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(回答先: 地震衝撃波が日本の学界では無視されている。岩盤の上に建てられている原発は特に危険だ 投稿者 taked4700 日時 2012 年 8 月 14 日 15:14:07)

ブログ:法螺と戯言 より
For many years only one observation contradicted this received wisdom. In 1984, Ralph Archuleta at the University of California, Santa Barbara, reported that the Imperial valley earthquake that struck California in 1979 briefly ruptured faster than 3.5 kilometres per second, the speed that a type of seismic wave called a shear wave travels at (Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 89, p 4559).
With only indirect evidence that this "supershear" earthquake had occurred, however, plus the mathematical unlikeliness that it had taken place and a lack of any other reports of earthquakes moving at such incredible speeds, the paper was largely dismissed. "That observation did not go down very well with seismologists," says Ares Rosakis at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Archuleta's observations languished in obscurity for nearly two decades until a wager between an engineer and a geologist meant that they were finally tested out in the lab.
Rosakis had studied the dynamics of ruptures in other settings, such as artificial materials. In previous experiments funded by the US navy, he had been investigating how explosions affect materials that have been glued together, and had seen supershear ruptures occur along the glued interface. So why not in the Earth itself? His sceptical colleague Hiroo Kanamori, in the geology department at Caltech, disagreed. After all, a fault under pressure is nothing like a glued surface and earthquakes are not triggered by explosions. The bet was set - an expensive bottle of wine was at stake.
To simulate an earthquake, Rosakis and Kanamori took two slabs of a polymer that transmits light when under pressure and pressed them together, the join representing a geological fault. They shone a light through the fault zone and then triggered a tiny electrical pulse to produce a rupture along the fault line. The patterns made by the light allowed them to see the seismic waves produced as the rupture moved through the fault. Sure enough, the quake produced seismic waves - first compressional waves, followed by the shear waves. And as Kanamori had predicted, the rupture itself trailed well behind its seismic waves.
With Rosakis on the verge of losing the bet, they put the slabs under slightly higher pressure by squeezing the fault tighter. Then, when they triggered a rupture, something odd happened: a fresh "daughter" crack suddenly appeared ahead of the main "mother" rupture, travelling much faster. The daughter crack then expanded rapidly, and joined up with the mother rupture, causing the entire rupture to immediately start travelling faster than its shear waves, leapfrogging the "forbidden" speeds. Not only that, it continued to produce new shear waves, which added to the first batch to produce a new, more powerful shock wave called a "Mach front", which trailed behind the rupture in the shape of a boat's wake (see diagram) (Science, vol 303, p 1859). This is similar to what happens when jet fighters break the sound barrier and travel at Mach speeds; they create pressure waves as they speed through the air, but travel fast enough to catch up with them. The waves constructively interfere with each other to become one explosive sonic boom, extending in an expanding cone behind the aircraft.
Shaking all over
こうした実験室での実験は地震が超スピード破壊が理論上ではありえる。しかし、そうした事は地球それ自身が実の証拠を提示してくれるはずだ。1999年、20世紀で最も活発な大陸内断層であるトルコの北アナトリア断層が動いてマグニチュード7.6のイズミット地震をひきおこした (ブログ作成者の注:10月7日の記事中の写真を参照 )。1979年のカリフォルニア地震と異なり、このときは、かなりの数の地震記録が断層周辺で記録され、破壊がS波を越えるスピードであった事がわかった。さらには、地動の計測も破壊が超スピードで進行した事を裏付けた。フランスのグルノブル大学のブチョンは、この地震での破壊スピードが5km/secにも達していたと言う。
These lab experiments began to show that earthquakes could, in theory, go supershear. But it was the Earth itself that provided the real-world evidence. In 1999, the most seismically active continental fault of the 20th century - the North Anatolian fault in Turkey - slipped to cause the magnitude 7.6 Izmit earthquake. Unlike the California quake of 1979, this time there was no shortage of seismic stations around the fault to record the speed of the shear waves produced in the quake. Measurements of ground motion also provided evidence of the speed at which the fault ruptured. It all added up to a quake that went supershear, says Michel Bouchon at the University of Grenoble in France, who led one of two teams that independently showed that Izmit reached velocities of up to 5 kilometres per second (Geophysical Research Letters, vol 28, p 2723).
Now there was no longer any denying that, both in theory and practice, earthquakes can go supershear and seismologists around the world set about looking for more examples in the aftermath of new quakes. They found plenty. There is now evidence that at least three major quakes around the world since Izmit have gone supershear, including Kunlun, where Klinger's team had found the then-mysterious cracks. Thankfully, there have only been a handful of such quakes recently and most have been in remote areas.
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