12. 2015年11月14日 10:00:54
Paris under attack: Shootout and explosion in Paris NOVEMBER 14, 201510:50AM VideoImage 1:06 / 1:14 Up Next
Paris attacks on 'all of humanity': ObamaWaze App Packs Residential Streets With TrafficAt least 30 reportedly dead in Paris shootingsDeadly shootouts, explosions in ParisAt least four dead in Paris attacksShootout and explosion reported in ParisWN: Market Data, November 13WN: Winners & Losers, November 13Opinion Journal: Syria Peace Talks Do-OverRoyal couple Albany-bound before beach BBQMurder charge after Sydney stabbingLimited flights out of BaliEight dead babies found in German flatRiot at Brazilian juvenile detention center, hostages taken President Obama Reacts to Paris Attacks Network Writers and wiresnews.com.au Email a friend Kalashnikov and grenade attacks across Paris Multiple shooting attacks have killed at least 140 Attackers dropped explosives on concert-goers in Bataclan concert hall State of emergency as border closed and Paris enacts curfew Two terrorists killed as 125 hostages freed AT least 140 people are dead in Paris, according to French media, after multiple attacks across the city on Friday night. Police launched an assault on the Bataclan concert hall where up to 100 hostages were being held, killing two men reportedly armed with Kalashnikovs. French police say around 100 people were killed inside the concert hall, which suggests the majority of people inside were killed. People were told to stay off social media so as to not jeopardise the police operation. The concert hall was packed with people watching the Eagles of Death Metal perform. Eagles of Death Metal - a blues-rock band from California - have worked with music A-listers including Jack Black and Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters and Nirvana fame. The band and crew have reportedly not been located. A post on their Facebook page reads: “We are still currently trying to determine the safety and whereabouts of all our band and crew. Our thoughts are with all of the people involved in this tragic situation.” CNN reported hostages were texting that they were being killed one by one and were begging for a police raid. A reporter described the scene inside as a “bloodbath”. Another reporter said police described the scene inside the concert hall as “carnage”, explaining the attackers tossed explosives on hostages. Five explosions were heard from outside the concert hall and shooting of automatic gunfire as police entered the building. Earlier witnesses told French media they heard 20 shots and saw two men inside the venue. Earlier police officials reported a shootout in a Paris restaurant and an explosion in a bar near a Paris, causing dozens to be killed. Carnage ... Victims are covered with sheets following shooting in Paris. Source: TWITTER @5h55 Carnage ... Victims are covered with sheets following shooting in Paris. Source: TWITTER @5h55Source:Supplied French police confirmed there were two suicide attacks and one bombing near the stadium. Meanwhile, Reuters is reporting there is a shooting at a shopping centre. French President Francois Hollande says he is closing the country’s borders and declaring a state of emergency. Australian ex-pat Sam Davies, 33, is currently locked in a bar about 300 metres from the attack on the Le Carrillon and Le Petit Cambodg in the 10th arrondissement. He said most bars in the area had gone into lockdown. “Everyone is wandering around dazed in a state of shock,” he told News Corp Australia. Formerly from Melbourne, Mr Davies has lived in Paris for eight years and lives next door to Le Carillon. He said he was horrified the popular Le Carillon bar and neighbouring Cambodian restaurant were targeted. “This isn’t a tourist area, this is young, hipsters,” he said. “It’s the only place in Paris where you can get a good coffee. It’s like Fitzroy in Melbourne. “It’s really shocking to me, I cannot understand it.” Hollande, in a televised address to his nation, said the nation would stand firm and united against the attackers. He said security forces are assaulting one of the sites hit by Friday’s attacks, without elaborating. “It’s a horror,” he said. Multiple attacks ... More than 140 people are dead. Multiple attacks ... More than 140 people are dead.Source:News Corp Australia It was unclear if the events were linked. But US security officials believe the violent incidents are co-ordinated. Police say 11 people were killed at the restaurant and another 15 at the Bataclan concert hall in eastern Paris, adding that a hostage crisis was ongoing at the venue. At least three others were killed in explosions near the stadium just north of Paris, where a France-Germany football match was taking place on Friday night. There are report of two explosions at the stadium and they have been linked to a suicide bomber. French President Francois Hollande was at the stadium at the time and quickly removed to safety. BFM television reports there were several dead in the restaurant shooting in the 10th arrondissement of the capital. “It lasted terribly long,” said awitness, quoted by the French newspaper Liberation. “He lifted his Kalashnikov, he pulled into the Carillon. We could hear people screaming, you could not hear the shooter“. An Associated Press reporter in the stadium Friday night heard two explosions loud enough to penetrate the sounds of cheering fans. Sirens were immediately heard, and a helicopter was circling overhead. Hundreds of people spilt onto the field of the Stade de France stadium after the explosions were heard. A stadium announcer made an announcement over the loudspeaker after the match, telling fans to avoid certain exits “due to events outside,” without elaborating. The attack comes as France has heightened security measures ahead of a major global climate conference that starts in two weeks, out of fear of violent protests and potential terrorist attacks. At first that prompted some panic, but then the crowds just walked dazed, hugging each other and looking at their phones for the latest news of the violence. Many appeared hesitant to leave amid the uncertainty after France’s deadliest attacks in decades. Emilioi Macchio, from Ravenna, Italy, was at the Carillon bar near the restaurant that was targeted, having a beer on the sidewalk when the shooting started. He said he didn’t see any gunmen or victims, but hid behind a corner then ran away. “It sounded like fireworks,” he said. All on board ... Police officers and rescue workers at the Petit Cambodge restaurant. All on board ... Police officers and rescue workers at the Petit Cambodge restaurant.Source:AFP Former US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff says it is too early to know exactly what was happening in Paris. Social media posts from purported ISIS supporters could indicate that “there was a group waiting for this, but it could be a group watching,” Chertoff said in an interview with MSNBC Friday night. “I don’t think we can say this proves anything, but again it supports the idea that it’s terrorism,” Chertoff said. John Cohen, a former Homeland Security Department counterterrorism coordinator, say the presence of multiple attack scenes at the same time suggested a coordinated effort to “send a message” and raises immediate terror concerns, including for other cities in Europe and potentially the United States as well. He said both Al Qaida and ISIS have relied on the strategy of coordinated attacks in the past. Deadly night ... Rescue workers and medics work on victims in a Paris restaurant. Deadly night ... Rescue workers and medics work on victims in a Paris restaurant.Source:AP World leaders react - “An attack on all of humanity” President Barack Obama is calling the attacks on Paris “outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians” and is vowing to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice. New York went on a heightened state of alert Friday, deploying counter-terrorism police reinforcements to crowded places Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said he would not speculate about who was responsible. He called the attacks a “heartbreaking situation” and an “attack on all of humanity.” Obama was briefed on the attacks Friday by his counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco. The attacks come as the president is preparing for two trips abroad. He’s slated to leave Saturday for a nine-day trip to Turkey, the Philippines and Malaysia. He due to travel to Paris for climate change talks at the end of the month. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is “deeply shaken by the news and pictures that are reaching us from Paris.” British Prime Minister David Cameron says he is “shocked” by the Paris attacks and violence. Cameron said on Twitter “Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed solidarity with France. “I am shocked and saddened that so many people have been killed and injured in violent attacks in Paris,” Trudeau said, offering his condolences. “Canada stands with France at this dark time and offers all possible assistance.” France has been on edge since deadly attacks by Islamic extremists in January on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery that left 20 dead, including the three attackers. The restaurant targeted Friday, Le Carillon, is in the same general neighbourhood as the Charlie Hebdo offices. The country has seen several smaller-scale attacks or attempts since, including an incident on a high-speed train in August in which American travellers thwarted a heavily armed Islamic radical trying to attack passengers. http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/paris-under-attack-shootout-and-explosion-in-paris/story-fnh81p7g-1227608676312 |
16. 2015年11月14日 10:47:03
: lp5Ix9L2XU
パリで銃撃や爆発、153人死亡 劇場やサッカー場など 2015.11.14 Sat posted at 10:36 JST パリ各地で銃撃や爆発が発生=@justdizle/Fresco News http://www.cnn.co.jp/storage/2015/11/14/f7a0e1c2360fcb3ca20ed9b775713c7a/paris-terror.jpg (CNN) CNN系列局のBFMTVによると、フランスのパリで13日夜、劇場など少なくとも6カ所で銃撃があったほか、サッカーの代表戦が行われていたパリ郊外のスタジアムでも少なくとも3回の爆発があり、当局によると、合わせて少なくとも153人が死亡した。
内務省によると、銃撃があった場所の1つ、劇場「バタクラン」では少なくとも112人が死亡した。同劇場内から脱出したラジオ記者によると、黒い服に身を包んだ男2人がAK47とみられる自動小銃を発砲。マスクは着けておらず無言だったという。銃撃は10〜15分間にわたり続き、劇場内のコンサート会場にいた観客はパニックになり悲鳴を上げた。20〜25人の死体が床に散乱していたという。 男らは人質を取って劇場内のコンサート会場に立てこもっていたが、BFMTVによると、警察特殊部隊が現場に突入。襲撃者2人は殺害され、立てこもりは終わったという。警察により人質少なくとも100人が屋外に解放された。負傷者がいる模様。 また仏メディアによると、サッカー・ドイツ代表とフランス代表の試合が行われ、オランド仏大統領も観戦に訪れていたパリ郊外の「スタッド・ド・フランス」で複数の爆発があった。オランド大統領はハーフタイムに避難し、スタジアムは閉鎖された。情報筋によると、爆発のうち1件は自爆テロとみられる。 これを受けて、オランド大統領は非常事態を宣言し、国境を閉鎖する意向を示した。「我々は共感と連帯、団結を示し、冷静さを維持する必要がある。フランスは強く偉大な国でなければならない」と述べた。事件は「前例のない攻撃」で、「テロと直面して、この国は自分をどう守り、軍隊をどう動かし、テロリストにどう打ち勝つかを知っている」とも述べた。 死者は100人を超えた=@pibzedog/Fresco News http://www.cnn.co.jp/storage/2015/11/14/6fc298bf25149ad319856a1d6e19d55f/paris-terror2.jpg オランド大統領、マニュエル・バルス副大統領、カズヌーブ内相は内務省で緊急会議を開催した。 パリ警察は市民に自宅待機を命令。ツイッター上で、「絶対の必要がない限り」自宅にとどまるよう呼びかけている。 「ル・パリジャン」紙の記者によると、フランス当局はテロ捜査を開始。公式の犯行声明は出ていないが、過激派組織「イラク・シリア・イスラム国(ISIS)」はツイッター上で、一連の攻撃を称賛した。 また、オバマ米大統領はホワイトハウスで、「これはパリやフランスの人々への攻撃にととまらず、人類すべてと我々が共有する価値観への攻撃だ」と主張。一連の攻撃について、「罪のない民間人を狙った卑劣なテロ行為だ」と述べた。 米国の対テロ当局者によると、米国の対テロ当局は、情報を収集し米国に対するテロの脅威がないかを評価するため、会議を開催。今のところ米国への脅威を示唆する情報はないという。現時点でパリでの犯行を疑われているのは、シリアやイラクから帰国した戦闘員だという。 http://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35073496.html |