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ドイツ、EUのギリシャ救済策飛び入りを拒絶 http://www.asyura2.com/09/kokusai4/msg/752.html
(回答先: 欧州が不安視する「内向きなドイツ」 〜メルケル首相の近視眼的な態度が意味するもの〜 投稿者 まりお 日時 2010 年 3 月 29 日 09:34:29) ![]()
Germany refuses to be bounced into Greek rescue deal by EU By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 【記事転載元:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kitaryunosuke/e/bdfe5a28dde691c30c40fa7ffffbb698】 ドイツのアンゲラ・メルケル首相はEU政治家のギリシャ救済策を一蹴にし、ドイツ政府のギリシャ債保証同意を全面否定した。 "That is definitely not the case. We've got a treaty that does not include any provision for bailing out states. We can best help Greece by making clear that Greece has to do its own homework, just like it is doing at the moment," she told ARD Television. 「それは絶対にない。他国への救済提供を含まない条約を結んでいる。最善の支援策は、ギリシャが今現在そうしているように、同国は自ら宿題を片付けなければならない、と明白にすることだ」 "There have been absolutely no other decisions taken. I would like to say that quite clearly," she said. 「他の決断は絶対に下していない。かなり明確に申し上げる」 The emphatic tone suggests that EU officials and a French-led bloc of states have gone too far in trying to create a sense of inevitabilty behind the rescue package. There is clearly irritation in Berlin that EU integrationists are trying to bounce Germany into an historic commitment, entailing a quantum leap towards EU fiscal federalism and the creation of a debt union. この断固たるトーンは、EU当局者とフランス率いるグループが、ギリシャ救済策は止むを得ない、という感覚を生み出そうと頑張るなかでやり過ぎてしまった、ということを示している。 Professor Paul Kirchhof, a leading German jurist, told Der Spiegel that alleged bail-out plans breach of Germany's constitution, and may trigger court challenges. ドイツの有名な法学者、ポール・キルチホフ教授はデア・シュピーゲル誌に、いわゆる救済策はドイツ憲法違反であり、裁判になる可能性があると語った。 The German finance ministry denied reports over the weekend that a "rescue action" is already being pencilled into the 2010 budget, but draft documents of some kind have clearly been circulating. The latest Franco-German idea involves use of state banks and pension funds to buy Greek debt, in Germany's case through the KfW bank, for France through the Caisse des Dépôts used to invest civil service pensions. ドイツ財務省は、週末に流された、「救済行動」が既に2010年予算に組み込まれている、との報道を否定したが、明らかに何らかの草案文書が回覧されている。 Christine Lagarde, France's finance minister, told Europe 1 that "a number of propositions" were on the table, either from private funds or public funds or the two together. "I have no doubt that Greece will manage to refinance," she said. クリスティーン・ラガルデ財務相はヨーロッパ1に、民間基金または公的基金、もしくは両方からの「多くの提案」が出されていると語った。 However, both the Free Democrats and Bavarian Social Christians in the Merkel coalition have raised doubts over use of KfW for a Greek rescue, viewing any diversion of funds to support foreign policy as an abuse its core role as banker for Mittelstand family firms. The Bundestag's finance committee has also questioned whether it is legal for German state bodies to buy eurozone debt. The mood has been poisoned by Greek rhetoric over Nazi war crimes. だが、メルケル首相の連立政権に加わる自由民主党もババリア社会キリスト教も、ギリシャ救済のためにKfW銀行を利用することに疑念を呈している。 Mrs Merkel offered scant hope yesterday. "The euro is certainly in the most difficult phase since it was created. Its important we remember that it is our common currency on the one hand, but also on the other of the need to tackle to the causes of the troubles at their roots which are high Greek deficits and lost credibility." 昨日、メルケル首相は殆ど希望を与えなかった。 Markets are confused over whether the EU is playing a subtle game of "constructive ambiguity" to keep Greece guessing, or whether refusal to offer details masks a deeper split. 市場は混乱している。 Otmar Issing, the former chief economist at the European Central Bank, warned last week that a Greek bail-out would be a grave mistake, leading to a breakdown of eurozone discipline and the demise of EMU. 元ECBチーフ・エコノミスト、Otmar Issingは先週、ギリシャ救済は深刻な過ちであり、ユーロ圏の規律崩壊とEMU瓦解に繋がる可能性がある、と警告した。 Olli Rehn, the EU's economics commissioner, is to visit Athens today to put pressure on Greece for further austerity measures. An EU expert team discovered a "black hole" of €4.5bn last week, implying that Greece's PASOK government will have to cut deep into the welfare state to cut the budget deficit by 10pc of GDP over three years as agreed. EU経済担当委員、Olli Rehnは本日、ギリシャに緊縮財政措置を進めさせることを目指して圧力をかけるべく、ギリシャを訪問する予定だ。 Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Eurogroup, evoked the threat of EU sanctions over the weekend. "Greece must understand that the taxpayers in Germany, Belgium or Luxembourg are not ready to fix the mistakes of Greece's fiscal policy," he said. ユーログループのジャン=クロード・ユンカー議長は週末、EU制裁実施を突きつけた。
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