府・JOCの「無策」(郷原信郎が斬る) 赤かぶ
13. 2019年1月12日 11:24:21 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[6]




Tokyo-2020: le président du comité olympique japonais mis en examen pour "corruption"

AFP11 janvier 2019

Le président du comité olympique japonais Tsunekazu Takeda lors d'un entretien avec l'AFP, le 19 janvier 2018 à Tokyo
Paris (AFP) - Le président du comité olympique japonais, Tsunekazu Takeda, a été mis en examen en décembre à Paris pour "corruption active" dans l'enquête française sur l'attribution des JO de Tokyo-2020, a-t-on appris vendredi de source judiciaire, confirmant une information du quotidien Le Monde.

M. Takeda, 71 ans, a été mis en examen le 10 décembre par les juges d'instruction parisiens qui tentent depuis trois ans de faire la lumière sur le versement suspect de près de deux millions d'euros réalisé en 2013 pendant la campagne de candidature japonaise victorieuse, au détriment de Madrid et Istanbul.

L'enquête, ouverte en mai 2016, porte sur deux paiements destinés à la société Black Tidings, liée à Papa Massata Diack, personnage central de plusieurs affaires de corruption au sommet du sport mondial.

M. Takeda, actuel vice-président du comité d'organisation des JO-2020, avait déjà été interrogé début 2017 par des magistrats de Tokyo, à la demande de la justice française.

Peu après la révélation de ces accusations, le Comité olympique japonais avait désigné un panel de trois juristes, lequel avait blanchi en septembre 2016 le comité de campagne sans pouvoir cependant mener des investigations poussées.

Selon les instances olympiques nippones à l'époque, la somme suspecte correspondait à des "rémunérations légitimes d'un consultant" et personne ne savait que Black Tidings, qui était basée à Singapour, était liée à Papa Massata Diack, dit "PMD".

Cet ancien puissant consultant marketing de la Fédération internationale d'athlétisme (IAAF), présidée de 1999 à 2015 par son père, Lamine Diack, lui-même membre influent du CIO, est soupçonné d'avoir touché plusieurs millions d'euros de pots-de-vins sur des contrats de sponsoring ou pour favoriser les candidatures de Rio et de Tokyo aux JO de 2016 et 2020.

Dans la presse, il s'en est toujours défendu. Mais réfugié au Sénégal, il n'a jamais été entendu par la justice française, qui a lancé un mandat d'arrêt international contre lui alors que son père est mis en examen pour corruption et ne peut quitter le territoire français.

L'enquête française sur les JO de Tokyo et celle, parallèle, sur ceux de Rio, ont été ouvertes par le parquet national financier (PNF) à la suite des découvertes réalisées lors des investigations internationales menées d'abord contre un vaste système de corruption mis en place au sein de l'IAAF pour permettre à des athlètes russes dopés d'éviter ou retarder les sanctions.

Dans ces affaires, la compétence de la justice française s'explique notamment par le fait que des fonds ont pu être blanchis en France.

[政治・選挙・NHK256] 外遊大好き・安倍首相の外遊費用を知りたくないか?  赤かぶ
12. 2019年1月12日 11:40:12 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[7]





迷惑千万 バカ夫婦

[政治・選挙・NHK256] 「あそこのサンゴは移した」」発言に「報道機関として自主的な編集判断に基づいて放送した」(アベ様のNHK)!&防衛省が… 赤かぶ
36. 2019年1月12日 11:51:38 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[8]
NHKは 賢い職員を皆飛ばしちまったからな




[原発・フッ素50] 原発事故後、子どもを連れて福島から奈良に移住したお母さん 8年後、死者続出でようやく親類から罵倒されなくなった  魑魅魍魎男
11. 2019年1月27日 09:39:06 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[9]



'Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals
Posted on: Sunday, November 8th 2015 at 5:15 am
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015
Visit our Re-post guidelines
'Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,' New Report Reveals

A shocking new report defies the chronically underestimated impacts of the Fukushima's triple meltdown on the risk of cancer in exposed populations, which does not just include Japan, but arguably the entire world.

A new report from Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), "Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan," reveals that the ongoing multi-core nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant that started in March 2011 has produced approximately 230 times higher than normal thyroid cancers in Fukushima Prefecture, and could result in as many as one million more cancers in Japan's future as a result of the meltdown.

According to the new report, data provided by a group of esteemed Japanese medical professionals and TEPCO, confirm a direct link of numerous cancers in Japan to the triple meltdown. As transcribed by Enenews.com, Arnie Gundersen, chief engineer at Fairewinds stated, Nov. 4, 2015:

"It's been almost 5 years from the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns, and the news from Japan is still not good. Two reports recently released in Japan, one by Japanese medical professionals and the second from Tokyo Power Corporation – TEPCO – acknowledged that there will be numerous cancers in Japan, much greater than normal, due to the radioactive discharges from the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi... I believe, as do many of my colleagues, that there will be at least 100,000 and as many as one million more cancers in Japan's future as a result of this meltdown... [T]he second report received from Japan proves that the incidence of thyroid cancer is approximately 230 times higher than normal in Fukushima Prefecture... So what's the bottom line? The cancers already occurring in Japan are just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sorry to say that the worst is yet to come."

You can watch Arnie Gundersen's video by clicking on the image below:

The content of the new report defies what are chronically underestimated radiation exposure levels and effects produced by the International Atomic Energy Agency, TEPCO, and the Japanese government. As we have reported previously, the present day radiation risk model is based on outdated science and a dataset extracted from Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors, and which was arrived at before the discovery of DNA, and knowledge of up to six orders of magnitude higher genotoxicity caused by what is known as photoelectron induction associated with low-dose radioisotope exposure, i.e. the incorporation into our tissue of extremely low doses of radionuclides such as plutonium-239, uranium-238, and over one hundred others produced as a byproduct of the nuclear reactions that produce nuclear power.

For those unafraid of confronting the truth, I highly recommend reading the 2001 paper published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry titled, "Depleted uranium-catalyzed oxidative DNA damage: absence of significant alpha particle decay," produced by the Army's own Radiobiology Research Institute, in order to fully comprehend the implications of photoelectron induction. In a nutshell, it implies that the adverse health effects associated with nuclear fallout may be tens of thousands times worse than present radiation risk models used by the nuclear industry, medical establishment, and government presently project.

For more information here is an excerpt of my report, written only weeks after the Fukushima meltdown, titled "Why There Is No Safe Dose of Radiation from Fukushima":

The nuclear radiation risk models used by the nuclear industry and the medical establishment and harped upon by the mainstream media and world governments, were created largely by nuclear physicists in the 1950's, before the discovery of DNA, and are based upon the type of high energy external radiation exposures associated with the atomic bomb blast in Hiroshima.

This "old world" risk model, which underpins the policies and recommendations of would-be authorities on radiation safety such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), though relevant in the case of external radiation exposure, severely misrepresents both the type and degree of radiotoxicity associated with the internalization of radioisotopes like Radioiodine 131, Cesium 137 and Uranium 238, and subsequent "non-linear" adverse effects in the human body. The ICRP not only conditions the world's perception on the relative safety of nuclear energy, but is also responsible for underwriting the risk associated with the use of munitions containing depleted uranium (DU) in places like Iraq, and now Libya. The genotoxic Uranium-238 residues left behind will likely cause pain, suffering, birth defects, miscarriages and premature deaths for countless generations to come.

Although radioisotopes like Uranium-238 give off relatively low doses of ionizing radiation when compared to "high dose" external radiation exposure (such that may occur in a nuclear blast), following inhalation or ingestion these alpha particle emitters remain in affected tissues and cells for days, months, years and in some cases, a (subsequently shortened) lifetime, e.g. Strontium-90.

On a cellular level, particles of Uranium-238, which are weak emitters of alpha particle radiation (and therefore considered relatively non-radiotoxic), strongly bind and incorporate into the DNA in affected cells. Once a DNA-Uranium complex is formed it is capable of amplifying the genotoxicity of natural background gamma radiation (or medical radiation) to the affected DNA though a phenomenon called "photoelectric enhancement" by up to 55,000 TIMES HIGHER than normally occurs. See Chris Busby PhD's video or this document for details.

Not Only Japan, But The World Should Be Concerned
As we reported less than a year after the Fukushima meltdown began, "Plutonium From Fukushima Made It Around the Planet":

A recently published study in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity confirms that the radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster reached Europe (Lithuania), and included plutonium, the most deadly manmade element (nanogram for nanogram) in existence.

According to the study's authors the radioisotope concentrations measured indicate there was "long-range air mass transport from Japan across the Pacific, the North America and the Atlantic Ocean to Central Europe as indicated by modeling." What this means is that every region under the jet stream -- which includes half of the planet north of its equator -- could have been exposed to some degree of plutonium fall-out; a fact that is all the more disturbing when we consider there is no such thing as a safe level, and that the harm (on the human scale of time) does not dissipate: the half life of plutonium-239 is 24,200 years, and that of uranium-238 is 4,460,000,000 years, which is older than our planet.

Clearly, with anthropogenic radioisotopes like plutonium-239 having the potential of causing harm to biological systems for hundreds of thousands of years, the health implications of this and other meltdowns are profound. The United States, for instance, has many similarly constructed and arguably faultily designed nuclear reactors as the Daiichi model (General Electric's Mark 1 reactors), and in fact, the Miami Florida region's Turkey Point nuclear plant, is not only failing to maintain a safe and stable cooling system, but Florida Power and Light just approved the expansion of the facility, despite the protest of local activists and even area mayors, and the fact that is at extreme risk of becoming the world's next most likely site of a nuclear meltdown. Learn more by reading, "Is Miami on the Brink of a Nuclear Disaster?"

Even if we do not experience an overt nuclear disaster such as a full or partial meltdown, most citizens are unaware that the nuclear power grid regularly emits highly carcinogenic material into the environment, which has been directly linked to increased rates of childhood leukemia in the vicinity of these "properly operating" nuclear units, and that this has been covered up by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for decades. Learn more about the government's previous cover-up of a nuclear meltdown in the Los Angeles region in 1959, and by reading our previous report, "The Nuclear Industry's Ongoing Cancer Cover-Up."

What Can Be Done To Prevent Future Nuclear Disasters?
First, we must transition off the nuclear power energy grid. This can be done through reducing power consumption and/or using alternative and sustainable energy sources. Keep in mind that fracking produces radioactive waste that is directly released into the environment. So don't be "green washed" by terms like "natural gas." Coal-fired plants, also, produce highly radioactive waste called coal fly ash, and which it is believed is being used in covert geoengineering projects to "combat climate change." Solar and wind power are better options, but have what are called "embedded energy" problems, i.e. it takes a huge amount of conventional energy and inherently toxic building materials to produce. This is why alternative and "free energy" are critical, but have historically been suppressed because of the threat they represent to the trillion plus dollar status quo of fossil fuel and nuclear forms of power generation.

Lastly, please consider joining and supporting organizations such as BeyondNuclear.org, and Fairewinds Energy Education, ENEWS.com and The Low Level Radiation Campaign. These are some of the few organizations out there who are fighting to get the truth out about the real risks associated with nuclear energy and the ongoing disaster that it represents.

Lastly, for those concerned about exposure to radiation or low-dose radioisotopes, read our article on the topic, "Tracking & Mitigating Radiation from the Inside Out," or peruse an extensive body of research on natural substances that mitigate nuclear disaster related radiation toxicity.

Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji is founder of Greenmedinfo.com, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.

4号炉には2300トンの核燃料が貯蔵されていた。それが吹き飛んだ。その放射能は世界中にバラ撒かれた。世界各国はそれらを大使館をはじめ多くの施設で測定している。分析の結果ウランやプルトニウムや原子炉由来の鉛が発見された(nuclear explosion: 14,000times nuclear bombs)。白血病のみならずあらゆる疾患が急増している。

[原発・フッ素50] 経団連会長の原発「大ブレ発言」で判った廃炉ビジネス時代の到来  新恭(まぐまぐニュース) 赤かぶ
14. 2019年1月27日 10:00:40 : IQoMiDnFjM : 2nYDhYOfZnM[10]




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