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長周新聞 2019年2月25日
2019年2月21日 東京
臺 宏士(元毎日新聞・ジャーナリスト)
26名 *印は世話人
Statement English version
Emergency Statement on the Situation in Venezuela by Experts
- Calling on International Society to Respect for Sovereignty and International Norms
February 21, 2019 Tokyo
The situation in Venezuela is tense. The abnormal state occurred that Guaido, the head of the National Assembly, who opposes the current Maduro regime declared himself as "interim president” during the street demonstration on January 23, and the United States and the EU countries immediately approve this. The US government is pressing for President Maduro to retreat implying military intervention. The major media in the world reports such a situation as the schema of "opposition power forces" against "dictatorship" and the status of dual power caused by it.
Although it looks so, is not it that the subversion of a country's government is contemplated with the pretext of domestic division advanced by prior interference? Since the Kosovo conflict at the end of the last century, the "humanitarian assistance" claimed by the United States has led the way of military intervention. Military intervention in Iraq and later in Syria also eventually led to disorderly confusion in the wide region of the Middle East, depriving people living in the region of their life base, which is the major cause of today's "refugee problem”.
Violation of sovereignty under the name of "democratization" or "humanitarian assistance" is promoting and amplifying social cracks in Venezuela. It is clearly a violation of international law and is also inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations. "Support" to Venezuela should be in the way to sustain independence of the country.
This situation gives us a sense of deja vu. It is the coup d'etat in Chile in September 1973. The United States did not allow the penetration of socialism in South America as the United States regarded South America as their “backyard”, and overthrew the Agende regime by using the military of Chile and put Chilean society under the dark rule of General Pinochet for the following 20 years. The United States sent advocates of market liberalization to Chile under the dictatorship and remodeled Chile society to incorporate it into neo-liberal economic zones.
In Venezuela the Chávez regime was established in 1999 aiming for the independent from the long-standing “pro-Amerian" orientation. President Chávez, believing that people should make use of oil resources, which had been under the control of European and American oil major, promoted social reform for people such as the improvement of the living conditions of the poor by the profit from oil, free medical system, and farmland reform by expropriation. The wealthy and the holders of vested right opposed to the policy and the United States criticized Chávez as "dictatorship" insisting that their "freedom" was deprived, and directed in 2002 the military coup to support the business persons. But it lasted only two days and ended up in failure by confronting the large crowd who filled the street of the capital and called "return Chávez”. It is recalled that Western media at that time criticized "repression of anti-government demonstrations" (later known as forged).
In recent years, economic and social difficulties are exacerbating in Venezuela due to declines in oil prices and economic blockade measures led by the United States and the UK and disturbance activities by the holders of vested interests. The Maduro regime is having trouble with its measures and is forced to appeal to the "despotic" approach sometimes in order to suppress government criticism and intensification of anti-government violence. The United States is trying to overthrow this situation by sanctioning repeatedly and is trying to intervene under the pretext of “support” by backing up he extreme opposition party forces. However, what can be seen under this "support intervention" involving the international community is the consistent will of influence area by the United States since the Monroe doctrine, that is, the existence of "anti-American" regime in South America is not allowed.
Conflict exists in Venezuela, but the conflict that underlies it is between Venezuela and the United States. It is the confrontation between the Chávez line (Bolivarianism) and the US economic rule. That's why numerous interventions and military interventions are focused. It is the usual practice of the United States during this time to induce international public opinion by using the plot of "citizens against dictatorship”. This method is now adopted in South America and used clearly under US President Trump who embodies the era in which fake news is accepted and whose slogan is "America First”. The international community, especially the media providing information there, should not follow an easy diagram but evaluate what is happening based on historical circumstances. Otherwise, misfortune and devastation would be incurred in a corner of the world again.
With this statement, we call on Japanese citizens and government, especially the media stakeholders:
▼We call to pay careful attention to the situation of Venezuela and conduct in accordance with international norms of respect for sovereignty of independent countries and noninterference of domestic affairs.
▼We call to the international community for providing assistance to Venezuela to overcome domestic divisions through dialogue.
(We support intermediary attitude of countries such as Mexico, Uruguay, Caribbean countries, African Union, etc.)
▼We call for the cancellation of economic blockade and sanctions by major powers that are producing Venezuelan difficulties and divisions.
▼We call to media agencies for fact-based report with verifying the "narration" of the major powers.
*the Promoters(26)
Hiroaki Idaka (Scholar of Latin America)
Yoshihiko Ichida(Social Thoughts, Kobe University)
Tomoya Inyaku(Meal and Agriculture Advisor)
Koji Okabe(Latin America Contemporary History, ex-Professor at Tsuda University)
Hidetaka Ogura(Latin America Contemporary History, Kanagawa University)
Makoto Katsumata*(International Political Economy, Professor Emeritus at Meiji Gakuin University)
Michiko Kiyomiya(ex-Chief Editor of “Sekai”)
Nobuaki Kurosawa(Education, former Professor at Tokyo Gakugei University)
Masako Goto(Latin America Contemporary History, Professor Emeritus at Kanagawa University)
Hitoshi Sakurai*(ex NHK producer)
Michihiro Shindo*(Researcher of Latin America)
Takao Takahara (International Politics, Professor at Meiji Gkuin University)
Yasuhiro Tanaka(Representative of Japan Asia Africa Latin America Solidarity Committee)
Chikako Nakayama (Economic Thoughts, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Makiko Nakano (Democracy Now! Japan)
Osamu Nishitani*(History of Ideas, Rikkyo University)
Satoko Norimatsu(Peace Philosophy Centre)
Masumi Matsumura(person in charge of Latin America in International Division at Peace Boat)
Kinhide Mushakoji(ex-Vice President of United Nations University)
Hiroshi Dai(ex Mainichi Shinbun, Journalist)
Yasuhiro Morihira(Representative of Asia Press Club)
Nobuyo Yagi (Latin Singer, Writer, Journalist)
Atsushi Yamada (Democracy Times)
Tatsuya Yoshioka (joint representative of Peace Boat)
Isao Yoshihara(Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Maijo Gakuin University)
Eiji Roppongi(Journalist in South America, Media Coordinator)
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