★阿修羅♪ > Ψ空耳の丘Ψ48 > 573.html
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2007 年 4 月 25 日 15:54:58: edtzBi/ieTlqA

(回答先: イスラエルだけではありません 投稿者 オリハル 日時 2007 年 4 月 25 日 00:27:20)

「インディゴ・チャイルド」の作者、Lee Carrollとそのグループ”Kryon”が世界各地でセミナーを開いているのは、彼らのHPを見て知っています。




1.Carroll(キャロル)という姓から、「Alice in the Wonderland」(不思議の国のアリス)の作者、ルイス・キャロルを思い出したこと。


The OSS-Tavistock MindControl Cult- 9/11 Truthling Infiltration Timeline

Lewis Carroll


(ルイス・キャロルはアイルランド生まれとなっていますが、このLee Carroll氏のルーツは調べましたが、良くわかりませんでした。もしかしたらこの名前はペン・ネームかもしれません)


下記の彼(またはKryon)のHPに大変興味深いことが書かれています。彼は今まで6回もニューヨークの国連本部の” Society of Enlightenment and Transformation ( S.E.A.T)”の会合に招かれて話をしているとか(国連がどういう組織であるかは、阿修羅の方々は御存知だと思います)。

In 1995, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2006 and 2007, Kryon was invited to come to New York and channel for the Society of Enlightenment and Transformation ) S.E.A.T, ... a member of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council.



Live Kryon Channelling
"Kryon at the United Nations 2006"
New York City - March 31, 2006
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon

To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given at the United Nations S.E.A.T. meeting in March 2006 in downtown Manhattan at the UN building.

For those conspiratorial ones, let me give you something that you didn't expect. We have spoken of this before, but this is the time to speak of it more clearly. The Illuminati. Are you afraid of them? Do they exist? The answer is, of course, that they do. Conspiratorial ones will say that the Illuminati has been responsible for controlling stock markets, elections, commerce... perhaps even the U.N., for decades. Indeed, there is some truth to all of this because in an old energy, especially one of darkness and fear, this was not difficult by those who controlled shipping and oil.

In a new energy, where light is being turned on and everyone can talk to everyone, it is very difficult. So let me tell you what the Illuminati are doing these days. They are about to change everything and become the earth's "benevolent uncle." Oh, they're still interested in getting money and power, of course, for this is what they do. But they are beginning to realize that the old ways are becoming harder and harder to control. They were based in Greece, but they have moved to Africa.

In a not too secret move, they are moving billions of dollars from Europe to fund the curing of a continent. It is the Illuminati who will supply the funding for curing Africa of AIDS. The funds are there. Oh, Humans! Did you know that? You won't have to worry about that... one of the biggest puzzles of the past decades is on the verge of being funded and solved - the curing of an entire continent.

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