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Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS)
福島放射能被曝後に死んだ米国船員の数がスパイク急上昇 - 今深刻な病気を患っている400人以上の退役軍人 - 元日本首相(小泉純一郎)は泣き崩れた、「これはもはや無視することはできません...病気の人の数が増加しており、それらの症状が悪化しています」(動画)
Published: June 8th, 2016 at 7:47 am ET By ENENews
公開:2016年6月8日、午前7:47 ET ENENewsによる
Kyodo, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has thrown his support behind a group of former U.S. sailors suing the operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant… Speaking at a news conference Tuesday in Carlsbad, California, with some of the plaintiffs, Koizumi said, “Those who gave their all to assist Japan are now suffering from serious illness… I learned that the number of sick people is still increasing, and their symptoms are worsening,” he told the news conference… According to lawyers for the group, seven of its members have died so far, including some from leukemia [Three deaths had been reported as of last July].
共同通信英語版、2016年5月19日:小泉純一郎元首相は福島第1原子力発電所の事業者を提訴した元米国船員のグループに後方支援を投げかけました... カールスバッド、カリフォルニア州での火曜日記者会見の談話で、原告の1人と共に小泉首相は言いました、「日本を支援するために自分のすべての与えた人達は今深刻な病気で苦しんでいます...私は、病人の数が依然として増加しており症状が悪化していることを学びました」と彼は記者会見で語りました...グループの弁護士によると、そのメンバーの7人が、白血病の数人を含め、これまでに死亡しています[3人の死がこの前の7月に報告されていました]。
Asahi Shimbun, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi broke down in tears as he made an emotional plea of support for U.S. Navy sailors beset by health problems… More than 400 veterans who were part of a mission called Operation Tomodachi… filed a mass lawsuit in California against [TEPCO]. They are seeking compensation and an explanation for their health problems… Koizumi said: “U.S. military personnel who did their utmost in providing relief are now suffering from serious illnesses. We cannot ignore the situation.” Apparently overcome with emotion, Koizumi started crying…
朝日新聞英語版、2016年5月19日:小泉純一郎元首相は、健康上の問題を抱えた米海軍の船員に対する支援の感情的な嘆願として、泣き崩れました...トモダチ作戦と呼ばれるミッションの部隊であった400人以上の退役軍人が... [東京電力]に対してカリフォルニア州で集団訴訟を提起しました。彼らは自分の健康問題についての補償と説明を求めています...小泉は言った:「救済を提供することに全力をした米国軍人は今、深刻な病気に苦しんでいます。我々はこの状況を無視することはできません。」どうやら感極まって、小泉は泣き始めました...
Theodore Holcomb [was] diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. He died in 2014 at age 35. The Department of Veterans Affairs later cut off a study into the causal relationship between his exposure to radiation and his illness… Ron Wright, 26, worked on the deck [and] developed a swelling of the testicles and underwent surgery four times… A military doctor told him there was no relationship between his illness and exposure to radiation.
CBS San Diego, May 18, 2016: Sick sailors meet with Japan’s former prime minister… The USS Reagan sailed through a nuclear plume and crews had to spend hours decontaminating the vessel. Sailors now say they are suffering from radiation exposure. “Honestly, I just want to feel better,” said Chad Holt, who served on the USS Ronald Reagan… “A lot of people, they can’t physically see something wrong with you. They think there is nothing wrong with you. That is not the case what we are living with on a daily basis,” said Daniel Hair, who is now retired from the Navy… “I realized this is something that can’t be skipped over, can’t be ignored any longer. The three claims of being safe, cheap and clean were all lies,” [Koizumi] said.
NBC San Diego, May 18, 2016: Many of the sailors say doctors refused to connect their illnesses with the radiation exposure. “You have to experience it,” said William Zeller. “You have to experience the doctor telling you to your face. You have to experience the years of pain when everyone tells you ‘You know you’re fine.’”… “I realize this is not something that can be just skipped over and can’t be ignored any longer,” [Koizumi] said. “Everyone played a role in not shedding more light on this problem…” Koizumi said… The sailors’ attorney said they have won their case against Tokyo Electric Power Company twice, however the company has appealed the judge’s decisions. It is still unclear how exactly the sailors will be compensated…
NBCサンディエゴ、2016年5月18日:船員の多くは、医師が放射能被曝と病気を結びつけることを拒否した、と言います。「あなた方はそれを経験する必要があります、」とウィリアム・ツェラーは言いました。「あなた方は、あなた方に面と向かって伝える医師を経験する必要があります。誰もがあなた方に『あなたは自分が元気であると知っている』と告げた年々の痛みを、あなた方は経験しなければならない。」...「私は、これは単に看過することができない、もはや無視できない何かである、と認識します」[小泉首相は]言いました。「誰もがこの問題に多くの光を放っていない中で役割を果たしました... 」小泉首相は言いました...船員弁護士は、彼らは2回東京電力に対し勝訴している、と述べました、しかし同社は裁判官の決定を控訴しています。船員が補償されるかは正確にはまだ不明です...
San Diego Union Tribune, May 17, 2016: Koizumi [said] he believes the service members’ illnesses, reported to include leukemia and tumors, were caused by the 2011 exposure, despite U.S. government findings to the contrary… Koizumi said the Japanese government and [TEPCO] should support the radiation-exposed U.S troops financially and “across the board.”
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