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‘Finally’ The Lancet Acknowledges Natural Immunity Superior to mRNA COVID Vaccines
(By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. The Defender 2023/2/17)
「"ついに"ランセット誌がmRNA COVIDワクチンより自然免疫の方が優れていることを認める」
「ランセット誌は、医師や科学者が何年もだまされきたこと、つまり自然免疫の方が実験的ワクチンよりも優れた予防効果を発揮することをついに認めたのです」と、Children's Health Defenseの会長兼訴訟主任弁護士のロバート・F・ケネディJr.氏は述べている。
また、再感染に対する防御率は、omicron BA.1(45.3%)を除くすべての亜種で78.6%であった。
「Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection:
a systematic review and meta-analysis」 (The Lancet pubed 2023/2/16)
=イスラエルの大規模研究 (BonaFidr)」 (拙稿 2021/8/29)
Immunity acquired from past COVID-19 infection provides strong, lasting protection against severe outcomes from the illness at a level “as high if not higher” than that provided by mRNA vaccines, according to a study published Thursday in The Lancet.
Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 65 studies worldwide, providing overwhelming evidence to support what many scientists, doctors and studies have said since early in the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Lancet is finally acknowledging what doctors and scientists have been gaslit for saying for years ― that natural immunity provides superior protection to experimental vaccines,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
“Only the tsunami of propaganda and censorship from the pharma/government biosecurity cartel and the controlled media persuaded the public that Pfizer and Moderna were better at protecting the human immune system than God and evolution,” he added.
The study found that immunity acquired from infection was often far more robust and consistently waned more slowly than the immunity from two doses of an mRNA vaccine.
The researchers found that natural immunity was at least 88.9% effective against severe disease, hospitalization and death for all COVID-19 variants 10 months after infection.
It also provided 78.6% protection against reinfection for all variants except omicron BA.1, for which protection was 45.3%.
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