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(回答先: 【英文記事ばかりですが……】ポップスターたちの反戦運動 投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2003 年 3 月 04 日 23:55:43)
WA25 172 2003/3/04 23:55:43
――2月下旬に「Musicians United to Win Without War」という音楽家たち
なお、「Musicians United to Win Without War」のホームページは
●ちなみに……「Win without War」というキーワードでグーグル検索すると
●Anti-War Gets It Wrong
Get the Facts before hopping on the
Win Without War Bandwagon
We Can Win - WOW - WithOut War
Let the Inspections Work!
●なお、私自身は、「Win without War」というスローガンは変だと思います。
どうして「勝ち負け」にこだわるのか? アメリカ流のエセ民主主義を
犯罪になることだってありうるのです。 ……傲慢はダメよ、ってことです。
★ ★ ★
Byrne, Simmons: Musicians against war
Peace refrain
Monday, March 3, 2003 Posted: 12:23 PM EST (1723 GMT)
Editor's Note: CNN Access is a regular feature on CNN.com providing interviews with newsmakers from around the world.
●引用:「Before our men go to war and before maybe hundreds of thousands people die, before we spend $200 billion, we should voice our opposition to the idea of going to war.」
―― Russell Simmons
●写真:Former Talking Heads lead singer David Byrne says "artists speak from their heart."
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Some of the biggest names in music are voicing their opposition to military action in Iraq.
Almost 60 artists have formed a protest group called Musicians United to Win Without War. Among those leading the movement are David Byrne, former lead singer of the band Talking Heads, and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons.
Byrne and Simmons joined CNN anchor Bill Hemmer on Monday to talk about their position.
BILL HEMMER, CNN ANCHOR: What do you want to accomplish with this?
DAVID BYRNE, MUSICIAN: We would like that there shouldn't be a rush to war. It feels like we're rushing into something. The inspections are working. The missiles are being dismantled, and that's great.
HEMMER: So your message is time? You're not necessarily saying no war?
RUSSELL SIMMONS: Let me say also you have to accept yes for an answer. The fact is we can use power over force here. We've already started a process. The world is focused on Iraq. If disarmament is our real mission, then I believe we can certainly accomplish that. But if not, we can certainly contain them.
HEMMER: But at some point, do you support war?
SIMMONS: Let me just say $200 billion? The war on ignorance and poverty is a war that we have never really put resources to. And I believe, yes, we can contain the war and, yes, we should look to all kinds of other resources that we have, especially our power and our allies to help us with this problem.
HEMMER: Tell me, why should people listen to your message?
BYRNE: We're just like anybody else who has common sense. We read the papers, watch TV and listen to what people say on the street. We talk to our friends. It's the only reason.
HEMMER: The reason I bring that up, though, is celebrities often attach themselves to a project and because of your high profile -- that's why we have you here.
SIMMONS: Our voices are more well liked and [have established] an importance across the world to [more] young people than George Bush.
写真:Simmons says the U.S. should focus on the war on poverty instead of a war against Iraq.
HEMMER: I want to pick up on that point in a second. Rick Lyman of "The New York Times" wrote a piece this past weekend. In it, he says the question is, "With so many celebrities spouting off, does anyone care anymore?" Your thoughts on whether or not the public listens.
SIMMONS: Absolutely. I just said Jay Z. I said he's probably more well liked and respected across the world by young [people] than is Colin Powell. It's very important, that these people's [voices], who speak for the masses, are heard. So people who think like they think, who are compassionate, and want to operate out of love versus fear and anger, there are other people that speak their language and who represent them.
HEMMER: David, pick up on this point. Rick also writes, no one seems to have done any empirical studies on whether attaching a celebrity to an idea makes that idea more attractive to people. Do you think it does with your status and standing?
BYRNE: Well, I think a lot of people who will listen to an artist because they believe that artists speak from their heart. That's what their job is. That's what they do in their career, in their life's work, and presumably, that's what they do when they speak out about something. They don't have ulterior motives. They're not trying to get something over. They're speaking from their heart, and they don't have some hidden agenda.
HEMMER: Russell, you mentioned hip-hop. The influence of Puff Daddy, Jay Z, and there are others who have climbed on board as well. They're speaking to a much younger demographic.
SIMMONS: Remember when they said, 'Hell no, we won't go'? The fact is, the war was over. [It was because of] young people and their input. They don't have to be involved every day in the process. They have hearts and they have common sense. Most Americans have common sense, and when they hear things that make common sense, they respond.
HEMMER: Do you believe, Russell, your position may have a negative impact on the men and women right now serving overseas, on the ground, in the desert in Kuwait when they hear voices of opposition?
SIMMONS: Well, I believe it's very important now because before our men go to war and before maybe hundreds of thousands people die, before we spend $200 billion, we should voice our opposition to the idea of going to war.
HEMMER: Thank you, men. David Byrne, Russell Simmons, good luck to you, all right? Appreciate the give and take.
BYRNE: Thank you.
SIMMONS: Thank you.
●CNNが報じた「Musicians United to Win Without War 」
Musicians join with antiwar group
Friday, February 28, 2003 Posted: 11:17 AM EST (1617 GMT)
写真:Russell Simmons, left, co- founder of Def Jam Recordings, discusses his opposition to war with Iraq as musician David Byrne looks on Thursday.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A varied group of musicians -- from Russell Simmons to Lou Reed -- have joined forces with the antiwar group Win Without War to voice their continuing disenchantment with the Bush administration's policy on Iraq.
"I remember the Cuban missile crisis. That was right off our shore. We didn't go to war then," said classic musician Lou Reed, who watched the Twin Towers fall from his apartment in downtown Manhattan. "We don't have to go to war with Iraq. I think you should try everything conceivable first."
Asserting that the loose coalition -- called Musicians United to Win Without War -- is joining a growing chorus of protest against war with Iraq, Def Jam Recordings founder Russell Simmons promised a mobilization of younger Americans.
Referring to popular rap artists, he said, "Puffy is certainly more well-liked and well-known across the world than George Bush" and "Jay-Z is much more liked and well-known across the world than Colin Powell."
The group didn't give specifics on what they plan to do to voice their protest, although Talking Heads lead singer David Byrne said the group is in discussions with publications to continue their ad campaign, hoping to reach different audiences.
In response to a question about musicians feeling pressure not to speak out for fear of retribution, Byrne remarked, "You're talking about the Grammys, right? We weren't allowed to say anything, right?" implying that CBS, the network that aired the awards show, did stifle artists' desire to speak out against the war during the live broadcast.
Simmons wants the money that may be spent on war -- which some observers have projected as high as $200 billion -- to be spent on fighting the war on poverty.
"We are threatened as Americans because of the way our president carries himself," Simmons said. "He's the biggest threat in the world."
He added, "Don't misunderstand me," about Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. "But Saddam is the Iraqi's problem. George Bush is our problem as Americans."
The Def Jam founder said this statement did not reflect all the group members' feelings about Bush.
Tom Andrews, the national director of Win Without War, joined the musicians in the press conference and welcomed them to the coalition.
The group provided a long list of musicians who are taking part, including Rosanne Cash, R.E.M. lead singer Michael Stipe, Dave Matthews, Peter Gabriel and Suzanne Vega.
( 2001/08/06 )
シモンズは7月25日に開かれた公聴会にオブザーバーとして参加し、公聴会の最後に発言を許された。その発言の中で彼は、ラップ業界のリーダーたちは大人・親たちが心配していることを承知しており、その対応策の一つとして、(ラップの)歌詞の約70%を各ミュージ シャンのホームページで調べることができると語った。
(画像は、1985年から制度化されている過激な歌詞 が含まれていることを示すラベル)
ラッセル・シモンズは、2000年9月に連邦通商委員会が発表した、過激な内容を持つアルバム29枚の内22枚がアフリカン・アメリカンによるヒップホップだというレポートに注目し、それにも関わらず当人たちの誰一人として公聴会に呼ばれないのは不自然であると主張し ている。上院の姿勢自体がこの問題に対し、音楽の中味ばかりを取り上げ、その音楽を実際に作ったものたちとの会話を自らが壁を作ることで拒んでいるとも指摘している。
米政府が「ラップに規制を」と警告/ 連邦通 商委が報告書発表
( 2001/04/25 )
アメリカのレコード産業は、過激な歌詞で子どもたちに影響を与える恐れのあるラップ・ミュージックに対して、ガイドラインを敷くことに失敗している----連邦通商委員会The Federal Trade Commission は、2001年4月末に発表した報告書で、このように厳しく指摘した。
連邦通商委は今回の報告書に先立ち、前年9月に最初のレポートを発表している。これによると、レコード産業は子どもたちに対して「7歳向け」「12歳向け」「16歳向け」と細かく歌詞の内容を替えるよう指摘したものの、何ら適切な動きが見られないと批判していた。新しい報告書では、映画、ビデオ、ゲームの業界 が効果的な規制に成功しているにも関わらず、音楽では 過激な内容の商品が容易に子どもの手に届いているとし、エミネムを発売しているインタースコープ・レーベルなどを例に挙げて攻撃した。
これに対し、アメリカ・レコード産業協会RIAAは、音楽は娯楽産業の一部でしかないとし、「クリーン」な 歌詞に替えた商品を制作するよう要望するしかないと応 えている。
● ……ついでに、これは“ゴリラズ”という音楽ユニットがアフガニスタン
( 2001/11/09 )
アニメ・キャラクターを使い人気を呼んでいるゴリラズ(写真:http://www.beats21.com/article/A0111/A01110902/01-obj01.jpg) の中心人物、デイモン・アルバーンが、2001年11月8日、ドイツのフランクフルトで行われた「MTV Europe Award 」で、核兵器廃絶と米軍によるアフガニスタンへの爆撃停止を訴えた。
ゴリラズは、デビュー盤 『Gorillaz』(バージン)からのシングル「クリント・イーストウッド」で「ベスト・ソング」と「ベスト・ダンス・アーティスト」の2部門を受賞したが、同授賞式に出席したアルバーンは下記のようなメッセージをアピールした。
ピース・マークのTシャツを着たアルバーンは「(このTシャツは)核廃絶キャンペーン(CND:The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)のシンボルなんだ。世界でも最貧国の一つに爆撃を加えることは悪だ。君たちも声があるんだから、それを使わなければ」と語った。
ゴリラズは、ブラーBlurのアルバーンが、チボ・マットのミホ・ハットリやトム・トム・クラブのティナ・ウェイマウスらと結成、ジェイミー・ヒューレット が描くアニメ・キャラクター4人を「正式なメンバー」とし2000年にスタートしている。
Gorillaz http://www.gorillaz.com/