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2019年05月10日 小笠原誠治の経済ニュースゼミ
トランプの追加の制裁関税が実施されるかどうかに関心が集まっていますが、誰が今一番痛手を受けていると思いますか? (1)中国 (2)米国の消費者 (3)米国の輸入業者 (4)米国の農家 (5)米国の金属製品産業 分かりやすいPBS解説がありましたので、紹介します。 英語の嫌いな方は、仮訳だけお読みになって下さい。 Who would pay for Trump’s tariff hike? 「誰がトランプの追加制裁関税を支払うのか?」 If the Trump administration follows through with its plan to hike tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports at midnight Friday, it would likely hurt not only China’s economy but American consumers and businesses, too. 「もし、トランプの2000億ドル相当分の中国製品に対する追加制裁関税が実行されることになれば、中国だけでなく、米国の企業や消費者も痛手を受けることになろう」 Multiple studies show the tariffs the U.S. imposed last year on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods, plus the retaliatory tariffs China has put on $101 billion worth of U.S. goods, have led to price increases, reduced the availability of some products and forced businesses to seek alternative suppliers. 「米国が昨年開始した2500億ドル相当の中国製品に対する制裁関税と、それに対する中国の1010億ドル相当の米国製品に対する報復関税によって価格の上昇が起き、さらに、入手が困難になったため代替輸入先を探さざるを得ない事態になっていることが多くの調査の結果分かった」 President Donald Trump is threatening now to increase existing tariffs on goods ranging from seafood to handbags from 10 percent to 25 percent if China does not agree to its demands during trade talks Thursday in Washington. Trump said Thursday his administration is also starting the paperwork to impose tariffs on an additional $325,000 worth of Chinese products. The idea: leverage more pressure on China to agree to a deal that the two countries have been negotiating for months. “We’re the piggy bank that everyone steals from,” Trump said at a news conference on his efforts to reduce prescription drug prices Thursday, claiming that under his presidency, “we’re going to be taking in more money than we’ve ever taken in.” 「我々はブタの貯金箱のようなもので、皆が簡単にお金を盗むことができる、とトランプ大統領は木曜日、記者会見で述べた。しかし、自分が大統領でいる限り、私たちのところに入ってくるお金が、出ていくお金より上回るであろう、とも」 But any increased revenue is not likely to come from China if current trends continue. Instead, it’s more likely to come from U.S. customers and companies, economists say. And any retaliatory tariffs China imposes could have larger ripple effects throughout the U.S. and global economy. 「しかし国の税収が増えていても、それは中国から来ているようではなさそうだ。そうではなく、米国の企業や消費者が負担しているとエコノミストたちは言う。そして、中国が報復関税に踏み切れば、米国や世界経済にも影響を及ぼすであろう」 How tariffs affect prices and supply chains 「関税は、どのように価格に影響を与え、どのようにサプライチェーンに影響を与えるのか?」 When the U.S. puts tariffs on Chinese imports, the theory is that Chinese firms will reduce the price of their products to stay competitive. But so far, that has not happened, possibly because international orders are placed months in advance and the tariffs haven’t been in place long enough to renegotiate prices. 「米国が中国製品に関税を課せば、理論的には、もし中国がそれまでの地位を維持しようとするならば価格を低下させることとなろう。しかし、これまでのところ、そのようなことは起きていない。価格の交渉には時間がかかるし、まだ、制裁関税が課せられてからそれほど時間が経っていないからだ」 Plus, businesses might be waiting to see if the trade dispute is resolved before they make any major adjustments to their models, said Oleg Itskhoki, an economics and international affairs professor at Princeton University. 「それに、企業としては、価格調整をする前に米中間の貿易戦争が終わるのではないかとみる向きがあるからだとプリンストン大学の教授は言う」 That leaves U.S. retailers to decide between three options: absorb the cost of the tax, pass it along to consumers, or search for an alternative supplier from a country other than China. 「こうした結果、米国の小売業者が取る行動としては3つが考えられる。関税分を負担する。一旦負担した関税を消費者に転嫁する。中国以外の輸入先を見つけ出す」 The last option could hurt China’s economy as U.S. companies take their business elsewhere, but it also comes with higher costs for American firms because it is not cheap to find new suppliers, plus domestic producers, as well as those from other countries, often raise their prices because they know customers have few other options. 「最後の選択肢を選ぶと、中国経済は打撃を受ける。しかし、そうなると中国ほど価格が安いところはないから、価格が上昇するであろう」 Recent studies indicate businesses are not absorbing the cost. “In the short run, American consumers bear the cost of the tariffs,” Itskhoki said. 「短期的には、米国の消費者が関税引き上げのコストを負担するということだ、プリンストン大学の教授は言う」 But American businesses are still being hit in another way — by the retaliatory tariffs China has put on U.S. exports. 「しかし、米国の企業は、中国が報復措置を取るので、その意味で痛手を被る」 Because of the tariffs, some Chinese importers are not buying U.S. products and are instead doing business with suppliers from other nations, as they have with soybeans. That means U.S. producers are losing out on valuable income, especially if they cannot find other buyers for their goods. 「米国の大豆を中国が輸入しなくなったのがその例だ。中国以外の買い手を見つけることができない限り、米国の輸出業者は、痛手を被る」 U.S. farmers and other manufacturers could reduce prices to try to compete with other nations, but many of them are already operating on thin profit margins. If they reduced prices further, they could go out of business. 「米国の農家や製造業者は、価格を引き下げて競争力を保とうとすることがあり得るが、実際には、儲けがギリギリの状態であるので、値下げは難しい。それでも値下げすると倒産してしまうだろう」 What do we know about how much existing tariffs have cost? 「関税がどれほどの犠牲を伴うものか分かっているのか?」 Trump’s tariff increase would generate an estimated $30 billion worth of taxes on Chinese goods a year. 「トランプの関税引き上げで、中国製品にかかる関税が300億ドルほど増えると見込まれている」 It’s one of the reasons Trump has claimed tariffs are boosting the U.S. economy, but the Tax Foundation, a Washington-based think tank, estimates the current tariffs on Chinese goods will reduce U.S. GDP long-term by $30 billion. Additional tariffs as proposed by Trump could drop GDP by at least another $15 billion, according to the group’s analysis. 「そのことが、トランプが、関税は米国経済を活気づけていると主張する一つの理由である。しかし、そのせいでGDPは300億ドルほど減少すると見込まれている。また、更に予定されている関税引き上げで150億ドルGDPは減少すると込まれている」 That doesn’t include other tariffs the Trump administration has imposed on other countries as a negotiating tactic, including an across-the-board tariffs on steel and aluminum. This week, the Trump administration announced it would impose a 17.5 percent tariff on imported Mexican tomatoes because it says Mexico is conducting unfair trade practices. Some specific industries, such as aluminum manufacturers, have benefited from the tariffs. But that has come at a cost to U.S. customers who have to pay higher prices. By October and November 2018, tariffs on China and other countries cost U.S. consumers and businesses $4.4 billion a month, according to a recent study by researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Princeton University and Columbia University. Of that, the federal government recouped about $3 billion in import taxes. 「2018年の10月−11月までの間に、中国製品等への関税引き上げのために、米国の消費者と企業は、毎月440億ドルを負担することになったことが明らかになった。そして、そのうち300億ドルが米国政府の収入となった」 But about $1.4 billion was lost entirely because tariffs make the economy less efficient–consumers might be buying fewer goods, for example, but they are paying more overall because of the price hike. The $1.4 billion loss amounts to an annual cost of about $133 per household, according to the researchers. 「しかし、差し引きの140億ドルは完全に失われてしまった。というのは、関税のせいで経済が非効率になり、消費者がより高い製品を買わざるを得なくなってしまったからだ」 Looking at the Consumer Price Index, which measures the cost of consumer goods such as food and clothing, the researchers found the prices on products subject to the tariffs increased between 10 percent and 30 percent after the tariffs were implemented. If tariffs rise further, as Trump has proposed, consumers are likely to see prices increase again. 「消費者物価指数をみてみると、追加関税が課せられた商品は、10%から30%ほど価格が上がっていることが分かっている。このため、トランプの提案のとおり、さらに関税の引き上げが行われれば、さらに価格は上がるであろう」 Much of that price increase comes from tariffs the U.S. puts on goods from China, which make up the heftiest tariffs, as opposed to the retaliatory tariffs China has imposed on U.S. goods. Who suffers the most? 「誰が一番痛手を被るのか?」 Areas with high concentrations of agriculture and metal production are most at risk of feeling the negative effects of tariffs. Those industries have been singled out in the tariffs Trump imposed on steel and aluminum, as well as by China, which imports a large amount of U.S. agricultural products. 「農業と金属製品の産業が集中している地域がこの制裁関税の悪影響を最も受けている。鉄鋼とアルミニウム、そして、農家関係者たちだ」 By sheer number, regional metropolitan centers such as Chicago and Dallas export the most products that are affected by tariffs, but in rural areas a larger share of the economy is affected, according to a study published in October 2018 by the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank. Counties that voted for Trump in 2016 are twice as likely to be affected by the trade battle with China than those that voted for Hillary Clinton, the research also finds. That’s because Trump won a number of rural counties whose economies depend heavily on certain goods, such as agricultural products, that are included in China’s retaliatory tariffs 「2016年の大統領選でトランプに投票したような地域は、米中貿易戦争のせいで、ヒラリークリントンに投票したような地域の2倍ほど悪影響を受けているとみられる。というのも、トランプは、農業が主たる産業となっている地域で選挙を勝ち抜き、そして、そうした農業が中国の報復の対象になっているからだ」 That observation is backed up by a study conducted by four academic researchers and released earlier this year. They found workers in “heavily Republican counties were the most negatively affected by the trade war.” Trump’s base seems to be sticking by him when it comes to his stance toward China, but the views held by all Americans are more complex. In September, only 42 percent of Americans said they thought the trade war with China was good for jobs, according to an Axios poll. But the percent of Americans’ who have a favorable view of China has also dropped significantly since the tariffs went into place. Fear of the unknown 「未知の恐怖」 In addition to the more immediate effects, a trade battle injects unpredictability into the economy that can cause many businesses to rethink their long-term investments. 「短期的な悪影響に加えて、こうした貿易戦争は、経済の不透明性を増すことになるので、企業が長期的な投資に慎重になってしまうという影響 がある」 “If these tariffs go into effect, that makes you uncertain,” said Gary Hufbauer, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “And if you’re a firm considering enlarging your relations with China, you could put that on ice for the time being.” 「こうした関税が長く続くのであれば、不安となり、そして、貴方が中国との関係を拡大したいと考えている企業だったとしたら、計画を凍結するでしょう、とピーターソン国際経済研究所の研究員は言う」 If enough companies pull back on their expansion, that can make a dent in the growth of both U.S. businesses and China’s economy. 「多くの企業が設備投資を思いとどまればで、米国及び中国の経済の成長率を押し下げてしまう」 That’s exactly what investors fear, said Hufbauer, a former deputy assistant secretary for international trade and investment policy at the U.S. Treasury Department. The day after Trump announced his new tariffs threat, stocks plummeted. If Trump makes good on that threat, it’s likely Wall Street will see yet another sell-off. On the other hand, other countries are benefiting from the U.S.-China trade dispute. Brazil has boosted its soybean production to make up for the soybeans China is not buying from the U.S. Other nations, such as Thailand and Malaysia, could also benefit if U.S. companies decide to purchase from them instead of China. But so far, those larger effects are still hard to measure. No one is sure exactly how long the tariffs will be in place and are cautious about making any rash decisions that would be difficult to reverse. トランプを支持する一定数の国民がいることは承知しています。 トランプが中国製品に対する関税を引き上げることを歓迎している訳です。 でも、そのような人々が一番被害を受けているというのですから、哀れなものですね。 アベシンゾウがトランプを支持しているというのであれば、アベシンゾウも関税を引き上げて、税収を増やせばいいのにと、皮肉の一つも言いたくなるという方、 クリックをお願い致します。 ↓↓↓ 人気blogランキングへ ※リンク省略 |
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