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「Globalists move into the KILL PHASE of human extermination」
(by Mike Adams 2022/6/1)
(Natural News) グローバリストたちは今、自分たちの真の意図を隠そうとするこれまでの戦略をすべて捨て、人類抹殺の「殺戮段階」に移行している。今、彼らは公然と、人類へのエネルギーを断ち、食糧供給の途絶で人々を餓死させ、世界通貨をリセットして人類を貧困に陥れ、ワクチンや致死性薬剤の使用によって人口削減を達成すると堂々と話している。
1. 計画的な飢饉と大量餓死
2. 電気、暖房、燃料を供給するエネルギー・インフラの意図的な解体
3. 殺戮を目的とした生物兵器の多発的流行
4. 従順な大衆に遅効性の安楽死注射を強制するための世界的なワクチン接種義務化
5. 生物圏を崩壊させ世界的な不作を引き起こすための惑星規模の地球工学と気象制御
6. 世界的な貧困化を目的とした世界の負債に基づく不換紙幣の意図的な崩壊
7. 世界の紛争を煽り、ロシアと中国を巻き込んだ世界大戦を引き起こす
8. 経済崩壊を引き起こすためのグローバル・サプライチェーンの制御された破壊
9. プラスチック化学物質、農薬、ホルモンかく乱剤、LGBTグルーミング、トランスジェンダーによる生殖能力破壊
殺戮段階が発動したのだ。(実は、Covid-19からすでに始まっている) 国家指導者たち、特にトルドーやバイデン、ヨーロッパの指導者などWEFに従順な人々のあらゆる決定は、現在から2025年末までの間に最大数の人間の犠牲者を出すように意図されている。グローバリストたちは、Covidワクチンのおかげで2030年までに10億-20億人の死者が出ることをすでに予想している。飢饉、経済崩壊、内戦、生物テロ、核攻撃、グリッドダウンなどのシナリオを重ねると、死者は20億から40億人程度になるであろう。
(Natural News) Globalists are now shifting into their “kill phase” of human extermination, abandoning all their previous strategies of trying to hide their true intentions. Now they openly talk of cutting off energy to humanity, starving people to death with food supply disruptions, resetting the global currencies to plunge humanity into poverty and achieving depopulation through the use of vaccines and deadly medications.
Remember the nine points I published yesterday? There are the attack vectors currently being used against the human race on planet Earth:
1. Engineered famine and mass starvation
2. The deliberate dismantling of the energy infrastructure that provides electricity, heating and fuel
3. Multiple waves of biological weapons designed to kill
4. Global vaccine mandates to coerce the obedient masses into slow-acting euthanasia injections
5. Planetary-scale geoengineering and weather control to collapse the biosphere and cause global crop failures
6. Deliberate collapse of the world’s debt-based fiat currencies to cause global poverty
7. Escalation of global conflicts into world war involving both Russia and China
8. Controlled demolition of the global supply chain to cause economic collapse
9. The destruction of fertility via plastics chemicals, pesticides, hormone disruptors, LGBT grooming and transgenderism
Each of these nine is going to be aggressively accelerated in 2022 - 2025.
The kill phase has been activated. (It actually started in earnest with covid-19.) Every decision by national leaders ― especially among those beholden to the WEF such as Trudeau, Biden and European leaders ― is designed to generate the maximum number of human casualties between now and the end of 2025. Globalists are already on track to see 1-2 billion human beings dead before 2030, thanks to the covid vaccine alone. Layer on the famine, economic collapse, civil wars, biological terrorism, nuclear attacks and grid down scenarios, and you’re looking at around 2-4 billion dead.
It looks like this result ― 25% to 50% of the current human population being exterminated in the years ahead ― is already “baked in” and cannot be reversed. The vaccine death shots, for example, have already been administered to over five billion people. The engineered starvation and food scarcity has already been achieved due to fertilizer shortages, crop failures and food protectionism / nationalism. India, for example, is on the verge of banning rice exports ― a policy that would cause a catastrophic global emergency in food scarcity and famine. (Source:
The fiat currency debt implosion is also an inescapable reality. With the incessant, almost incomprehensible money printing that has taken place across western nations over the last three years, we are far past the point of no return when it comes to the financial solvency of these nations. The currencies of the US, EU and Japan will go up in smoke in the near future, leaving those nations and regions in economic shambles.
The thing is, if national leaders had a real desire to maintain economic sustainability and sanity, the worst case outcomes could be avoided or reduced. But they don’t want to avoid catastrophe… they want to exacerbate it. The leaders of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and other nations are all globalist puppets who are taking orders from anti-human, anti-civilization globalists who are committed to the total destruction of human civilization on planet Earth.
Hear more details in today’s podcast here:
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