デボノスの船によってもたらされた密輸されたリビアの石油がマルタにどのように保管されたか:調査 https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/100700/enemed_tanks_stored_smuggled_libyan_oil_brought_by_debonos_ships_investigation#.YGguuMpxfIUA Swiss company was accepting smuggled fuel from Libya inside tanks leased from Enemed between 2014 and 2015, to resell the oil at sea and the European market. Kolmar, of Zug, acquired the oil from the smuggling operation ran by Libyan smuggler Fahmi Slim Ben Khalifa, and Maltese nationals Darren and Gordon Debono, well before the Italian police caught up with the smuggling network. The oil was cleared by the Malta Customs despite fraudulent certification from Fahmi Slim’s Tiuboda company, while the tanks were leased to Kolmar after the Swiss company made a public bid for the storage. Enemed, the government petroleum divison, has said it was unaware of the contents of the storage because the oil had been cleared by Customs. Using data from ship movements and information on bank payments, a new investigation confirms that the tanks at Ras Hanzir and Has Saptan were used to store oil delivered by the ships chartered by Darren and Gordon Debono. But the fuel was accepted by the Malta Customs despite fraudulent certificates of origin, and the numerous protests of Libyan leaders about fuel being smuggled into Malta. The revelations are part of an investigation carried out by NGO TRIAL International and the Swiss public advocacy group Public Eye, which campaigns on issues of corporate accountability. Libyan fuel smuggling: a Swiss trader sailing through troubled waters Together with journalists and the assistance of MaltaToday in obtaining information through Freedom of Information requests, the report reveals a sustained pattern of deliveries of smuggled Libyan oil, into tanks leased out from Enemed, the government’s petroleum company, by Kolmar. The oil was later blended out at sea so that it could be resold onto the European market. Specifically, over 20 shipments of marine gasoil from Libya were delivered to Kolmar’s tanks in Malta between the spring of 2014 and the summer of 2015, from ships chartered by Gordon Debono. These new findings concern activities that predate what was revealed by a United Nations panel of experts in 2015 which led to the arrests of ‘smuggling king’ Fahmi Slim, the Debonos and their Italian associates. A copy of a Banif Bank statement for Oceano Blu Trading Ltd, a company linked to Darren Debono and based at his San Gwann address, shows that from 18 June to 22 July 2015, Kolmar made 11 transfers totalling over $11 million. Oceano Blu Trading was administered by the Sicilian Nicola Orazio Romeo, who is also indicted over fuel smuggling in Sicily.