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「911真実を求める学者たち」(以後、省略して「学者の会」とします)のメンバー(常駐会員)ではないが会員として登録されている)であり、軍事・諜報関係の情報に明るい元海軍諜報員の研究家として名高いウエイン・マドセン(Wayne Madsen)は、9月12日のHPの記事で、9・11WTC解体時の高い放射能の存在と何らかの「核による攻撃」の可能性を示唆しました。
Sept. 12, 2006 -- According to sources who worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at Ground Zero on and after 911, residents of southern Manhattan and rescue and clean-up workers involved in the recovery operations at the site of the former World Trade Center are experiencing an unusually high rate of non-Hodgkin lymphoma -- a cancer that is common among individuals who have been exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation, such as that from nuclear blasts and major nuclear reactor leaks. In addition to the respiratory problems among rescue workers at Ground Zero who breathed toxic "pulverized" concrete and other debris into their lungs, the radiation cancer is of extreme interest to researchers who suspect that the World Trade Center towers and Building 7 were brought down with the help of high energy releases. WMR spoke to a number of individuals who were at Ground Zero on 911 who are now experiencing symptoms resulting from severe damage to their immune systems -- a condition that is common among those exposed to high levels of radiation.
Sources close to FEMA in New York confirmed to WMR that the lymphoma cases are believed to be the result of a release of extremely high levels of radiation from a series of nuclear events on the morning of 911. They believe that explains the reason for the "pulverization" of concrete, molten metals, pyroclastic surges and fallout, and other anomalies resulting from the catastrophe. It was also pointed out that some vehicles parked on the west side of the World Trade Center were "fused" on the sides facing the towers -- the doors being melted into the body frames. Other cars parked nearby were not similarly affected. There is also evidence of explosions and fires on top of the Woolworth Building, three blocks away from the World Trade Center, during the attack on the towers.
FEMAに近い筋の情報源はWMRに、このリンパ腫は911の朝に起きた一連の核に関する出来事から発生した極めて高レベルの放射線の結果であると語った。彼らはこれがコンクリートや熔けた金属などの「飛沫化」の原因であると信じる。さらにWTC脇に止めてあった何台かの自動車が「熔かされた(ドアがボディーに溶け込んだ)」ことも指摘されている。タワー攻撃の間に、WTCから3区間離れたところにあるWoolworth Buildingの屋上で爆発と火事が起こった証拠もある。
FEMA officials from Washington, DC were quick to ban any unofficial photography in southern Manhattan in the weeks following 911. Any photographers who had not received prior permission from FEMA to be in southern Manhattan found their photographic and filming equipment confiscated by the government.
非ホジキンリンパ腫(non-Hodgkin lymphoma)については、私には全く知識が無かったのですが、一応、次のWikipedia(英語、日本語)をご参照ください。
non-Hodgkin lymphomas
The incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has increased dramatically over the last couple of decades. This disease has gone from being relatively rare to being the fifth most common cancer in the United States. At this time, little is known about the reasons for this increase or about exactly what causes non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
私は医学には詳しくないので、できたら詳しい方に解説していただきたいのですが、マドセンが“a cancer that is common among individuals who have been exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation”と断定していることを裏付ける情報があるのかどうか、私には分かりません。まあ一般的には高濃度の放射線を浴びると癌の確立が高くなることは言えるでしょう。