31. 2015年10月03日 23:14:06
: nJF6kGWndY
http://www.asyura2.com/15/nature6/msg/158.html#c29 >>28 v/cの項が人類の測定圏外になる >ファインマンのパラドックスの解析は電子をv/cが無視できない速度、つまりニュートン速度を越えたところ
何でもそうだが、具体的に、問題を定義した方が理解しやすいだろうな 繰り返しだが、現実に、地球の半径はmm単位で測定できるし
電磁気学はローレンツ変換に対して不変になるようにできていて相対論的効果を既に考慮に入れている 電荷の速度がcm/sのオーダーであっても(つまりvの値に因らず)ローレンツ力や磁場として測定できる それを相対論的効果と呼ぶかどうかは、解釈次第ということだな >>29 18番に引用されたこの教師の結論は、何を言わんとしているのかサッパリ分からない
だからファインマンの言いたいこと自体は、ほぼ教師の、あの引用通りで complete electromagnetic description is invariant; electricity and magnetism taken together are consistent with Einstein’s relativity. 詳細は以下を読むとわかり易いだろう (日本語訳の本があれば、その方がいいが) http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_15.html http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_34.html http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_13.html 13–3The magnetic force on a current 13–6The relativity of magnetic and electric fields When we said that the magnetic force on a charge was proportional to its velocity, you may have wondered: “What velocity? With respect to which reference frame?” It is, in fact, clear from the definition of B given at the beginning of this chapter that what this vector is will depend on what we choose as a reference frame for our specification of the velocity of charges. But we have said nothing about which is the proper frame for specifying the magnetic field. It turns out that any inertial frame will do. We will also see that magnetism and electricity are not independent things—that they should always be taken together as one complete electromagnetic field. Although in the static case Maxwell’s equations separate into two distinct pairs, one pair for electricity and one pair for magnetism, with no apparent connection between the two fields, nevertheless, in nature itself there is a very intimate relationship between them that arises from the principle of relativity. Historically, the principle of relativity was discovered after Maxwell’s equations. It was, in fact, the study of electricity and magnetism which led ultimately to Einstein’s discovery of his principle of relativity. But let’s see what our knowledge of relativity would tell us about magnetic forces if we assume that the relativity principle is applicable—as it is—to electromagnetism. Suppose we think about what happens when a negative charge moves with velocity v0 parallel to a current-carrying wire, as in Fig. 13–10. We will try to understand what goes on in two reference frames: one fixed with respect to the wire, as in part (a) of the figure, and one fixed with respect to the particle, as in part (b). We will call the first frame S and the second S′. If we had chosen still another coordinate system, we would have found a different mixture of E and B fields. Electric and magnetic forces are part of one physical phenomenon—the electromagnetic interactions of particles. The separation of this interaction into electric and magnetic parts depends very much on the reference frame chosen for the description. But a complete electromagnetic description is invariant; electricity and magnetism taken together are consistent with Einstein’s relativity.