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http://www.pref.toyama.jp/sections/1302/kannihon/daily/01/r01/r01_09.htm「Daily ロシア] 2001年9月 (環日本海に関する報道記事から抜粋、掲載)から抜粋し、日程を並べ変えてみると、その前後の異常に緊迫した状況が良く分かる。
9月3日■ 世界人種会議 イスラエルの非難決議を採択 ペレス外相は反発
9月4日■ シャロン首相がモスクワ入り 公式訪問を開始
【モスクワ石郷岡建】イスラエルのシャロン首相は3日夜、モスクワ入りし、3日間のロシア公式訪問を開始した。 プーチン大統領、カシヤノフ首相、イワノフ外相らロシア指導部と会談し、険悪化の一途をたどるイスラエル・パレスチナ情勢などを協議する。
9月5日■ エルサレム中心街で 16人負傷 パレスチナ過激派
■ ロシアを初訪問 プーチン大統領と会談
2001/09/05■日本経済新聞■ プーチン大統領はクレムリンでシャロン・イスラエル首相と会談し、パレスチナとの交渉の早期開催を求めたが、和平に向けた進展は見出せなかった。
9月6日■ ロシアが中東に特使派遣
9月7日■ また暗殺作戦 イスラエル軍武装ヘリがPLO活動家の車を攻撃
9月8日■ 中東問題で折衝を続行 人種差別撤廃会議 ■ イスラエル外相、パレスチナ議長と来週にも会談明言 停戦目指し
9月9日■ 奴隷貿易「人道に対する罪」 差別撤廃会議
9月10日■ 自爆テロなど7人死亡 自治区に報復攻撃 ■ イスラエル警察、自治政府幹部を一時拘束
9月11日■ 人種差別撤廃 南北の亀裂克服の第一歩に ■ アラファト議長とイスラエルのペレス外相 会談へ
9月12日■ 揺らぐブッシュ政権 米で同時多発テロ ■ パレスチナ自治区ジェニン周囲封鎖 ■ 米心臓部標的に衝撃 同時多発テロ 反米組織の影
9月13日■ 米同時テロ 中東にも暗い影 和平交渉の再開見えず ■ 「組織が独走」の可能性 米同時テロ攻撃 ■ イスラエル軍の戦車が一時侵攻 自治区ジェニン
9月14日■ ヨルダン川西岸 パレスチナ治安施設を攻撃
9月15日■ 反米感情 庶民にも ■ 私はこう見る・2回目 最大の敗者はパレスチナ
9月17日■ ブッシュパパも狙われていた!!
This article appears in the November 30, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
LaRouche Evaluates Putin-Bush
Cooperation in Growing Crisis
by Paul Gallagher
Having publicly broadcast within minutes of the attacks on Sept. 11, that calm collaboration between President George Bush and Russia's President Vladimir Putin was the essential response, Lyndon LaRouche on Nov. 17 evaluated that collaboration, as the crucial factor which has in fact "stopped, but not crushed" an intended coup by a rogue U.S. military-intelligence faction against the Presidency.
LaRouche said the war in Afghanistan was secondary to the continuing, intense drive by this faction -- co-thinkers of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, and Samuel Huntington -- to force President Bush into a disastrous global war against Islamic nations. That coup d'rtat drive has been thwarted through the Putin-Bush cooperation beginning with Putin's urgent call to Bush on Air Force One on the morning of Sept. 11, but not thoroughly defeated.
Recovery From Depression at Stake
LaRouche spoke in Mainz, Germany at the party congress of the Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity on Nov. 17 (see full text, in this section), just after the Putin-Bush summit in Texas had ended, where both Presidents had strongly emphasized the urgency of their direct communications on the day of the deadly attacks. LaRouche said, "We have to eliminate certain myths about the events of Sept. 11 in the United States. What happened ... was a coup d'etat attempt, against the Presidency of George Bush, by a military faction, at a very high level." He compared this to the period of early 1933, when the world financial system was collapsing as now: International fascist financial and political circles not only made a coup in Germany, bringing Hitler to power, but also planned an assassination and coup to prevent Franklin D. Roosevelt from holding the Presidency.
Concerning the "attack from the inside" on Sept. 11, LaRouche continued, "The purpose was, to implement the policy of Zbigniew Brzezinski -- a clash of civilizations war -- in which a billion Muslims would be killing one another, and also everybody else in sight, as a result of being enraged, by a combination of what is happening in the Middle East, and the expansion of that to a broader war."
Such global religious war-fighting would deliberately destroy the Eurasian cooperation for economic development and recovery from the worldwide economic depression -- on which Putin has staked great efforts.
"What Russia has been doing," said LaRouche, "beginning with the Primakov effort as Prime Minister, and continued since then by Putin, in his negotiations -- is to do what we proposed, earlier and during that period; to bring about a system of cooperation in Eurasia, which would be based on the power centers of agreement among Russia, China, and India; bringing other nations of Eurasia into economic cooperation around this; and, in cooperation with Western Europe, as a provider of technology into these areas, where development is needed.... Eurasian cooperation is the solution."
LaRouche described the events of the hours of Sept. 11 during which President Bush was attempting to face multiple crises, and received a first call from President Putin, the importance of which Bush continues publicly to stress. Putin assured him that "we are going to help you" -- that Russian forces would not go on alert in response to the mobilization level of the U.S. military, and that Russia would give the American President full backing. LaRouche evaluated this strong support from Putin, as having caused "an epiphany" for Bush, facing a crisis whose magnitude was so unexpected and for which he was not prepared. The development of that backing has been decisive: "The President of the United States intervened, with the help of the President of Russia, to turn [back] a coup d'etat against the United States government. So, the coup d'etat has not been crushed, but it did not succeed."
The World War IV Cabal
Brzezinski had already publicly denigrated the Bush-Putin Texas summit, in the Washington Post, calling it a distraction from what the United States should do unilaterally. But the furious public war-cries against Secretary of State Colin Powell's Nov. 18 statements on Middle East peace, coming from co-thinkers of Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle of the Defense Department, showed more clearly the continuing threat of the enemy LaRouche has been pointing to for months.
Only one of many assaults on the announced U.S. peace effort, was a violent Nov. 20 Wall Street Journal attack by Eliot Cohen, who is close to Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz. "Afghanistan constitutes just one front in World War IV," bellowed Cohen (who strangely considers the Cold War to have been World War III). "The enemy in this war is not terrorism, ... but militant Islam." Similar war-calls appeared in other Journal editorial columns, the New York Post of Rupert Murdoch and the "Mega" Zionist banking circles, etc.
LaRouche warned, over that weekend of the Mainz conference, that this faction still seeks generalized war against Islam, even though its policy has not been adopted by the Bush Administration. There is a battle in which Israel is one of the key cockpits: The military command there is set to unleash general war, and only U.S.-Russia coopeation can stop them. He further warned that this faction seeks the "war of civilizations" in order to attack what are still its bigger targets -- Russia and China. "The real issue is whether we're going into World War III," LaRouche said.
President Putin's urgent deployment to head off this world war faction, beginning with his discussions with Bush on and immediately after Sept. 11, also featured his powerful intervention in Germany in late September. Speaking to the German Chancellor and Parliament on Sept. 25, Putin "judoed the war script." He told the West as a whole that a successful war on terrorism meant finally ending the cold war: no more use of terrorist formations by one power against another in irregular warfare; ending the drug traffic rather than using it to weaken adversaries; cracking down on money-laundering; a common perspective of development for all Eurasia. Following that came his summit negotiations with Bush and Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the Shanghai summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC). There, Putin again stated "Russia's Eurasian mission," in terms of great projects of economic development, and made specific commitments for joint action against international terrorism.
The Putin-Bush cooperation, LaRouche noted, has so far successfully limited the military action since Sept. 11, to forces in Afghanistan which were a major security threat to Russia and to other Eurasian nations. "The United States," he pointed out, "or part of it, had been financing support, through the Taliban, for disrupting Russia! What happened after Sept. 11, when the President of Russia, in fact, rescued the United States from a coup d'etat, by his intervention (if indirectly, nonetheless effectively). A new agreement was struck."
altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2002.10.09.現在391号発行済)
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