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Erdogan asks Turkish people to thwart coup attempt
By Steve Almasy, CNN
Updated 2220 GMT (0620 HKT) July 15, 2016
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ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JULY 15: Turkish soldiers block Istanbul's Bosphorus Brigde on July 15, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul's bridges across the Bosphorus, the strait separating the European and Asian sides of the city, have been closed to traffic. Reports have suggested that a group within Turkey's military have attempted to overthrow the government. Security forces have been called in as Turkey's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim denounced an "illegal action" by a military "group", with bridges closed in Istanbul and aircraft flying low over the capital of Ankara. (Photo by Gokhan Tan/Getty Images)
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ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JULY 15: Turkish soldiers block Istanbul's Bosphorus Brigde on July 15, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul's bridges across the Bosphorus, the strait separating the European and Asian sides of the city, have been closed to traffic. Reports have suggested that a group within Turkey's military have attempted to overthrow the government. Security forces have been called in as Turkey's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim denounced an "illegal action" by a military "group", with bridges closed in Istanbul and aircraft flying low over the capital of Ankara. (Photo by Gokhan Tan/Getty Images)
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Story highlights
Military claims to be in charge after a coup
Government officials say coup will be put down, instigators will be punished
(CNN)The Turkish military has taken over the government and imposed martial law, according to an announcement read by an anchor on state broadcaster TRT.
The statement was made on behalf of the "Peace in the Nation" council, the announcer said. "The political administration that has lost all legitimacy has been forced to withdraw," the anchor said.
Early Saturday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged people to take to the streets and stand up to the military during a coup attempt.
Live blog: Follow the fast-moving developments
"Go to the streets and give them their answer," he told residents during a Facetime interview on CNN Turk.
"I am coming to a square in Ankara. ... This was done from outside the chain of command," he said of the military. "Those who are responsible, we will give them the necessary punishment," he said. It was not clear where he was speaking from.
Earlier, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told broadcaster A Haber that some military units have attempted a coup. Yildirim vowed the coup attempt would not succeed.
Military attempts coup in Turkey
Photos: Military coup in Turkey
He told state news agency Anadolu the coup is "an attempt against democracy and the will of the people. Those who attempted this will pay the heaviest price."
There have been no independent verification of the claims by the military or the government. It is unclear who is in charge in Turkey.
The military has issued statements, which have been published in some Turkish media, and not others, and reported by the Reuters news agency, claiming it has "fully seized control of Turkey" to maintain democratic order, that rule of law must remain a priority and international relations must remain. The statements have not been distributed through regular web channels.
A CNN producer said there were 200 to 300 residents in Taksim Square in Istanbul. Some of them were waving Turkish flags. About 100 police officers were shooting off tear gas, trying to disperse the crowd.
At least one army tank and one other military vehicle were at the square.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in Moscow that he has been given reports about what is going on. "I don't have any details. I hope there will be peace, stability and continuity in Turkey," he said.
A report from the U.S. Embassy in Ankara said military-appearing jets had been flying low over the city and Istanbul for about an hour.
One tweet showed a military jet flying extremely low over the capital Ankara.
Two bridges in Istanbul are closed in one direction by the military. Cars are flowing from the European side of the city to the Asian, but soldiers and military vehicles are blocking the path to the European side.
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Erdogan is the co-founder of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). He was elected Prime Minister in 2003. Under his rule, Turkey became a powerhouse in the Middle East. His reign came to an end in 2014, and his own party's rules prevented him from seeking a fourth term.
So, he ran for president -- and won. Before this, the president of Turkey was a largely ceremonial role, but Erdogan tried to change that by altering the constitution to give him more power.
The 2015 election resulted in a hung Parliament, leading to sweeping anti-government protests and terror attacks. Turkey held a snap election, and with that, Erdogan's AK Party regained control.
Under Erdogan, who is extremely conservative, religion had started to play a more important role in Turkey, which is a largely secular country. He was active in Islamist circles in the 1970s and 1980s.
Erdogan is open about his dislike of social media. Sites such as YouTube and Facebook are frequently blacked out in the country.
CNN's Gul Tuysuz contributed to this report.
2220 GMT(0620 HKT)2016年7月15日更新
イスタンブール、トルコ - 7月15日:トルコ兵士たちはイスタンブール、トルコでは2016年7月15日にイスタンブールのボスポラス海峡Brigdeをブロックします。ボスポラス海峡を横断イスタンブールの橋、都市のヨーロッパとアジアの側面を分離海峡は、通行止めにされています。レポートはトルコの軍内のグループが政府を転覆しようと試みていることを示唆しています。違法行為"トルコの首相Binaliユルドゥルムは&QUOTを非難として治安部隊がで呼ばれてきました。軍事&QUOTにより、ブリッジとのグループ&QUOT ;,イスタンブールと航空機がアンカラの首都の上に低空飛行で引けました。 (グーカンタン/ゲッティイメージズ写真)
イスタンブール、トルコ - 7月15日:トルコ兵士たちはイスタンブール、トルコでは2016年7月15日にイスタンブールのボスポラス海峡Brigdeをブロックします。ボスポラス海峡を横断イスタンブールの橋、都市のヨーロッパとアジアの側面を分離海峡は、通行止めにされています。レポートはトルコの軍内のグループが政府を転覆しようと試みていることを示唆しています。違法行為"トルコの首相Binaliユルドゥルムは&QUOTを非難として治安部隊がで呼ばれてきました。軍事&QUOTにより、ブリッジとのグループ&QUOT ;,イスタンブールと航空機がアンカラの首都の上に低空飛行で引けました。 (グーカンタン/ゲッティイメージズ写真)
文は「平和国家の「協議会を代表してなされたものであって、アナウンサーが言いました。 「すべての正当性を失った政権は撤退を余儀なくされてきた、「アンカーは言いました。
「私はアンカラの広場に来ています。...これは、コマンドのチェーン外から行われた、「彼は軍の言いました。 「責任がある人は、私たちが彼らに必要な罰を与えるだろう "と彼は言いました。彼から話していたところ明確ではありませんでした。
米国務長官ジョン・ケリーは、彼は何が起こっているかについてのレポートを与えられていることをモスクワで記者団に語りました。 「私は、任意の詳細を持っていない。私はトルコの平和、安定性と継続性があることを願っています」と彼は言いました。
だから、彼が大統領に立候補した - と勝ちました。この前、トルコの社長は、主に儀礼的な役割だったが、エルドアン首相は彼に多くの電力を与えるために憲法を変えることによって、これを変更しようとしました。
エルドアン首相は、ソーシャルメディアの彼の嫌い程度開いています。 YouTubeやFacebookなどのサイトは頻繁国で黒く塗りつぶされています。
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