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民主党上院議員が暗殺されることは絶対確実である(for absolute certainty)、と昨年5月25日、つまり、911事件の4か月前、炭疽菌が2人の民主党上院議員のところに送りつけられた事件の6か月前に、以下のように予測する文章が発表されていました。この予測内容の正確さには愕然ときています。このさいとは、どうやらブッシュ父大統領が911の超度正確に10年前、すなわち、1991年の9月11日に発表した構想・コンセプトである、いわゆる「新世界秩序」(NOW=New World Order)がいかに欺瞞に満ちた、搾取的なしろものかをウォッチし警告することを専門としたサイトのようです。彼らの2つの記事を最後部にコピーし、その要点だけを以下に記します。
ちなみに、ウエルストーン民主党上院議員はイラク参戦反対、911事件独立調査定委員会の設置に賛成、国家安全保障省設置反対の票を投じた人物で、ブッシュに敵対する位置にある人物で、”radical Liberal”(苛烈な自由主義者)と呼ばれているようで、60年代反戦運動以降でもっとも最もリベラルな政治家といわれています(ただし、彼は反テロ法である愛国者法に賛成しており、さらにリベラルな米国緑の党からは右よりとの評判)。彼は、民主党内ですら放置されていた健康保険の全入化を推進。一般民衆の声を代表する政治家として非常に尊敬されていました。彼の投票内容をみると、ブッシュに代表される支配層の超巨大権力にひとり立ち向かっていたドンキホーテといった位置関係にあります。大学レスリング選手権チャンピオンとなったことがあり、上院に立候補するまえまで政治学を講じていました。たいへん小柄な人物ですが、けなげにも巨大権力に挑む彼に、暗黒勢力は全力で襲い掛かったかたちです。今回の中間選挙はイラク戦争を巡る極めて重要な選挙です。国連を抜きに、米英がイラク戦争をはじめた場合、第三次世界大戦ヘの前章となる可能性が高く、その意味で今度の選挙はアメリカにとっても、世界にとっても歴史的に決定的な意味を持つものです。民主/共和がほぼ同数にある上院情況では、彼の死が与えるインパクトははかり知れません。歴史の趨勢が決まった観があります。先日のイラク戦争反対でも行進でも、彼の名前をプラカードにした人々が非常に多く、彼はここまで反戦平和のシンボルであったのか、良心を代表する政治家だったのか。それを悲痛かつ切実な気持ちで知りました。
記事2 (2002年、10月25日=ウエルストーン議員の死亡直後に発表)
ウエルストーン上院議員の墜落死は暗殺であり、われわれが昨年予測したとおりの 結果となった。記事で説明したブッシュ父の暗殺チームによる、100%の仕業である。2年前のカーナハン上院議員候補の飛行機墜落死はやはり、暗殺によるもの。当時、(現FBI長官)共和党の上院議員アシュクロフトの再選阻止のため立候補した民主党カーナハン候補は選挙終盤あと2週間を残して、飛行機事故で死んだ。今回のウエルストーン議員の死に際し、メディアがこの事件を不思議なほどまったとりあげていない。
(投稿者注:アシュクロフトはキリスト教原理主義勢力に属している。カーナハンが飛行機事故に見せ掛けた暗殺にあったのは2年前の同じ週だった。カーナハン陣営はアシュクロフトに代表されるreligious fanatism(宗教的狂信)に挑んでいた。投票用紙には、カーナハン候補の妻の名が記載されるほど、民主党支持者はアシュクロフトをきらっていた。JFKジュニア、カーナハン、ウエルストーン墜落死事件に共通することは、飛行機が墜落していない時点で、既に通信が不能になっている点である))
Democratic Senator to be Assassinated Soon.ハ
Assassination teams actively preparing hit
May 25th 2001 - by Voxfux
Within months, one of a selected group of democratic Senators, likely from a state with a Republican Governor, will meet an untimely death. The death will appear to be either a plane メaccidentモ or by メnatural causes,モ - Whichever is most easily accomplished. The reality will in fact be that the Senator was one of a group of several Senators (Narrowed down into a group of メSelectsモ) targeted for assassination and was the one who was in the right place at the right time for the most convenient and clean "hit.モ
You will see, within in the coming months, for absolutely certainty, the untimely death of at least one Democratic Senator, to "rebalance the scale". The private covert intelligence groups behind George Bush Sr. are extraordinarily well funded with petrochemical billions. They are deadly, work completely autonomously, in a terrorist formation identical to a terrorist organization, and are absolutely religiously dedicated to accomplishing their objectives. They will not rest until the Senate is under the control once again of the darkest force ever to seize control of the American Empire - The clandestine industrial / military / intelligence triad who is currently represented by George Bush Jr.
Few have the ability to comprehend the machinations of this dark force. It is beyond the scope of our メJournalists.モ And only a few intellectuals still remain who will even dare to approach this grim reality. But is a reality. This triad will employ cells of ex-military/CIA "cutouts" whose mission will be to carefully eliminate one of a selected group of Democratic Senators. Once, one of the senators is eliminated the mission is complete, the tracks get covered, the evidence quickly cleaned up and the history books will once again inscribe a lie for all of posterity to suck on. And we will never know the true nature of our world and especially the dark force which now controls the world and the writing of those history books.
The mission is already underway and several "candidates" are being evaluated for extermination. The method of elimination is also being evaluated and will be narrowed down to one of several choices. One being a carefully planned "plane crash." Another is through the delivery of certain biological agents to the Senator.
If the mode of assassination is to be "Natural" causes - then the cause of death will almost certainly be by chemical or biological agent delivered to the senator by this private covert intelligence group. If the Senator dies of a sudden respiratory illness it will most assuredly be an Anthrax hit - From a strain of Anthrax manufactured before 1977 (When Bush was ousted as CIA Chief). As always careful attention will be paid to limiting inquiry into any autopsy or coroner investigations. If the premature death event, occurs prior to the next Senatorial midterm elections, and is of "natural causes" the Senate must urgently resolve to conduct multiple and independent examinations into the ACTUAL cause of death, likely to be an anthrax or other chemical or biological agent - NOT NATURAL CAUSES.
If the death occurs just prior to the midterm senatorial elections, expect it to be in a state with a close race. Expect a メMel Carnahanモ style hit.
If it is a plane crash, the Senate must resolve to assure that Bush administration officials are NOT in complete charge of the investigation. There must be an independent investigative team and evidence of the crash must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the intelligence services.
The mission to eliminate one or more of these Senators is assuredly underway this very moment. It is now the single most critical mission of the current Bush administration.
Cells will originate in Florida and Texas. Where such operations may operate freely and with the complete protection of those respective state governments. I suspect there are many cells forming regarding this mission. Once, any one of the Senators is hit, the mission is terminated and there will be NO evidence or any possibility to any serious inquiry. They will control the coroner and or the crash site, take possession of the body or wreckage (In the name of メNational Security.") The team making the successful hit will then either move up to the next level but more likely than not they themselves will meet an untimely death.
The eerie resemblance to an identical Senator assassination two years ago goes completely unmentioned in the media.
by voxfux
America is gripped in a protracted, internal power seizure - this much is certain. The whole world is united against the policies of this shadow American government who has whipped the American people into a war frenzy. Yet it appears that each and every violent act since 911 and including 911 has been perpetrated by Americans, NOT Muslims.
And now, Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone is the latest victim of this clandestine assassination group, racing to consolidate total power in the hands of George Bush.
In my May 25th Article of 2001, I laid out an explicit warning that a Democratic Senator would meet an untimely death by either an Anthrax hit or in a plane crash. (Click here for the article which predicted Wellstone's assassination) This article was written four months prior to the Sept 11th attacks and six months before the anthrax letters to Daschle and Leahy.
Wellstone was assassinated under the exact same circumstances as Mel Carnahan, two years ago. Carnahan the Democrat was beating John Ashcroft, but with just two weeks remaining before election day, Carnahans plane conveniently crashes. It is still not enough for the widely un-popular Ashcroft - When the voters considered the prospects of another six years with this Ashcroft, THE VOTERS VOTED FOR THE DECEASED CARNAHAN (actually his wife) RATHER THAN HAVE ASHCROFT FOR ANOTHER TERM !
What was Ashcroft痴 reward for getting beaten by the man who he probably just rubbed out? ? Bush made Mr Popularity - Top cop.
Welcome to the fourth Reich.
What's most chilling about this series of identical assassinations is that it demonstrates the sheer brazenness and boldness of the operations of this shadowy group of private clandestine intelligence operatives, currently buttressing Bush. It痴 as if they are feeling out their limits of carte blanche with the press and the American people and finding they have no limits. - Seeing how much we will take - And finding that there is no limit to how much we will take and how much we will let them get away with. As for whether there will ever be a mention of their operations in the major media... Apparently not.
Just a tiny beacon of light called VOXNYC.COM (VOXNYC the only place right now to get the hard truth. No other media is even going near our conclusions) There appears to be no limits. The media is simply signalling that there is no limits to what they can get away with. They are getting away with blatantly suspicious murders without even a mention in ANY American major media that there are some strange corollaries here, between the Carnahan and the Wellstone 殿ccidents" (assassinations)
But this time these killers left nothing for chance. They murdered Wellstone痴 whole family - wife and daughter - to prevent the voters of Minnesota from launching a similar protest vote like the one痴 in Missouri did against Ashcroft. (They voted for the murdered Carnahan痴 wife Jean.) So this time they wiped out the whole family - they are leaving nothing for chance. They are absolutely ruthless and dedicated to achieving their mission.
It was sickening to hear Ashcroft痴 recollection of Carnahan痴 death (murder) just as it was sickening to witness Bushes comments about Wellstone's "accident" (murder), the man Bush sought to oust - the man who life Bushes' forces just extinguished.
This 塗it should send a chill up the spine of every awake and decent person in America. The "Coincidental Premature Deaths" surrounding anyone who stands in the way of the Bush families' power seizures are impossible to ignore.
Constant fear is now the single biggest media currency. Fear is the principal focus of all our leaders and all in the major media. It is the heaviest traded commodity. More net capital is exhausted in the promotion by our leaders and media of fear than of SUV's. And while the circumstances of that fear shift from day to day the fact remains that it is vague and non specific fear alone which rules in America.
Sound the alarms and alert each and every adult person in America. Also help in any way you can with massive grassroots campaigns to assist Minnesota in assuring that these assassins behind Bush don稚 get their victory in Wellstone痴 murder. Converge all efforts onto Democratic Senate races and especially the Minnesota race. Do not let them have their victory. There is a protracted, calculated, and extraordinarily bloody seizure of power currently gripping America. If we resist we can hold them off. If we sit like sheep we deserve everything these wolves have in store for us. For these wolves think we are easy pickings. And we have given them no reason to think anything contrary.
The American Simulacrasphere is a swarming ocean of bullshit and lies, stoked by spineless cowards called American journalists churning out lie after lie, nothing after nothing - All aiding and abetting the enemy - destroying the critical faculty of each American.
The American LieScape is run by shifty murderers, Yale male cheerleading Lord Fauntleroys, crooked business types, and scumbag lawyers - All feeding on the already ravaged population. Whose minds and souls have been laid waste by the stultifying effects of years of television news and sitcoms. And the horribly desensitizing American advertizing vernacular which destroys the minds of generation after generation of Americans.
Raytheon, with defense operations in Texas made the plane that did the job on Wellstone and his family. Raytheon is a model for http://www.peacenowar.net/CAQ.htm shadowy operations. Makers of fine surface to surface cruise missiles which
regularly rock impoverished people the world over, Raytheon痴 subsidiary structure follows the exact M.O. as another famous Texas based shadow corp - Enron - with Raytheon having subsidiaries in such shadowy havens as Bermuda, Virgin Islands, United Arab Emirates and the Philippines. Raytheon is also a big campaign contributor. Their Tomahawk missiles have become the remote control weapons of choice for US Presidents hoping to inflict maximum bloodshed of foreign lives and gain valuable "pay back" considerations from Corporate bosses here at home - Because the price tag of lighting off a weeks worth of these things could be a cool Billion. In fact Clinton lit off a fury of Tomahawks during his very own weekend stab at Osama hiding somewhere in Afdghanistan. That weekend of bombardment cost US taxpayors 100 million. That's a lot of health care. That's a lot of social security.
Raytheon specializes in two things
1) Making Killing Machines
2) Pleasing Administrations
Looks like they could have killed two birds with one stone. I知 not saying they did, just they could have. After all they are the experts at steering missiles into their targets, it痴 a simple matter steering one Senator into the ground. And Raytheon certainly owes some serious favors to the Bush Regieme. As I wrote in my dirty bomb article in June of this year, "Each time a Raytheon missile made in Texas, rocks some empty valley in Afghanistan, or worse, an agrarian village, that痴 three million dollars in some fat cat crony痴 wallet - that fat cat crony is going to 'owe one' to the Bushes - It痴 called reality - look into it. (And while the Raytheon angle is not central to my thesis, it does point out the many twisted layers of shadowy military / industrial / intelligence covert operators and the potential dodgyness which is bound to ensue.
If there is one word that could be said regarding the expectations of any one individual who stands between the Bush family and their rise to power - that would be 妬mperiled. For the Bush dynasty is proving to be America痴 bloodiest crime family, far bloodier than any gangsters in the era of Al Capone or in the contemporary ghettos of Los Angeles. The Bushes Bloody rise to power is not a conspiracy theory as they would mock you into thinking - It is real.
Bush had targeted Wellstone for elimination and personally recruited Wellstone's opponent Norm Coleman to run against him.
All this is possible in a world secretly ruled by a covert shadow government. Which itself is made possible by the sheeplike acquiescence of people willing to sit quiet while their world steadily turns to shit.
And the sad fact remains that millions of Americans believe, as CNN / CIA plants the lie directly into their brain, that Wellstone痴 plane crashed because of "Bad Weather."
Read Voxfux's archive of the may 25th 2001 article which predicted Wellstone's assassination and the attempted assassination on the lives of Senators Leahy and Daschle. Here's the link:
Senator Assassination Plot