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アシスト 喜田
> Kita-san, this rant is so ridiculous that I am sorry you asked me to waste my time reading it and I don't want to waste much more time commenting on it. But here are a few comments:
> 1. His claims completely contradict all scientific (geologic) evidence, all documented thoroughly, but he presents no (confirmable) evidence to substantiate his own preposterous claims.
> 2. He says "Last Year Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest single oil producer". Where's the evidence for that?
> 3. He brags that Vietnam is extracting 6,000 barrels per day per well, then later mentions (1) a SMALL oil field in Iraq with ten wells that each started out in life producing 10,000 barrels of oil per day and (2) the US consumes 9,000,000 barrels per day. See the contradiction here?
> 4. He mentions Russia's "unlimited oil production for the future" and that "reserves of oil in the mantle of the earth are infinite" but then, in the third from last paragraph "makes it quite clear which direction the west needs to go in if it is to survive in the long term, and that is to follow Russia's example by sharply reducing domestic consumption. Back in 1990 America was using around 6 million barrels per day compared to Russia's 8.4 million, but how things have changed since then. Thirteen years later in 2003, American consumption was up to 9 million, while Russian consumption had been reduced to a mere 3.2 million". If the Russians have found infinite supplies of oil, why are they cutting back on consumption?
> 5. Immediately following that he says "A few billion folk over there in America might like to walk around their houses and switch off any electrical appliances they don't actually need". He must be pretty ignorant if he thinks there are a few billion people in America.
> 6. Finally, global warming and other environmental destruction caused by burning too much fossil fuel are even more dangerous threatS to our future than peak oil. Peak oil, in fact, is a blessing. If his claims were true, we'd be on the verge of destroying our environment.
> In short, this is worse than a piece of shit. Shit is good fertilizer. This essay is worthless, and a waste of time.
> Bill, 2006-01-27 12:36
On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:34:12 +0900
<> wrote:
> ビル・トッテンさま
> 及びご担当者様
> 以前「わしズムVOL.2」に掲載されたトッテンさんの論考に対して
> 質問をさせて頂いたYと申します。
> その説はご丁寧にお返事下さって有難うございました。
> 最近もour worldのコラムをよく拝見しており、非常に為になっております。
> 現在はピークオイル関連問題に関心があり、その状況を知り大いに悩んでおります。
> 私は建築の設計事務所を営んでおりますが、現在諸事情により行き詰っている事もあり、
> 「今後の世界を考えたらいっその事、田舎でサーフィンを遣りながら農業にでも就くのが
> 良いのではないか?」と人生の進路を真剣に考えています。
> 私はトッテンさんの幾つかの著書とコラムを自分なりに熟読、熟考した上で信頼しています。
> しかし、ピークオイル説を根底から覆す情報を見つけました。
> 真偽の程は私には判断できませんがここにご紹介いたします。
> http://www.vialls.com/wecontrolamerica/peakoil.html
> 恐れ入りますがご検証の上、コラムに取り上げて頂けないでしょうか?
> トッテンさんから語られる論考を切に希望いたします。
> もし、上記の論考の「石油は地球の生成物で無限に存在する」が真実であり
> 石油ピークが訪れなくとも、地球温暖化、環境汚染、人口や資本の増加、その他の資源の枯渇
> など技術で超えられない壁がいずれ来ることは想像できます。
> しかし、石油減耗時代が訪れるのか、否かは現時点の私には重要な事です。
> それらを充分に理解した上で将来の進路を考えたいと思っています。
> 又、ピークオイル問題の重要性を鑑み、私の周りに微力ながら話を広めております。
> その点においても心配しております。
> Y