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(回答先: 壮大な詐欺発覚??経済的非効果ははかりしれないカモ?? 投稿者 めむめむ 日時 2010 年 10 月 12 日 14:58:47)

テレグラフのJames Delingpoleさんに以下の、恐れ多い、神の恐れも知らぬ、私がつたない英語っていえるで、お手紙を、彼のWEBにお問い合わせしました。お返事があるかどうかはわかりませんが、あり次第すぐにお知らせいたします。尚、彼のサイトは以下の
With regard to one of your tips, I would like to ask something, but I am not native English tongue.
Hi, my name is Memu memu, of course, which is professional name.
So, my English is pretty bad. Please forgive my rudeness because of that. Actually, I am one of Japanese middle-aged man, who worry about our future seriously. Since this year spring, I joined one of our web site called “Asyura”,which is one of serious bulletin board that tries to figure out what is real as one of writer, who has to have terrible writing. . And I must be the person ,who had a sort of suspicion in terms of Global Warming especially from carbon dioxide emission from scratch.
That is why I strongly support one of your tips,
I am not sure whether I should ask you or not. But my policy is like following anything by my heart. So, you do not need to tell it clearly. If you do not mind, how did you get this news source?
I know, I might be rude. But, I am afraid we have been forced to keep standing kinds of fake world at all. May be you have got some idea about FRB,WHO, or nuclear power generation issues...
And my purpose to ask you must be that I would like to spread out in our country at all.
I hope your good and safe situation, cause you have done it already.
Many thanks for giving us one of your high quality tips.
Best regards
Memu memu
