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【ビデオ】The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan
投稿者 white 日時 2007 年 5 月 08 日 11:16:12: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

(回答先: 東海呼称問題:韓国、「東海併記」提案見送る方針 [朝鮮日報] 投稿者 white 日時 2007 年 5 月 08 日 11:03:50)

□【ビデオ】The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan

South Korean groups advocate "East Sea" should be restored as a historically and geographically appropriate name, since the sea was known as "Sea of Korea/Corea/Joseon" or "East/Oriental Sea" until Japan's militant expansionism. They insist the title "Sea of Japan" was unfairly standardized during Japanese rule of Korea, and thus remains a symbol of Japan's imperialistic past. Korea argues that during the critical period for asserting the name East Sea in the international arena, Korea was deprived of its sovereignty, and had no diplomatic representation on the global stage. Koreans were even denied the use of their native language (1938〜), and forced to adopt Japanese names (1940〜), while time-honored Korean geographical names including the East Sea (Donghae) were changed to Japanese ones. Korea's position is that while "Sea of Korea" is actually the more common historical European name, "East Sea," without reference to a specific country, is more neutral. - Wikipedia

▽The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan - Part 1/3

▽The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan - Part 2/3

▽The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan - Part 3/3

▽the east sea

Historically, the sea area between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, known as the "Sea of Japan," had been referred to by various names. Even though no single name had been consistently used to designate this body of water until the 19th century, designations containing references to Korea were predominantly found on maps. It is worthy of note that as late as 1870, many Japanese maps referred to this body of water as the "Sea of Chosun (Korea)" instead of "Sea of Japan."

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