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投稿者 自由のための統一戦線 日時 2020 年 4 月 21 日 10:45:47: eH.5ApKY0Wg7k jqmXUoLMgr2C34LMk52I6pDtkPw































1. 2020年5月02日 12:55:40 : 8LCWNDBwO6 : bE1pU2tYcjRNMHc=[1] 報告



 電場と磁場の周期的変化が波動となって伝わるのが電磁波であり、電気が流れると、そこに電場と磁場が起きます。この二つが組み合わさり波として伝わるのが電磁波です。つまり電気の流れている ところでは必ず電磁波が発生します。

 一般的には太陽光より周波数の低い電磁波を[電波] あるいは[電磁波]と呼び、高い周波数を[放射線]と呼びます。家庭の電化製品からでる 電磁波の多くは50ないし60Hzで、こういった数KHz以下の極低周波の電磁波は、 磁場の性質が強くコンクリートでも突きぬけ遮蔽が難しいのです。








 疫学的研究では、87年の米国サビッツ博士の調査で 「2mG(ミリガウス)以上の磁場で小児白血病が1.93倍、小児筋肉腫瘍3.26倍」という結果 がでました。

 スウェーデンでは、1992年にカロリンスカ研究所を中心とした大規模な疫学調査の結果、アールポム博士は、北欧3国集計で「2mG以上 の磁場で小児白血病が2.1倍、小児脳腫瘍1.5倍」との調査結果を発表。低レベルでも電磁波にさらされることにより、小児白血病やがんの発生率が増加する恐れが指摘され、世界に大きな反響を呼びました。

 現在は 「影響あり」とする論文が多数をしめています。





 ブラウン管(VDT)を使うコンピューターが主流を占めていますが、女性オペレーターが妊娠中にこの種のディスプレイで作業を続けることの危険性は 前々から指摘されています。

 外国での報告はそれこそ無数にありますが、 日本の自治労の調査でも「新生児の生後28日以内の死亡率が平均の約9倍」「低体重児の出産率2倍」(86年調査)、「切迫流産1.4倍」(92年調査)といった報告が出ています。

 コンピューターの女性オペレーターの問題を直視したサンフランシスコ市は、 市条例で「VDT画面から少なくとも1メートル離れて使用」「妊婦は妊娠が判明した時点 からVDT作業禁止」を義務づけています。(同時に雇用者側には「電磁波漏洩の少ない コンピューターの導入」を勧告しています)

 スウェーデンでは「画面から50センチで 2.5mG以下」と具体的にVDTの規格を規制しています。

 コンピューターやテレビのブラウン管には、電子ビームを打ち出す電子銃があり、 高電圧が用いられるため、X線、ベーター線、紫外線、赤外線、マイクロ波、短波・中波、 超低周波、イオンなど、広い帯域にわたる電磁波が同時に発生します。これらが組み合わ されて複合的に作用して人体に影響を与えるとされています。それだけ対応が困難であることにもなります。

 ブラウン管からの漏洩は、正面だけではなく、前後左右上下の全方位にあることを忘れてはなりません。後の席の人のディスプレイの後部が、前の席の人の 後頭部を狙うようなオフィス配置がよく見られます。職場のレイアウトに注意が求められ ます。

 電磁波の漏洩は上下左右の全方向。普通は構造上の理由から右側よりも、 左方向への強度が強く、背面より正面がやや強いという傾向をもっています。



 携帯電話は電磁波、しかもマイクロ波という、電子レンジと同じ領域の電波を出したり受けたりするように作られたものです。 さらに大きな問題は直接耳に当てて使うという点です。 さまざまな電気・電磁機器の中でこれほど脳や眼に対して 至近距離で使用されるものは他にありません。

 電子レンジの原理は、マイクロ波が食品に貫通して、内部に 含まれる水の分子を振動させて発熱させるところにあります。 携帯電話のマイクロ波は、たとえ電子レンジよりも微弱では あっても、脳髄に極めて近い耳に当てて使うために、限りなく 危険性は高まります。

 脳の細胞水を振動させて加熱現象を起こすこと、あるいは ホット・スポットと呼ばれる熱集中点が脳内にできて、そこが 局所的に加熱され、細胞を変性させる恐れは十分にあります。

  また、使用中の携帯電話と眼の距離も極めて近い。人間の眼の 水晶体(血管がなく放熱が起こりにくい)は、一種のタンパク質で あるから、携帯電話のマイクロ波が水晶体を「加熱」し白濁させる 危険(白内障)もあります。



 エアコン       20mG

 ホットカーペット   30mG

 カラーテレビ     20mG

 ステレオ        20mG

 アイロン       3mG

 ヘアドライヤー    70mG

 電気コタツ     100mG

 掃除機       200mG

 ビデオデッキ     6mG

 洗濯機        30mG

 電気シェーバー  100mG

 電子レンジ     200mG

 炊飯器       40mG

 冷蔵庫       20mG

 コーヒーメーカー   1mG

 携帯電話      200mG

 ファックス     2mG




 電子機器におけるこれまでの電磁波対策は、他に障害を与える電磁波を出さないようにするEMI規制 が中心でありました。国際規格ではCISPR、米国ではFCC、日本では電気用品取締法やVCCIがそれに当たります。



国際的には、特にEU(欧州連合)がEMC規制強化を進めており、昨年の産業機械に続き、本年初頭には小型電子機器や自動車に対するEMC指令(法的規制)が実施されました。欧州に輸出しようとする 電子機器、産業機械、自動車等は、EMC指令に定められた規格に適合しないと輸出できなくなりました。








2. 2020年5月04日 23:37:52 : JCaiwOmXBS : L2tGVFRzaVZxQk0=[1] 報告


JP2011132048A - 二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法 - Google より抜粋





二酸化塩素は強い酸化力を有し、環境浄化、室内の除菌、ウイルス、バクテリアなどの殺菌、家庭、病院などの人の集まる場所における感染の防止、または食品の移送などにおいて、脱臭剤、防腐剤、防カビ剤、殺菌剤、殺藻剤、消臭剤、漂白剤など幅広い分野にわたって使用されている。たとえば、国が二酸化塩素の使用を認可した用途は、温泉やスーパー銭湯などの湯の殺菌(レジオネラ菌などの殺菌)、プール水の殺菌、生食野菜の殺菌、上水への添加(鉄、マンガンなどの除去)などがある。また、二酸化塩素ガスの大気中の環境基準としては、ACGIH(米国産業衛生専門家会議)によって2001年に発表されているTLV(Threshold Limit Values、これは毎日繰り返しある物質たとえば二酸化塩素ガスに暴露したときほとんどの労働者に悪影響がみられないと思われる大気中の濃度をいう。)が重要な指標とされており、8時間におけるTWA(時間加重平均値、これはある物質たとえば二酸化塩素ガスの濃度とその持続時間との積の総和を総時間数、たとえば8時間または40時間、で割ったものをいう。)が0.1ppm(0.28mg/m3)であり、15分間におけるSTEL(短時間暴露限界値、これは労働者が作業中の任意の時間にこの値を超えて暴露してはならない15分間の時間加重平均値をいう。)が0.3ppm(0.84mg/m3)とされている。したがって、室内において二酸化塩素ガスを常時発生させる場合には、その室内における二酸化塩素ガスの濃度は、上記のTWAおよびSTEL以下にする必要がある。







特開昭61−48404号公報 特開昭63−303905号公報 特開平6−233985号公報 特開平11−278808号公報 特開2003−12424号公報 特開2005−29430号公報











本実施形態において用いられる安定化二酸化塩素水溶液とは、二酸化塩素をアルカリ性水溶液に溶存させて安定化した水溶液をいい、既存化学物質1−143,CAS No.10049−04−4であり、二酸化塩素と同一番号で特定される化学物質である。一方、亜塩素酸ナトリウムおよび亜塩素酸ナトリウム液は、いずれも既存化学物質1−238,CAS No.7758−19−2で特定される化学物質である。



安定化二酸化塩素水溶液の具体例として、International Dioxide INC’製のAnthium Dioxcideは、5質量%(50000ppm)の二酸化塩素と、3.65質量%の炭酸ナトリウムと、91.35質量%の水と、を含む。Rio Linda Chmical Co製のEZ Flow 25%は、25質量%の二酸化塩素と、5質量%の塩化ナトリウムと、2質量%の炭酸ナトリウムと、68質量%の水と、を含む。Bio−Cide Chemical Co.Inc製のPurogeneは、2質量%(20000ppm)の二酸化塩素を含む。助川化学株式会社製のビオトークは、約5質量%(48000〜52000ppm)の二酸化塩素と、3.5〜4.5質量%の安定化剤と、を含む。保土ヶ谷化学工業株式会社製ハイクローツ H−5は、50000±2000ppmの二酸化塩素を含む。









ClO2 + e- → Cl- + 2O (1)






















Claims (4)
1 亜塩素酸塩水溶液または安定化二酸化塩素水溶液に、活性化剤として水素塩と、ガス発生調節剤と、吸水性樹脂とを添加して、ゲル化させて得られるゲル状組成物から二酸化塩素ガスを持続的に発生させることを特徴とする二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法。
2 固形物として、固形亜塩素酸塩と、活性剤として水素塩と、ガス発生調整剤と、吸水性樹脂とを準備し、使用の際に前記固形物に水を添加し、ゲル化させて得られるゲル状組成物から二酸化塩素ガスを持続的に発生させることを特徴とする二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法。
3 前記水素塩が、硫酸水素ナトリウム、硫酸水素カリウム、リン酸二水素ナトリウム、リン酸水素二ナトリウム、リン酸二水素カリウムおよびリン酸水素二カリウムからなる群から選ばれるいずれかである請求項1または請求項2に記載の二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法。
4 前記ガス発生調節剤が、セピオライト、モンモリロナイト、ケイソウ土、タルクおよびゼオライトからなる群から選ばれる少なくともいずれかである請求項1〜請求項3のいずれかに記載の二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法。
JP2009290908A 2009-12-22 2009-12-22 二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法 Pending JP2011132048A (ja)



PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide methods for generating chlorine dioxide gas, which have a long duration of gas generation. SOLUTION: One of the methods for generating chlorine dioxide gas includes steps that chlorine dioxide gas is continuously generated from a gel-like composition obtained by adding a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator and a water absorbing resin to an aqueous chlorite solution or a stabilized aqueous chlorine dioxide solution and carrying out gelling. The other of the methods for generating chlorine dioxide gas includes steps that chlorine dioxide gas is continuously generated from a gel-like composition obtained by preparing a solid chlorite as a solid material, a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator and a water absorbing resin, adding water to the solid material at the time of use, and carrying out gelling. COPYRIGHT: (C)2011,JPO&INPIT


The present invention includes environmental purification, indoor sterilization, sterilization of viruses, bacteria, etc., prevention of infection in places where people gather such as homes and hospitals, or deodorization, sterilization, mold prevention, antiseptic, etc. at the time of food transfer, The present invention relates to a method for generating dilute chlorine dioxide gas used for the purpose.

Chlorine dioxide has a strong oxidizing power, and it can be used as a deodorant and antiseptic for environmental purification, sterilization in the room, sterilization of viruses and bacteria, prevention of infection at home, hospital and other places where people gather, or transport of food. It is used in a wide range of fields such as agents, fungicides, bactericides, algicides, deodorants and bleaches. For example, the government has approved the use of chlorine dioxide for sterilizing hot springs such as hot springs and super public baths (sterilizing Legionella bacteria), sterilizing pool water, sterilizing raw vegetables, and adding water (iron, manganese) Etc.). In addition, as an environmental standard for chlorine dioxide gas in the atmosphere, TLV (Threshold Limit Values) published in 2001 by ACGIH (American Industrial Hygienists Conference) is exposed to certain substances such as chlorine dioxide gas repeatedly every day. Sometimes it is an important indicator that most workers do not seem to be adversely affected. TWA at 8 hours (time-weighted average value, which is the concentration of certain substances such as chlorine dioxide gas) The sum of the product of the concentration and its duration divided by the total number of hours, for example 8 hours or 40 hours) is 0.1 ppm (0.28 mg / m 3 ), and STEL ( The short-term exposure limit, which is a 15-minute time-weighted average value that workers should not be exposed to at any time during work) pm (0.84 mg / m 3 ). Therefore, when chlorine dioxide gas is constantly generated in a room, the concentration of chlorine dioxide gas in the room needs to be equal to or less than the above TWA and STEL.

Various powdery and granular compositions that generate chlorine dioxide gas have been developed for the above applications. For example, there is a composition in which an aqueous solution of sodium chlorite is mixed with an alkaline solid substance and an alkaline oxidizing agent. These compositions are mixed with an oxidizing agent, or are brought into contact with an acid, an ester vapor, or water vapor. Thus, chlorine dioxide gas can be generated during use (see, for example, Patent Document 1).

In addition, a method in which stabilized chlorine dioxide is sprayed and reacted with carbon dioxide in the air to lower the pH to generate a small amount of chlorine dioxide gas (see, for example, Patent Document 2), chlorine dioxide gas such as silica gel is used. A method of adsorbing through a column packed with a carrier and releasing chlorine dioxide gas through pressurized air during use (for example, Patent Document 3) has been proposed.

However, the composition for generating chlorine dioxide gas as described above usually reacts due to moisture in the air and gradually generates chlorine dioxide gas. Therefore, the generation rate of chlorine dioxide gas is not only dependent on moisture, but is remarkably large at the beginning of use, but the generation amount decreases with time. Also, since it is a solid, only the components on its surface are consumed for the generation of chlorine dioxide gas, so it is necessary to renew the surface by stirring the particles from time to time. To maintain the chlorine dioxide gas concentration at a certain level These compositions must be replaced and replenished from time to time. Also, the method of adsorbing chlorine dioxide gas on silica gel and driving it out with air requires equipment and labor, and is not easy in use.

Therefore, it has been proposed that pure chlorine dioxide solution containing dissolved chlorine dioxide gas, chlorite and pH adjuster contain a superabsorbent resin to form a gel composition and continuously generate chlorine dioxide gas. (For example, refer to Patent Document 4). However, it is difficult to adjust the transpiration rate of chlorine dioxide gas only by the addition of the superabsorbent resin, and there is a problem that the transpiration rate becomes large as the temperature rises, for example.

Furthermore, in order to control the release amount of chlorine dioxide gas and further extend the generation duration of chlorine dioxide gas, porous materials such as calcined aggregate, sepiolite and montmorillonite are used as a gas generation regulator in the gel composition. Inclusion has been proposed (see, for example, Patent Document 5 and Patent Document 6).

However, from the viewpoints of deodorization, sterilization, mold prevention, antiseptic and the like during environmental purification or food transfer, it is required to further extend the generation duration of chlorine dioxide gas.

JP 61-48404 A JP-A 63-303905 JP-A-6-233985 JP-A-11-278808 JP 2003-12424 A JP 2005-29430 A

The present invention solves the above problems, environmental purification, sterilization in the room, sterilization of viruses, bacteria, etc., prevention of infection in places where people gather such as homes and hospitals, or deodorization at the time of food transfer, It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for generating chlorine dioxide gas having a long gas generation duration applicable to sterilization, mold prevention, antiseptic and the like.

The present invention relates to a gel-like composition obtained by adding a hydrogen salt, a gas generation regulator, and a water-absorbing resin as an activator to a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution to cause gelation. A chlorine dioxide gas generation method characterized by continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas from

The present invention also provides a solid chlorite as a solid, a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator, and a water absorbent resin, and water is added to the solid during use. The chlorine dioxide gas generation method is characterized by continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas from a gel composition obtained by gelation.

In the method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to the present invention, the hydrogen salt is made of sodium hydrogen sulfate, potassium hydrogen sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate. Or any one selected from: Furthermore, the gas generation regulator can be at least one selected from the group consisting of sepiolite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, talc and zeolite.

According to the present invention, it is possible to provide a method for generating chlorine dioxide gas having a long gas generation duration.

(Embodiment 1)
One embodiment of the method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to the present invention is to add a hydrogen salt, a gas generation regulator, and a water absorbent resin as an activator to a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution. Thus, chlorine dioxide gas is continuously generated from the gel composition obtained by gelation. According to the method for generating chlorine dioxide gas of the present embodiment, a method for generating chlorine dioxide gas having a long gas generation duration can be provided.

In this embodiment, by using a hydrogen salt as an activator, the hydrogen salt reacts with a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution to generate chlorine dioxide gas and absorbs moisture in the atmosphere. And since the drying of a gel-like composition is suppressed by hold | maintaining the water | moisture content in a gel-like composition, generation | occurrence | production of chlorine dioxide gas from a gel-like composition can be maintained conventionally.

(Chlorite aqueous solution)
The chlorite aqueous solution used in the present embodiment refers to an aqueous solution containing chlorite. Here, the chlorite contained in the chlorite aqueous solution is not particularly limited as long as it reacts with the activator to generate chlorine dioxide. For example, sodium chlorite (NaClO 2 ), Alkali metal chlorites such as potassium chlorite (KClO 2 ), lithium chlorite (LiClO 2 ), or calcium chlorite (Ca (ClO 2 ) 2 ), magnesium chlorite (Mg (ClO 2) 2 ), alkaline earth metal salts of chlorite such as barium chlorite (Ba (ClO 2 ) 2 ). Among these, commercially available sodium chlorite is easy to obtain and there is no problem in use. As solid sodium chlorite, 86% by mass or 76% by mass of a commercial product can be used.

The aqueous chlorite solution is chemically stable as long as the pH is 8.5 or more, and can be stored for about 0.5 to 1 year by storing it in a sealed container. Here, as an aqueous solution of sodium chlorite, a commercially available product of 32% by mass or 25% by mass can be used.

In addition, since sodium chlorite containing material of 25 mass% or more is subject to legal regulation as a poisonous and deleterious substance, in sodium chlorite aqueous solution and gel composition used for products, The content is preferably less than 25% by mass.

(Stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution)
The stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution used in the present embodiment refers to an aqueous solution stabilized by dissolving chlorine dioxide in an alkaline aqueous solution. 10049-04-4, a chemical substance identified by the same number as chlorine dioxide. On the other hand, both sodium chlorite and sodium chlorite liquids are existing chemical substances 1-238, CAS No. It is a chemical substance specified by 7758-19-2.

There is no particular limitation on the production method of the stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution as long as the dissolved chlorine dioxide is stabilized. For example, chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) is added to a sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 ) aqueous solution. It is obtained by adding sodium percarbonate (2Na 2 CO 3 .3H 2 O 2 ) while blowing gas. Moreover, the stabilizer for stabilizing the chlorine dioxide which melt | dissolves in a solution may be added.

The chlorine dioxide content contained in the stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution is not particularly limited, but from the viewpoint of stably maintaining chlorine dioxide having a concentration effective for deodorization, sterilization, mold prevention, antiseptic, etc., from 2% by mass to 25%. Up to mass% is preferred.

As a specific example of the stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution, Anthium Dioxide from International Dioxide INC 'is 5 mass% (50000 ppm) chlorine dioxide, 3.65 mass% sodium carbonate, 91.35 mass% water, including. EZ Flow 25% from Rio Linda Chemical Co contains 25% by weight chlorine dioxide, 5% by weight sodium chloride, 2% by weight sodium carbonate, and 68% by weight water. Bio-Cide Chemical Co. Inc. Purogene contains 2% by weight (20000 ppm) of chlorine dioxide. Biotalk made by Sukegawa Chemical Co., Ltd. contains about 5% by mass (48000-52000 ppm) of chlorine dioxide and 3.5-4.5% by mass of stabilizer. Hokukurotsu H-5 manufactured by Hodogaya Chemical Co., Ltd. contains 50000 ± 2000 ppm of chlorine dioxide.

The activator used in the present embodiment refers to an agent that reacts with a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution to generate chlorine dioxide gas, and generates chlorine dioxide gas and absorbs moisture in the atmosphere. In order to suppress the drying of the gel-like composition by maintaining the moisture in the gel-like composition and to maintain the generation of chlorine dioxide gas from the gel-like composition, a hydrogen salt is used. .

Here, the hydrogen salt refers to a salt in which H + of a polyvalent acid is replaced with a cation, and H + is still left. The hydrogen salt used as the activator in the present embodiment is not particularly limited. For example, sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO 4 ), potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO 4 ), sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH 2 PO 4 ), phosphoric acid Disodium hydrogen (Na 2 HPO 4 ), potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH 2 PO 4 ), dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K 2 HPO 4 ), sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO 3 ), potassium hydrogen carbonate (KHCO 3 ), etc. Is mentioned. The hydrogen salt used as the activator in the present embodiment is preferably a strong acid hydrogen salt from the viewpoint of increasing the generation of chlorine dioxide gas. For example, sodium hydrogen sulfate, potassium hydrogen sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate Any one selected from the group consisting of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate is preferred.

(Gas generation regulator)
The gas generation regulator used in the present embodiment is an adjustment for continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas generated by reacting the above stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution and the above activator from the gel composition. An agent. That is, the gas generation regulator means that when a large amount of chlorine dioxide gas is produced, at least a part of the chlorine dioxide gas is retained on the surface and / or inside, and the amount of chlorine dioxide gas produced is reduced or eliminated. Means a substance having a function of continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas from the gel composition by releasing the retained chlorine dioxide gas.

The gas generation regulator is not particularly limited in material and shape as long as it can efficiently disperse the generation of chlorine dioxide gas, but from the viewpoint of maintaining a large amount of chlorine dioxide gas, a porous material having a large surface area is preferable. It is preferably at least one selected from the group consisting of sepiolite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, talc and zeolite. From the viewpoint of increasing the surface area, it is preferably powdery, granular and / or porous.

Of the gas generation regulators described above, sepiolite is preferable from the viewpoint of excellent retention and release of chlorine dioxide gas. Here, sepiolite is a natural mineral of magnesium silicate, and its chemical structural formula is represented by (OH 2 ) 4 (OH 2 ) 4 (OH 2 ) 4 Mg 8 Si 12 O 30 ・ 6-8H 2 O. The crystal structure is fibrous and has a large number of grooves on the surface and a large number of clearances in the cylindrical tunnel structure inside, and is a substance with a very large surface area. Commercially available products include Miracle (trade name, manufactured by Omi Kogyo Co., Ltd.). An example of powdered diatomaceous earth is Celite (manufactured by Showa Chemical Co., Ltd.).

(Water absorbent resin)
The water-absorbing resin used in the present embodiment is not particularly limited as long as it absorbs moisture to form a gel composition, but is not limited to starch-based water-absorbing resin, cellulose-based water-absorbing resin, and synthetic polymer-based water-absorbing resin. Resins are preferably used. Examples of starch-based water-absorbing resins include starch / polyacrylic acid resins (manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Co., Ltd., powder). Synthetic polymer-based water-absorbing resins include crosslinked polyacrylic acid resins, isobutylene / maleic acid resins, popal / There are a polyacrylate resin, a polyacrylate resin, and the like. Specifically, sodium polyacrylate is used. In the present invention, it is also possible to use only a powdery gas generation regulator without using a water-absorbent resin in the gelation.

In the present embodiment, for example, a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution is put in one container, and hydrogen salt powder (activator), powder is put in another container (plastic bag, polyethylene bag, etc.). A gas generation regulator in the form of a gas and a mixture of a water-absorbing resin are put in and sealed. In use, the above mixture can be added to a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution and gelled to form a gel composition, and chlorine dioxide gas can be generated continuously.

In the gel composition, for example, a chlorite aqueous solution is 1.0% by mass to 15.0% by mass in terms of 100% solids, or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution is 1.0% by mass to 15% in terms of chlorine dioxide. 0.0% by mass, hydrogen salt as an activator is 0.5% by mass to 20.0% by mass in terms of 100% solids, gas generation regulator is 2.0% by mass to 7.0% by mass, water absorbent resin Can be produced at a ratio of 6.0 mass% to 15.0 mass% and water at a ratio of 60 mass% to 90.5 mass%. Here, from the viewpoint of continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas from the gel composition, in the gel composition, the hydrogen salt is 0.5 mass% to 15 mass% in the case of hydrogen sulfate, and phosphorus In the case of an oxyhydrogen salt, the content is preferably 1.0% by mass to 20% by mass.

The chlorine dioxide gas thus obtained is a strong oxidant having an effective chlorine amount 2.6 times that of chlorine gas, and has a large sterilizing power in an aqueous solution in a wide region having a pH of 9 or less. In addition, chlorine dioxide aqueous solution is the following formula (1)
ClO 2 + e − → Cl − + 2O (1)
It is considered that the active oxygen (O) generated by the above exhibits a great bactericidal action and deodorizing action.

(Embodiment 2)
Another embodiment of the method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to the present invention is to prepare a solid chlorite as a solid, a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator, and a water absorbent resin, It is characterized in that chlorine dioxide gas is continuously generated from a gel-like composition obtained by adding water to the solid material and gelling it at the time of use.

In this embodiment, a solid chlorite, a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator and a water-absorbing resin are prepared as a solid, and water is added to the solid to obtain a gel composition. The formation of the product and generation of chlorine dioxide gas from the gel composition are started, and the generation start timing of chlorine dioxide gas can be arbitrarily set. Moreover, since the said mixture is chemically stable, the long-term preservation | save for 2-3 years or more is attained. That is, the mixture of the present embodiment can be stored for a longer period than the chlorite aqueous solution of the first embodiment.
Also in the present embodiment, similarly to the first embodiment, the generation duration time of chlorine dioxide gas can be made longer than before by using a hydrogen salt as an activator.

The chlorite, the hydrogen salt as an activator, the gas generation regulator, and the water-absorbing resin used in the present embodiment are as described in the first embodiment.

In the present embodiment, for example, chlorite powder, hydrogen salt powder (activator), gas generation regulator, and water-absorbing agent placed in a non-woven bag as a solid in one container The resin mixture can be sealed and sealed, and when used, a predetermined amount of water can be added to the same container to cause gelation to form a gel-like composition, and chlorine dioxide gas can be generated continuously.

As another method, a hydrogen salt powder (activator), a chlorite powder, a gas generation regulator, and a water-absorbing resin, which are placed in a non-woven bag as a solid in one container. The mixture is sealed in a mixture, and when used, a predetermined amount of water is added to the same container and gelled to form a gel composition, and chlorine dioxide gas can be continuously generated.

In the gel composition, for example, chlorite is 1.0% by mass to 15.0% by mass in terms of 100% solids, and hydrogen salt as an activator is 0.5% by mass in terms of 100% solids. ?20.0 mass%, gas generation regulator is 2.0 mass% to 7.0 mass%, water absorbent resin is 6.0 mass% to 15.0 mass%, and water is 60 mass% to 90.5 mass%. % Can be produced. Here, from the viewpoint of continuously generating chlorine dioxide gas from the gel composition, in the gel composition, the hydrogen salt is 0.5 mass% to 15 mass% in the case of hydrogen sulfate, and phosphorus In the case of an oxyhydrogen salt, the content is preferably 1.0% by mass to 20% by mass.

Moreover, the chlorine dioxide gas obtained in this way exhibits a high sterilizing action and deodorizing action like the chlorine dioxide gas obtained in the first embodiment.

The method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to the present invention will be described more specifically with reference to the following examples and comparative examples. The sepiolite used in the following examples and comparative examples had a particle size of 75 μm and a specific surface area of 273 m 2 / g.

Example 1
Sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO 4 ) was added to 76 g of an 11 mass% sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml. A mixture of 3.0 g, sepiolite (Miraclay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.) 2.6 g, and polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 4.5 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The container is placed in a temperature-controlled room where the atmospheric temperature is controlled at 16.0 ° C. to 16.5 ° C., and a Kitakawa-type detector tube is used on the opening of the container, so that the The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from the gel composition was evaluated by measuring the chlorine (ClO 2 ) gas concentration over time. The results are summarized in Table 1. Here, the elapsed time (time) means the time from the addition of the mixture to the sodium chlorite aqueous solution.

(Example 2)
Sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO 4 ) was added to 76 g of an 11 mass% sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml. A mixture of 8.9 g, sepiolite (Miraclay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.) 2.6 g, and polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd.) was added. After 5 minutes from the addition of this mixture, gelation started and became a sherbet, and then gelled to form a gel composition. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 2.

(Example 3)
Potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO 4 ) was added to 76 g of an 11 mass% sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml. A mixture of 3.3 g, sepiolite (Miraclay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.) 2.6 g, and polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 4.5 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 3.

Example 4
Potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO 4 ) was added to 76 g of an 11 mass% sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml. A mixture of 9.8 g, sepiolite (Miraclay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.) 2.6 g, and polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 4.5 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 4.

(Example 5)
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH) was added to 76 g of an 11 mass% sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml. A mixture of 10 g of 2 PO 4 , 2.6 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sun Fresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries) was added. Gelation occurred 4 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 5.

(Example 6)
76 g of an 11 mass% aqueous sodium chlorite solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml was mixed with disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na A mixture of 10 g of 2 HPO 4 , 2.6 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sun Fresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries) was added. Gelation occurred 4 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 6.

(Example 7)
To 70 g of a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution (stabilized ClO 2 aqueous solution) having a chlorine dioxide concentration of 5 mass% placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm, and an internal volume of 150 ml, sulfuric acid A mixture of 3.3 g of potassium hydride (KHSO 4 ), 3 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 3 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 7.

(Example 8)
To 70 g of a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution (stabilized ClO 2 aqueous solution) having a chlorine dioxide concentration of 8% by mass placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm and an internal volume of 150 ml, sulfuric acid A mixture of 3.3 g of potassium hydride (KHSO 4 ), 3 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 5 minutes after the addition of the mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 8.

Example 9
To 70 g of a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution (stabilized ClO 2 aqueous solution) having a chlorine dioxide concentration of 16% by mass placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, an opening diameter of 33 mm and an internal volume of 150 ml, sulfuric acid A mixture of 3.3 g of potassium hydride (KHSO 4 ), 3 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 15 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 9.

(Comparative Example 1)
76 g of an 11% by mass sodium chlorite aqueous solution (NaClO 2 aqueous solution) placed in a cylindrical container having a diameter of 57.0 mm, a height of 60 mm, and an opening diameter of 33 mm and an inner volume of 150 ml was added anhydrous citric acid as an activator. A mixture of 3.6 g of acid, 2.6 g of sepiolite (Mira clay manufactured by Omi Mining Co., Ltd.), and 8 g of a polyacrylate water-absorbing resin (Sunfresh ST-500D manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added. Gelation occurred 4 minutes after the addition of this mixture, and a gel-like composition was formed. The amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated from this gel composition was evaluated in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are summarized in Table 10.

Furthermore, with respect to Examples 1 to 9 and Comparative Example 1, the generation conditions and generation amounts of each chlorine dioxide gas are summarized in Table 11. In Table 11, the description of the atmospheric temperature after each time has been omitted.

As is apparent from Table 11, in Comparative Example 1 using an organic acid (anhydrous citric acid) as an activator, the amount of generated chlorine dioxide gas was greatly reduced after 240 hours, but the activation was activated. Implementation using sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO 4 ), potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO 4 ), sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH 2 PO 4 ), or disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na 2 HPO 4 ) as an agent. In Examples 1 to 9, even after 480 hours or more had elapsed, the reduction in the amount of chlorine dioxide gas generated was small, and the sustainability of chlorine dioxide generation was improved.

It should be understood that the embodiments and examples disclosed herein are illustrative and non-restrictive in every respect. The scope of the present invention is defined by the terms of the claims, rather than the description above, and is intended to include any modifications within the scope and meaning equivalent to the terms of the claims.

Claims (4)
1 Chlorine dioxide gas from a gel-like composition obtained by adding a hydrogen salt, a gas generation regulator, and a water-absorbing resin as an activator to a chlorite aqueous solution or a stabilized chlorine dioxide aqueous solution and gelling A method for generating chlorine dioxide gas, characterized by continuously generating gas.
2 A solid chlorite as a solid, a hydrogen salt as an activator, a gas generation regulator, and a water-absorbing resin are prepared, and water is added to the solid for use and gelled. A method for generating chlorine dioxide gas, characterized in that chlorine dioxide gas is continuously generated from the gel composition.
3 The hydrogen salt is any one selected from the group consisting of sodium hydrogen sulfate, potassium hydrogen sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate. The method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to claim 2.
4 The method for generating chlorine dioxide gas according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the gas generation regulator is at least one selected from the group consisting of sepiolite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, talc and zeolite.
JP2009290908A 2009-12-22 2009-12-22 Method for generating chlorine dioxide gas Pending JP2011132048A (en)

二酸化塩素ガスの発生方法 Download PDF

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