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17 June 2002 :
Karzai Politically Manipulates Loya Jirga
Report (Azzam) :
It seems as if increasing differences have crept into the ranks of the Loya Jirga, due to the fact that Karzai has failed to announce a list of members for his new cabinet to this assembly.
Karzai informed the attendees at the Loya Jirga, that he would not give them a list of new members of his cabinet, despite the fact that the majority of those present wished to be directly involved in this task.
The supporters of Karzai, however, claim that Karzai should be allowed to choose his own cabinet, since he was voted in with such a 'landslide' majority.
Approximately 111 Members of Parliament were to be elected before the end of this Loya Jirga on Sunday.
However, Karzai has reportedly said that he will form a group from amongst the Loya Jirga in order to choose these members, a 'mini parliament' if you like.
It is believed that the eventual announcement of members of Karzai's cabinet will be to the National Assembly or the mini parliament instead of the Loya Jirga, as originally believed.
Karzai is to continue to head the interim government of falsehood until 2004, when elections are to be held in Afghanistan.
Some sources are suggesting that Karzai had no intention to announce the members of his cabinet to the Loya Jirga, since it may well have given rise to new conflict amongst the Afghans that were present.
These early signs of shrewd political manipulation from Karzai, gives a slight hint to the evil and corruption of the rulers that will undoubtedly become widespread over Afghanistan and its people.
Aid Agencies Attacked; French Aid Worker Raped
After recent attacks on aid agencies in Eastern Afghanistan, together with the reported rape of a French woman, there are chances that aid activities will be stopping.
The UN delegate for Afghanistan, Al-Akdhar Ibrahimi, has met with three top commanders in the region including Gen.Dostum, Atta Muhammad and Haji Muhammad Muhaqiq regarding this incident.
How sickening it is that hundreds of the families of the Arab and Taliban Mujahideen were bombarded and killed in the Crusader bombings of the past few months, and yet there came very little international outcry to this oppression and mass slaughter.
May Allah make an example of these disbelievers and hypocrites for our history to bear witness to.
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