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「DeSantis says covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet”」
(Natural News 2022/12/16)
「デサンティス・フロリダ州知事 『"グローバリストのエリート達が人口削減のため"Covidワクチンを利用している』」
(Natural News) フォックス・ニュースの「ザ・イングラハム・エンジェル」に出演したフロリダ州知事のロン・デサンティス氏は、Covidワクチン大規模接種の目的の一つは"人口削減"であると警告した。
「あなたはmRNAワクチンを打ち、それで大丈夫だと。でもどのようなメリットありますか?」 デサンティスは司会者のローラ・イングラハムにそう言った。「それでデメリットは何ですか?我々の医療機関は、潜在的な危険性について、人々に正直に話そうとしなかったと思います」
「フロリダのラダポ博士の動画を見ましたね。mRNAワクチンを打った人々、とくに若い男性について、博士が行った分析です」 (関連記事: 3月、デサンティスは、子供たちにはCovidワクチンを打つべきではないと警告した)
■ フロリダ州、"エビデンスに基づく医療 "を行うCDCに似た州委員会を設立
「デサンティス・フロリダ州知事 ファイザーとモデルナがCovid"ワクチン"について
虚偽の主張をした責任を追及すると約束 (Natural News)」 (拙稿 2022/12/13)
『世界経済フォーラムのようなものの政策はフロリダでは通用しない』 (You訳)」
(拙稿 2022/11/19)
大胆にワシントンと衝突するも、フロリダ州の子供たちを守る (Gateway Pundit)」
(拙稿 2022/6/20)
(Natural News) In an appearance on Fox News‘ “The Ingraham Angle,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warned that one of the goals of mass-jabbing the planet for covid is to “depopulate” it.
In seeking accountability for criminal vaccine manufacturers and government officials who pushed their shots, DeSantis suggested that “globalist elites” concocted these abominations as part of a worldwide genocide effort.
“You take an mRNA shot and the way to view it is, okay, what are the benefits?” DeSantis told host Laura Ingraham. “And what are the drawbacks? And it seems like our medical establishment never wanted to be honest with people about the potential drawbacks.”
“And so, you showed a clip from Dr. Ladapo down here in Florida, and the analysis that he’s done with people, particularly young men who’ve taken the mRNA shots.” (Related: Back in March, DeSantis warned that children should not get jabbed for covid.)
Other countries have already pulled these injections from the market due to what has been uncovered, but here in the United States they are not only still available but also being pushed by the establishment.
It is clear, DeSantis further explained, that the “drawbacks outweigh the benefits.” This is based on analyses from independent researchers, many of them located outside the United States, who took the time to investigate these poisons.
“Look, at the end of the day, what we’re looking for is to provide truth, to provide accurate data and provide accurate analysis,” DeSantis said.
“And we had a great researcher from Denmark. Laura, Denmark does not allow people under 50, unless they have pre-existing conditions, to get the mRNA shots, because they’ve analyzed it, and said that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.”
Florida creating state panel similar to CDC that will perform “evidence-based medicine”
While some researchers claim that getting jabbed does, in some cases, reduce the risk of death, many others show the opposite. Not only that, but almost every honest analysis reveals that getting injected for the Chinese Flu increases the risk of other types of mortality.
DeSantis pointed out that, contrary to industry and government claims, excess mortality has not gone down since the launch of Operation Warp Speed. To the contrary, there have been many more deaths than usual all across the board ever since the shots were introduced.
“And so, we have now a panel that we’ve created in Florida, that is effectively going to function the way a CDC should function, and basically do evidence-based medicine, take study seriously that counteract the narrative and be willing to ask questions and go where the data leads,” DeSantis added.
From the beginning, DeSantis went on to state, Florida has led the way in fighting the federal government’s jab mandates. Even though Florida did impose many of the same restrictions as the rest of the country early on, DeSantis claims to have fought against compulsory injection when others were not.
“The authoritarians were the ones that wanted to mandate the vax on people; I protected people from having that happen and made sure Floridians could make their own choice,” he said about his position.
“The authoritarians wanted to institute a vaccine passport system, almost like a social credit system. So that people who dissented from this would be marginalized from society entirely. We rejected that. And we banned it. So, we were from the very beginning, helping people make their own decisions, but not using either the coercive power of the state or allowing big corporations to condition those choices.”
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