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Covid-19 outbreak at orphanage for Chernobyl children critical - Roche
(RTE 2020/4/23)
Adi Roche, the founder of Chernobyl Children International, has said it has been a "shattering blow" to hear that there is a Covid-19 outbreak at the charity's Vesnova orphanage in Belarus.
Speaking on RT ’s Morning Ireland, Ms Roche described it as a "critical situation" and said some of the children at the orphanage are already getting "extremely ill".
She said they had taken a number of measures to try to keep the children safe from the virus, but she received the bad news yesterday.
She said at least 13 children have been confirmed with Covid-19 infections and ten staff members also have the virus.
Ms Roche said the children are extremely at risk as they have severe disabilities with a low immunity and a number of genetic disorders also.
"Their chances of survival would be very poor," she said.
She said the chance to contain the virus is difficult as the children live in "dense conditions" in dormitory accommodation.
The Vesnova orphanage caters for 174 children and young adults.
Ms Roche also said the children are battling the virus with no medicine. The director of the orphanage has asked the charity for painkillers, cough bottles and sanitiser.
"There are no painkillers, no cough bottles. We are really worried and we feel we cannot abandon the children," she said.
Children from Vesnova orphanage come every year to Ireland and Ms Roche acknowledged the support that the children of Chernobyl have received from Irish people over the years.
She said she was aware that "people in Ireland are in dire straits" themselves at the moment because of the virus.
Ms Roche said the response of the government in Belarus has been "somewhat unorthodox" and "out of step with international regulations" with no social distancing and no Personal Protective Equipment.
"They (the orphanage) have not been provided with necessary requirements to keep the children safe other than locking the doors.
"Staff have to come in from the outside and because there was no regulation of physical distancing, the children have been vulnerable to staff coming in," Ms Roche added.
The news of this outbreak comes as the charity was preparing to mark the 34th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster this weekend.
She said they fear for both the staff and the children at the orphanage who she said are "terrified". She said the "world has gone surreal" in a very short time.
The Vesnova orphanage caters for 174 children and young adults. The Chernobyl Children International has been funding it for the past 20 years and say it has been transformed into one of the country's leading childcare centres.
- チェルノブイリ・チルドレン・インターナショナルの創設者・アディ・ロッシュの報告
- 174人の児童と若者がいるベラルーシのヴェスノバ孤児院で新型コロナが流行。
- 彼らは免疫力が弱く遺伝性疾患をかかえ重度の障がいがあるため、
- 孤児院の密な環境で暮らしているので、感染を食い止めるのは困難。
- 薬が不足しており、痛み止め、咳止めなどの寄付を募っている。
- 何年にも渡り、アイルランドは保養のためチェルノブイリの児童を受け入れていたが、
- ベラルーシ政府の対応はまともではなく、ソーシャル・ディスタンス規制も防護具もなく、
- 子供たちを守るため必要な物資が支給されておらず、扉を閉じる以外にない状態。
- チェルノブイリ事故34周年の寄付活動を進めていたところに新型コロナが勃発した。
- 子供もスタッフも新型コロナに怯えている。 あっという間に想像できない状態になると
「Chernobyl Children International」
「HBOドラマ「チェルノブイリ」は必見 多大な犠牲を払って汚染拡散防止に成功
福島第一の状況ははるかに悪い」 (拙稿 2019/11/3)
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