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【人体を内側から直接破壊】イスラエル軍が使用した未知の虐殺手段(Global Research)
投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2006 年 8 月 18 日 00:33:32: SO0fHq1bYvRzo

【人体を内側から直接破壊】イスラエル軍が使用した未知の虐殺手段(Global Research)

8月7日付のGlobal Research記事です。これはジェノヴァ大学の遺伝子学の教授であるPaola Manducaによる論文で、レバノンとガザでイスラエルに殺害された人々の中に、今まで知られているいかなる兵器による死とも異なる状態の遺体が多数発見されていることを伝えています。

CAN YOU HELP US , PLEASE!  Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage? (どうか、助けてくれ! どんな種類の武器がこの傷を作るのか、あなたは知っているか?)






これらの描写の多くは、新種の武器が使用された可能性を示すものだ。その中には「体内に直接に作用するエネルギー」である武器('direct energy' weapons)そして化学的、あるいは/同時に、生物的な作用物質(agents)を含んでいる。それは未来の戦争の戦慄に満ちたある種の実験の中でであろう。そこでは何に対する尊重も存在しない。(ジュネーヴ協定から生物的および化学的兵器に関する条約に至る)国際法も、難民も、病院や赤十字も、また言うまでもなく人々とその未来、子孫、環境など、何一つ尊重されない。環境は、劣化ウランのばら撒きと、石油や化学物質の貯蔵タンクが爆撃を受ける後に放たれる有毒物質によって、汚染が進んでいるのだ。


この'direct energy' weaponsというのは何でしょうか。要は強力なマイクロウエーヴィなどで人体を中から破壊する、という種類のものでしょうか。兵器に詳しい方の解説をお願いします。

またイスラエルはレバノンの海岸にある石油化学工場を大変な環境破壊を東地中海に巻き起こしています。(これも「ヒズボラに対する自己防衛手段」なのか??!! 嘘つき民族どもめ!!)


以下にGlobal Research記事の全文を貼り付けます。



New and unknown deadly weapons used by Israeli forces

'direct energy' weapons, chemical and/or biological agents, in a macabre experiment of future warfare

by Prof. Paola Manduca

August 7, 2006

By now there are countless reports, from hospitals, witnesses, armament experts and journalists that strongly suggest that in the present offensive of Israeli forces against Lebanon and Gaza 'new weapons' are being used.

New and strange symptoms are reported amongst the wounded and the dead.

Bodies with dead tissues and no apparent wounds; 'shrunken' corpses; civilians with heavy damage to lower limbs that require amputation, which is nevertheless followed by unstoppable necrosis and death; descriptions of extensive internal wounds with no trace of shrapnel, corpses blackened but not burnt, and others heavily wounded that did not bleed.

Many of these descriptions suggest the possibility that the new weapons used include 'direct energy' weapons, and chemical and/or biological agents, in a sort of macabre experiment of future warfare, where there is no respect for anything: International rules (from the Geneva Convention to the treaties on biological and chemical weapons), refugees, hospitals and the Red Cross, not to mention the people, their future, their children, the environment, which is poisoned through dissemination of Depleted Uranium and toxic substances released after oil and chemical depots are bombed.

Right now, the Lebanese and Palestinian people have many urgent and impellent problems, yet many people believe that these episodes cannot and must not pass ignored. In fact several appeals have been launched to scientists and experts with a view to investigating the issue.

With the intent of responding to such appeals, we have set up a team to investigate the testimonies, the images, and possibly the material evidence that delegations and NGOs will be able to bring from the affected areas. We want to offer support to the health institutions of Lebanon and Palestine, which ask constantly for help and external verification and monitoring, and we are examining all available materials in order to formulate hypotheses which can be verified or disproved.

We ask for the active participation of our (Italian) scientific institutions, and, following the request from medical personnel in the conflict area, we are requesting that the UN set up an international independent verification and investigation committee, with a view to facilitating entry into the conflict zone, as well as collecting material and testimonies directly in the field, and undertaking inquries and verifications concerning the various claims regarding these new kinds of weapons of mass destruction being used by Israeli forces in Lebanon. We request that such investigating teams be set up immediately, and that procedures be defined and implemented with a view to supporting future investigations. Of particular concern is the issue of how to collect and store samples from the different theatres, with a view to preserving important information regarding the various impacts of these weapons.

We ask that the international committee have access to all sources of information, that it be fully operational, while abiding by relevant investigative procedures, including cross-checking of information between different laboratories. The international committee is to report to the competent authorities, including the Human Rights tribunals and international courts, if appropriate..

As people and as scientists, we are offering our time and expertise in order to reach an understanding of the underlying facts, in the belief that a perspective of justice, equity and peace among people can be reached only with the respect of the rules defined up to now within the international community of nations. The issue pertains to the behavior of the parties in an armed conflict.

We ask that the respect of these rules be verified in the context of the present conflict.

We invite scientists to contribute to this effort by offering their specific competences. In particular we seek collaboration of toxicology experts, pharmacologists, anatomy pathologists, doctors with an expertise in trauma and burns, chemists.

They can reach the working group at the E-mail address: nuovearmi@gmail.com Paola Manduca, Professor of.Genetics, University of Genova, Italy


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