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Donald J. Trump ✔
Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.
2012年Oct8日 22:13
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Donald Trump: Pedophiles Will Get The Death Penalty
President-elect vows to tackle child sex epidemic in the US
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 4th January 2017 @ 3.43pm
trump prepares to tackle the child abduction crisis in the us © press
Trump prepares to tackle the child abduction crisis in the US
Donald Trump has vowed to tackle the child abduction crisis in the United States by giving pedophiles and fast trial resulting in the death penalty.
The President-elect tweeted that there are "too many incidents" and something "must be done about these perverts".
With Elite pedophilia rife in Washinton D.C., could this be what Trump was referring to when he talked about "draining the swamp", and how far up the social ladder will he be prepared to go when it comes to swiftly executing these offenders?
YNW reports: According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (citing U.S. Department of Justice reports), nearly 800,000 children are reported missing each year. That’s more than 2,000 children abducted every single day.
One every 40 seconds.
In 2010, the Justice Department released the first-ever National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction, which aimed to assess the dangers of child pornography, online enticement, and other crimes against children. It found that between 2005 and 2009, there was a 432 percent increase in child pornography movies and files submitted to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which attempts to identify victims.
Child porn crisis
The Daily Beast reports:
“Although documenting the precise quantity of child pornography is difficult, it is evident that technological advances have contributed significantly to the overall increase in the child pornography threat,” the strategy report found. From 2005 through 2009, it said, U.S. Attorneys prosecuted 8,352 child pornography cases, “and in most instances, the offenders used digital technologies and the Internet to produce, view, store, advertise, or distribute child pornography.”
The label “pornography” arguably doesn’t capture the depravity of some of the crimes committed against children. In 2012, a Ganby, Connecticut, police captain was sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing and trading videos that “horrifically depicted children being sexually abused by adults,” according to a U.S. prosecutor. Among the images the former cop sought from fellow traders were those of babies being bound and tortured, officials said.
Also in 2014, the former acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was convicted for his participation in a child porn ring that included images so violent and disturbing that even veteran investigators said they were shocked by what they saw. A federal prosecutor said the employee used his technical expertise to navigate anonymous computer networks frequented by child porn peddlers.
UK government implicated in pedo ring
Cases of violent child abuse in the United States have mirrored recent revelations from an organized abuse ring in the United Kingdom featuring senior members of the British government. Shocking cases of crimes against children went unreported or covered up for decades. As The Daily Beast reported Friday, the potential key witness in the ring, who was himself allegedly a victim as a schoolboy, fled Britain and now lives in the United States.
The international dimensions of child pornography and violence haven’t escaped the FBI, which last week helped to take down an alleged porn kingpin in South Africa. The accused was reportedly arrested at his home in Grahamstown, near the country’s southern coast, and had 16 hard drives, a laptop, and video and still cameras. FBI agents are said to have discovered the network after seven people were arrested in the United States using Web sites designed to coax children into performing sexual acts while surreptitiously being videotaped.【転載終了】
投稿者:Jay Greenberg | @NeonNettle
2017年1月4日@ 3.43pm
2010年、司法省は、児童ポルノ、オンライン誘惑、その他の子どもに対する犯罪の危険性を評価することを目的とした初めての児童搾取防止と阻止に関する国家戦略を発表しました。 2005年から2009年にかけて、児童ポルノの映画やファイルが432%増加し、犠牲者を特定しようとしているMissing&Exploited Childrenの国立センターに提出されたことがわかりました。
「児童ポルノの正確な量を文書化することは困難ですが、技術的進歩が児童ポルノの脅威の全体的な増加に大きく貢献していることは明らかです。 2005年から2009年にかけて、米国弁護士は、8302件の児童ポルノの訴訟を起訴した。犯罪者は、デジタル技術とインターネットを使って児童ポルノを制作、視聴、保管、宣伝、配布することがほとんどであった。
先週、南アフリカのポルノ・キングピンを奪回するのに役立った、児童ポルノと暴力の国際的な側面はFBIを逃れていない。被告人は、南海岸の近くのグレアムズタウンの自宅で逮捕され、16台のハードディスクドライブ、ノートパソコン、ビデオカメラ、スチルカメラを持っていたと伝えられている。 FBI代理店は、7人が米国で逮捕された後、秘密裏にビデオテープに録音されている間に性的行為をするように子供を巻き込むように設計されたウェブサイトを使用してネットワークを発見したと言われている。【Google仮訳終了】
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