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アメリカから流出したサウジマネーは2000億ドル以上 ― アフマド・ザキ元石油相  【Jihad Unspun】 投稿者 ドメル将軍 日時 2002 年 10 月 05 日 18:56:55:

(回答先: 金融市場からサウジマネーが逃げ出した?〜2000億ドルが米市場から流出との噂に関係者はパニックに陥ったが…(ニューズウィーク日本版2002年10月2日号) 投稿者 FP親衛隊国家保安本部 日時 2002 年 10 月 04 日 14:15:58)

Saud's Say Investors Have Withdrawn 200 Billion From US

Oct 05, 2002 Dharb-i-Momin, Translated by Jihad Unspun

Saudi Ex- Petroleum Minister Ahmad Zaki Alimani has said that according to his reliable sources, the money drawn by Saudi investors from American banks is much more than the media reported.
He said that Saudi investors have drawn more that 200 billion US dollars.
He expressed his views while giving an interview to the German Magazine, The M Euro.
Ahmad Zaki was in the Petroleum ministry for a long time and is one of the founding members of OPEC.
Recently, international media reported Saudi investors have withdrawn 2 billion dollars from 18 billion dollars invested in American and European banks however Ahmad Zaki denies this, saying the figure of 200 billion dollars.


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