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(回答先: ロシアゲートは、大事の前の小事 −ロシア抜きに、IS、北朝鮮、中国にどう向き合うのか?− 投稿者 佐藤鴻全 日時 2017 年 5 月 21 日 20:47:01)

Russia-gate is smaller matter compare to the future of U.S. and the world. - How does U.S. deal with the problems of IS, North Korea and China without Russia?
- As a background of Russia-gate, there is a major premise in the U.S. leaders that Russia is worse and poisonous than China. However, Cold War has ended in the far past and it is necessary to see the reality.
- The major problems of the international situation such as the rise of IS, the North Korean crisis and the expansion of hegemony in China can’t be solved without using the de facto "alliance of U.S and Russia".
- Not to team up with Russia means to team up with China. As the result, U.S. will be forced to choose whether to confront or to be swallowed by China in the future.
The current hegemon country, U.S, is responsible for drawing the concrete image of the world order at least in decades.
I would like U.S. leaders to handle Russia-gate with wide perspective in deep insight.
May 27, 2017
By Kozen Sato in Japan
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