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投稿者 軽毛 日時 2016 年 11 月 20 日 13:49:16: pa/Xvdnb8K3Zc jHmW0Q

Did Shinzo Abe Get What He Came for in Meeting With Trump?

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was the first foreign leader to meet with President-elect Donald Trump (and with his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner). After the Nov. 8 U.S. election, Abe was quick to call Trump, who has for decades argued that America is losing to Japan on trade because Tokyo is playing the game unfairly.

And so Abe needed to convince Trump in their meeting this week that the two nations are actually on the same side. In fact, this, according to Michael Auslin of the American Enterprise Institute, was all Abe needed to do.

In Trump’s worldview, Auslin told Foreign Policy ahead of Thursday’s meeting, “everything’s very personal, it’s business: ‘We can work together, we can make a deal together.’ It’s sizing each other up: ‘Here’s someone I can literally do business with.’”

Doing so, Auslin said of Abe, “appeals in the right way to Trump’s own mindset.”

Abe likely also sought to stress the importance of the alliance, or propose general ideas of initiatives he and Trump could undertake together. But mostly, Auslin emphasized, if Abe just made clear he understands Trump will be focused on domestic issues, he could paint himself as someone who wanted to lighten Trump’s load. As someone who “gets it,” just as Trump believes he himself does.

A domestically focused Trump might even serve Japan. Dennis Blair, the former director of national intelligence and former head of U.S. Pacific Command, said if Trump follows through on his “America First” rhetoric, that could push Japan into leadership role in the region as the main advocate for liberalism and open markets. “If the United States simply withdraws from the field, that leaves Japan on its own as the biggest country committed to basic free trade and strengthening the WTO. And that leaves the field to the Chinese if that doesn’t happen,” Blair told FP.

“That would be an interesting read if the UK, Japan and Germany became the leaders of the free trading bloc while the United States sorted itself out for the next several years,” Blair said. “It might have the effect of pushing that mantle onto others and we are sort of left behind.”

But such specifics were likely not Abe’s first objective. Rather, his aim was to establish the understanding that, on day one, when Trump is looking around the Oval Office and the world wondering who is friend and who is foe, Abe falls into the former category. “It’s a good thing for the two of them to get together and just have that channel of communication open,” Blair said.

Auslin agreed. “I think if Abe can create a general sense of solidarity with Trump,” he said, “he’s going to be way ahead of the game.”

And is he? Did the discussion that the Japanese Prime Minister described as “very candid” and the basis for a “relationship of trust” get him what he came for?

After their Thursday evening meeting, Trump posted an Instragram of the two together, captioned, “It was a pleasure to have Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stop by my home and begin a great friendship.”

Well played, Abe.

FP’s Dan De Luce contributed to this report.

Photo credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

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そして、安倍氏は、今週の会議でトランプを説得して、両国が実際に同じ側にいることを確信させる必要があった。実際、アメリカ企業研究所(American Enterprise Institute)のマイケル・オースリン(Michael Auslin)によれば、これは、アベの必要なすべてでした。

トゥループの世界観では、オースリンは木曜日の会合に先立って外交政策に言いました。「すべては非常に個人的なもので、ビジネスであり、一緒に働くことができ、一緒に取引することもできます。 」


安倍氏は同盟の重要性を強調したり、彼とトランプが一緒に取り組むことができるイニシアチブの一般的なアイデアを提案しようとした可能性が高い。しかし、主に、アブリン氏は、アブ氏が明らかにした場合、トランプは国内問題に焦点を当てると理解しているが、トランプの負荷を軽くしたいと思う人物として自分自身を描くことができると強調した。 "それを得る"人として、トランプは自分自身が信じているのと同じように。

国内的に集中しているトランプは日本にも役立つかもしれない。元国家情報局長で元米太平洋司令部の元首であったデニス・ブレア氏は、トランプ氏が自由貿易主義と開放市場の主な支持者として日本をこの地域のリーダーシップ的役割に押しやることができる、「アメリカファースト」のレトリックを追うならば、 「米国が単純に撤退すれば、基本的な自由貿易とWTOの強化に尽力している最大の国として日本が独占している。それが起こらなければ、それは中国にフィールドを残す」とブレアールはFPに語った。



Auslinは合意した。 「安倍氏がトランプとの連帯感を生み出せるかどうかは、「彼は試合を先んじて進めるだろう」と述べた。



よく健闘した アベ。



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