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(回答先: Re: 人様の文章を勝手に貼るなら、きちんと全文載せてくれ。宗教臭い総論否定ご担当さんよ。 投稿者 ブッシュ親子の自作自演テロの11 日時 2006 年 5 月 31 日 15:22:25)
06.05.25 ★WTCを倒壊させたのは、イスラエルの水爆?
【アフガン暗黒回廊ーアメリカ軍産複合地下帝国の陰謀」 浜田和幸氏 講談社
02: WTC崩壊に伴って関係者たちに呼吸系障害が続出しているという話はどうなんだろう?
放射能による障害でも同様な症状は見れるんでしょうか? 0因果関係を証明するにはまだまだ時間と研究データーが必要ですね。
03: WTCのどこに小型水爆を仕掛けたら、あんなふうにきれいに粉々に「爆発」するのか?イラストでわかりやすいですね。
The Bombs In The WTC - A Possible Schematic
04: 水素爆弾
05: WTC水爆倒壊説 : 軍事専門家の意見
View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed
As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the towers were not distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all water within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 24-fold volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost nothing of them was found in the ruins.
06: WTC倒壊の経過を観察すると.....小型水爆が使用されたと推論できる。
Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs
1) The concrete pulverized into fine dust, 70…300 micron particles (just this could take more energy than the total
gravitational energy available). See Gehue plates 6 and 7
2) Very energetic ? hot ? dust after the explosions. (Demolition charges would produce white clouds of dust, which
would not move much, and a gravity-driven collapse would produce much less and more coarse dust.)
3) Brown shades of color seen in the air ? these are produced by nuclear reactions of a thermonuclear device. The
reactions use (gamma radiation caused by free neutrons, N2, O2, H2O > nitrid acid, NO2, NO3). These clouds soon
get their usual white color after some minutes as the heat and fast movement of the clouds cease becoming ordinary
clouds with some water.
07: 水爆といえばイスラエル。イスラエルといえば、水爆。原爆とあわせて400発所有。おっと失礼、WTCで使ったから一発減ったかな?
US Air Force Says Israel Has 400 Atomic And Hydrogen Bombs
「バヌヌ解放国際キャンペーン(International Campaign to Free Vanunu」は、中東における、そして全世界における核兵器及びすべての大量破壊兵器を糾弾するモルデハイ・バヌヌの支持を続ける。われわれは、18年前に彼の暴露が明らかにした200発以上のイスラエルの水爆に関する自由でオープンな討論を求め続ける。
In the basements of the collapsed towers, where the 47 central support columns connected with the bedrock,
hot spots of “literally molten steel” were discovered more than a month after the collapse. Such persistent
and intense residual heat, 70 feet below the surface, in an oxygen starved environment, could explain how
these crucial structural supports failed.
Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, N.Y., told AFP that he saw pools of “literally molten
steel” at the World Trade Center.
Tully was contracted after the Sept. 11 tragedy to re move the debris from the site.
Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Md., for consultation about
removing the debris. CDI calls itself “the innovator and global leader in the controlled demolition and implosion
of structures.”
Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived at the WTC
site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire operation.
AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
“Yes,” he said, “hot spots of molten steel in the basements.”
These incredibly hot areas were found “at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven
[basement] levels,” Loizeaux said.
The molten steel was found “three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed,” Loizeaux
said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.
Construction steel has an extremely high melting point of about 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit.
09: NYのなかで、WTC周辺だけで、トリチウム(水素のβ放射性同位体)の濃度が上昇している。カリフォルニア大学が、WTC区域
Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs
5) Elevated values of tritium in this area, but not elsewhere in New York. The University of California
found elevated values on 9/13/2001 and 9/21/2001 within bounds of the WTC. They found them harmless
for health. In pure hydrogen bomb isotopes of hydrogen are fused (D + T > n + a + 17.6 MeV).
10: World Trade Center Syndrome
Move over Gulf War Syndrome. World Trade Center Syndrome is on its way. Ground Zero's smoldering debris is
filling the air of lower Manhattan with a supposedly
11: 「世界貿易センター症候群」の原因が放射能ではないかと疑う頭のいい人もいることはいる。だが、せいぜい「劣化ウラン弾」を疑う程度のレベル。だが、そのうち.....劣化ウランだけでは説明できない症状が、周辺住民を襲う.........こんな展開かな?
From: Bill Smirnow
The or a possible cause of what's being called "World Trade Center Syndrome" might be from the DU on the Sept. 11
airplanes [Depleted Uranium] that may have caught fire [probably].
Has anyone done and/or is anyone interested in getting out their Radalert or other rad monitoring device and measuring
and testing radiation levels at:
1. Near The Former World Trade Center [In Manhattan or any of the other 4 NYC boroughs and Northern New Jersey]
2. Near The Pentagon
3. At or Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania where Flight 93 crashed?
12: Update on Depleted Uranium and Gulf War Syndrome (part 2/3) Part 2 of 3
Depleted Uranium and other Toxic Exposures
by Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH 24 April 2005
Nearly all of the first responders at the World Trade Center towers have had respiratory problems, namely, wheezing, shortness of breath, sinusitis and asthma. Now, three or four years after the disaster, many are suffering from a new syndrome called «WTC cough», a persistent cough with severe respiratory symptoms. Hundreds on the fire fighters have had to end their careers because of this syndrome according to a new U.S. Government Accountability Office Study. This syndrome is being blamed on the dust, debris, smoke and various inorganic chemicals released into the air when the Towers collapsed [Ref. 7.].
According to Sally Ann Lederman, Ph.D., of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, who studied 300 non-smoking pregnant women in the New York Metropolitan area, pregnant at the time of the disaster, about 44% of the women who lived or worked within two miles of the World Trade Canter had babies who were smaller and with significantly lower birth weight than infants born to those further away. Infants born to those mothers who were in their first three months of pregnancy during the terrorist attack were born significantly earlier than infants whose mothers were at a later stage of pregnancy during the attacks. The authors say the studies suggest that there may be health and developmental implications for children exposed to the World Trade Center disaster [Ref 8.]. It is known that nano particles can cross the placental barrier.
13: なるほど、水爆の小型化、爆発力の制御技術は、60年代に完成していたそうです。
The Development of Bomb Technology Related to the 9/11 Operation
By controlling several layers of the explosion fronts the size of a nuclear bomb has been minimized during the 1960's (fission ? implosion). After that, the control of explosion force in nuclear explosions was developed. Too strong an explosion is sometimes unusable, for example when the enemy have broken too close to friendly
で、純粋水爆がこの目的で注目され、小型化が図られた。そして、「爆破面積」を自在に調整できるようになった。たとえば、 最小を1とすると最大は100といった具合に。この技術は実は80年代に完成している。
While looking for a bomb with a small size and a strong effect, a pure hydrogen bomb was an obvious solution.
When no atomic device is needed for igniting, the size of the hydrogen bomb gets even smaller and the yield (effect) can be set within a wide range, for example between from 1 to 100. This succeeded in the 1980's
The former Soviet Union is said to have had more than 500 command centers durable for a small nuke. That led into the developing of different types of bunker busters. A working solution is a nuclear missile that directs 96% of its yield into a thin, all penetrating heat+blast wave forward, tunneling hundreds of meters downwards into solid rock. This type of a hydrogen bomb was developed somewhere in the early 1990's. Nowadays, both the yield and the direction of the destructive force of a small tactical hydrogen bomb can be somewhat controlled. The amount of fusion-able materials control the yield (effect) and the shape of the charge as well as the initiation arrangements impress the direction of the explosion wave.
14: ◇ミニ・ニュークとは
15: 911の数週間後になっても、溶けたままの高温の鉄がグラウンドゼロで撮影されている。WTCの地下で、911の何週間もあと(いや、何ヶ月もあと)になっても、1500℃を越す物が発見されたことは、いまだに説明されていない。
9/11- WTC Molten Metal Pics+Video
The report also includes an image from Ground Zero showing molten hot steel, presumably weeks after 9/11. How temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees could be found in the sub-basements of the WTC towers weeks (and even months) after 9/11 has yet to be fully explained.