Public execution of Abe. The bullet from the left direction entered the right supraclavicular area, then suddenly reversed and went around the right subclavicular area. The bullet went toward the heart in the lower left direction and made a large round hole in the heart wall. The bullet suddenly reversed, went to the upper left clavicle, turned sharply to the left, and was ejected from the left shoulder. This abruptly rotating bullet is a mistake. The truth, as rumored, is as follows. After the fall, the most recent person pressed the muzzle of the gun against the upper right clavicle and fired, the bullet entered, and the bullet headed downward to the left and made a large hole in the heart wall. The gunman felt that the trajectory was slightly too longitudinal and mistook it for an abdominal injury. Therefore, the second shot was fired again with the muzzle angle corrected from above the right clavicle to the left, but the angle was too left and not toward the heart, and the bullet ejected from the left shoulder. The autopsy reported that the bullet entered from the right supraclavicular area and ejected into the left shoulder, intentionally not mentioning the large hole of the gunshot wound in the heart wall. The bullet in the body was concealed. 安部の公開処刑 左方向からの弾丸は、右鎖骨上に射入後に、急反転して右鎖骨下に回り込んだ。弾丸は左下方向の心臓に向かい心臓壁に丸い大きな穴をあけた。弾丸は急反転し、左鎖骨上方に向かい、左に急転回し、左肩から射出された。この、急転回する弾丸は間違いである。 真実は噂のように以下である。転倒後、直近の人物が、右鎖骨上に銃口を押し当てて銃撃し、弾丸を射入し、弾丸は左下に向かい心臓壁に大きな穴をあけた。銃撃者は、弾道がやや縦方向過ぎと感じて、腹部損傷と勘違いした。そこで、2発目は右鎖骨上から左方向に銃口の角度を修正して再銃撃したが、角度が左方向過ぎて心臓方向に向かず、弾丸は左肩から射出した。 剖検では、心臓壁の銃創の大きな穴にはわざと言及せず、弾丸は、右鎖骨上から射入し、左肩への射出したと報告した。体内の弾丸は隠蔽した。