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「Mobile phone data shows that post-pandemic cities like San Francisco, Chicago and Boston are MUCH less busy ? did everyone move or did some DIE?」
(By Ethan Huff Natural News 2023/4/28)
(Natural News) 武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)のおかげで、アメリカの多くの都市のダウンタウンがゴーストタウン化している。
新しい分析によると、サンフランシスコ、シカゴ、ボストンなどのダウンタウンの活動は、パンデミック詐欺事件以来、著しく衰退している - これは携帯電話のデータによるものである。
(Natural News) The downtowns of many American cities have become ghost towns, thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
A new analysis shows that downtown activity in places like San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston has plummeted ever since the scamdemic - this according to mobile phone data.
According to data collected by the University of Toronto School of Cities, as of the fall of 2022, many major downtown population centers are much less busy than they were prior to covid.
Los Angeles, for instance, gained back only two-thirds of its former life, as measured by cell phone activity and this is one of the better comebacks. Other downtowns like Chicago, Vancouver in British Columbia, Seattle, and San Francisco have barely recovered half of their pre-pandemic activity.
“The lull also affects boomtowns of form years like Denver, Atlanta and Houston,” Statista reported.
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