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(回答先: Japan poised to nationalise bank(英タイムズ) 投稿者 FP親衛隊国家保安本部 日時 2002 年 11 月 14 日 11:52:58)
Business chief warns of Japanese banks' frailty
By John Thornhill, Asia Editor, and David Ibison in Tokyo
http://search.ft.com/search/article.html?id=021114000674&query=Okuda&vsc_appId=totalSearch&state=FormASIA-PACIFIC: Business chief warns of Japanese banks' frailty
By John Thornhill, Asia Editor, and David Ibison in Tokyo
No publication details available;
Hiroshi Okuda, chairman of the Japanese Business Federation, which lobbies government on behalf of industry, warned yesterday that two of Japan's four largest banks would be in a "fragile" state if the so-called Takenaka plan was strictly implemented.
Mr Okuda said measures proposed by Heizo Takenaka, minister for the economy and financial services, to resolve Japan's banking crisis meant some of the big four could breach an 8 per cent capital adequacy ratio limit set by the Bank for International Settlements.
"If I am blunt, two [banks] are very solid but the other two are fragile," he said.
Mr Okuda did not name the banks, but private sector analysts have previously singled out Mizuho, the largest bank in the world in terms of assets, and UFJ, Japan's fourth-largest bank, as the weakest of the large lenders.
Mr Okuda's comments will serve as another blunt reminder to the banks that they must take urgent action to avert a breach of the BIS limit if they are to stand any chance of avoiding an injection of public funds and partial nationalisation.
Under the Takenaka plan, this would involve a rapid move to offload a sizeable number of bad loans to either the Resolution and Collection Corporation or a new body, tentatively called the Industrial Reconstruction Corporation.
Senior bankers at the four largest banks have sought to water down Mr Takenaka's proposals, and at one point threatened to sue him if they were implemented. However, they are under unprecedented pressure from the office of Junichiro Koizumi, the prime minister, to resolve the bad loan issue.
Standard & Poor's, the credit rating agency, yesterday downgraded its equity investment ratings on all four banks, Mizuho, MTFG, UFJ and SMBC, rating UFJ and Mizuho the lowest. It said the more aggressive approach towards bad loans promised by the Financial Services Agency, and other aspects of the Takenaka plan, indicated all four would report losses in fiscal 2002.
Mr Okuda, who is also the chairman of Toyota Motor, the world's third-largest carmaker, did not play down the impact of the banking reforms on the broader economy, hinting that something significant - such as the bankruptcy of a large company - could happen as early as next month.
He added that the country should expect "a great number of small and medium-sized enterprises [to] go bankrupt [and] a lot of unemployed people", but that "Japan is naturally anticipating such consequences and is judiciously preparing a safety net".
The debate over the size of any safety net - which would be financed by an extra budget - intensified yesterday after Masajuro Shiokawa, finance minister, said he expected a tax shortfall of between Y2,700bn (€22.33bn) and Y2,800bn this year.
A budget committee meeting on Monday next week is set to discuss the size of the additional spending package.
* The Japanese economy extended its recovery from its worst post-war recession in the third quarter, writes Mariko Sanchanta in Tokyo, but data released yesterday revealed that the rebound was losing momentum amid a slowdown in exports. The news prompted the stock market to fall to a 19-year low and government bonds to rally to four-year highs.
Gross domestic product in the July-September quarter grew 0.7 per cent in real terms and 3 per cent on an annualised basis, exceeding economists' forecasts. The government also upwardly revised first and second-quarter GDP figures, extending Japan's expansion to three consecutive quarters.
But the sustainability of the Japan's recovery - thus far supported largely by external demand - was thrown into doubt yesterday, as exports made a negative contribution to GDP for the first time in a year.
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