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(回答先: NATO事務総長、ウクライナ危機におけるNATOの立場を表明 投稿者 手紙 日時 2014 年 8 月 31 日 00:31:35)

件名:プーチン大統領の人権委員会、誤ってクリミア住民投票の本当の投票結果を投稿 -- 併合支持は15%のみ
プーチン大統領の人権委員会、誤ってクリミア住民投票の本当の投票結果を投稿 -- 併合支持は15%のみ
06 5月, 05:16
By TCH / Published on May 4, 2014
Russia-approved election observers in Crimea but no OSCE
By JewishNewsOne / Published on Mar 14, 2014
*OSCE NewsRoom
*OSCE Chair says Crimean referendum in its current form is illegal and calls for alternative ways to address the Crimean issue
*Crimean status referendum, 2014,_2014
■OSCE and UN absence
On March 10, 2014 the de facto Prime Minister of Crimea, Sergei Aksionov, made an unofficial verbal invitation to OSCE to monitor the plebiscite.[93][94] However, later in the day, an OSCE spokeswoman said that Crimea did not have the authority to invite the organization into the region as it is not a fully-fledged state and, therefore, incapable of requesting services provided exclusively to OSCE members.[94] On March 11, the OSCE chair, Switzerland's Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter, declared the referendum as unconstitutional and therefore the OSCE would not send observers.[95] Uninvited OSCE military observers attempted to enter the region four times but were turned away, sometimes after warning shots were fired,[96][97] which was another reason given for not dispatching referendum observers.[98]
OSCE also published a report about their observations which "produced significant evidence of equipment consistent with the presence of Russian Federation military personnel in the vicinity of the various roadblocks encountered".[99]
The UN Human Rights Envoy Ivan Simonovic had to cancel his trip to Crimea as the current situation did not permit his travel. He intended to observe the human rights situation which was Russia's explanation for its engagement in Crimea.[100]
■Non-OSCE observers
Russian state-owned media and referendum organizers claimed that from nearly 70[101] to 135[102] international observers monitored the referendum without reporting any violations,[103] but objectivity of these has been questioned, because many of them had ties to far-right groups.[104][105][106]
The Crimean election spokesman Mikhail Malyshev reported that 135 international observers from 23 countries and 1,240 local observers were registered and 623 accredited journalists from 169 international media outlets were invited.[102][107][108][109]
The Ukrayinska Pravda reported that Russia formally asked all Russian-speaking European Union citizens and expats to become observers in Crimea while travel, accommodation and all expenses will be covered.[110]
According to Yale historian Timothy Snyder, the Russian government invited people from among European far-right parties to serve as observers.[111] At least some of the international observers were managed and financed by the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections (EODE),[98][112] a far-right Russia-based self-proclaimed election monitoring organization.[113]
Shaun Walker from The Guardian reported that during a press conference on the eve of the referendum, some of the aforementioned observers "went on political rants against U.S. hegemony in the world", describing the press conference as "rather bizarre".[e]
Exit-polls were allowed only for the Republican Institute of Sociological Research since, according to Russia-24, no other organizations have applied for accreditation for exit polls.[115]
■Allegations of fraud
A Russian journalist stated that she was allowed to vote even after admitting she was a Russian citizen with only a temporary one-year permit to live in Crimea[116] "According to all the laws, this is illegal," she said in one interview. "I am a foreign citizen. How can I decide the destiny of the Crimean Autonomous Republic of Ukraine?".[117]
The chairman of the electoral campaign of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People claimed officials failed to check carefully whether voters' names were on the electoral register and that some voters were bussed in to Bakhchysarai to increase participation rates in the city.[118] Mejlis also stated that only 34.2% of Crimea residents participated in the referendum.[119][120]
There were reports of people confiscating identification documents before the voting day. Simferopol city administration confirmed these claims and declared these actions unlawful.[121]
A senior US official stated there was "concrete evidence" of some ballots having been pre-marked.[122][123]
There were three Czech observers, a deputy Stanislav Berkovec reported that the voting was free and the foreign deputies could move freely. According to his dialogs with people even the Tatars inclined towards Russia.[124] Another deputy Milan Šarapatka reported that the referendum was formally regular and that there was no evidence of pressure on voters.[125] According to Miloslav Soušek (the Vysoké Mýto mayor), everything was standard, the course of the referendum was comparable to the elections in the Czech Republic, he saw no soldiers in the town.[126]
