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(回答先: イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/07/19 投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 7 月 20 日 19:58:20)
□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート(原文) 2005/07/19
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 19 July 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 19.07.2005 [22:27 ] (233 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Tuesday, 19 July 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance mounts concerted effort, thwarting American attempt to drive into Rawah.
Iraqi Resistance forces in western Iraq carried out a well-planned ambush of US occupation forces at 12 noon local time Tuesday, as the Americans tried to enter the city of Rawah from the southwest.
The Rawah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that when US troops tried to enter the southern and western neighborhoods of the city, an Iraqi Resistance fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a column of seven US armored vehicles and four Humvees.
The correspondent reported that the blast destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing or wounding five US troops inside.
Then after the column came to a halt following the bombing, the Resistance unleashed a barrage of eight 82mm mortar rounds on the American troops, destroying and setting ablaze a number of their vehicles.
Residents of the city said that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, attacked the column after the mortar bombardment, forcing the surviving troops to withdraw with their wrecked vehicles and the bodies of their dead and wounded.
US helicopters fired four rockets into residential neighborhoods in the area where the attacks took place, destroying several homes and killing four civilians, including a little girl, and wounding seven others, among them three women and children.
Savage assault on Rawah continues for third day. US bombs water treatment plant cutting off water supply to population. Medical authorities warn of impending disaster.
Quds Press reported Tuesday that for the third day running the people of the western Iraqi city of Rawah were being subjected to American bombing and large scale attacks by Marines and puppet so-called “Iraqi rapid deployment forces.”
All roads leading to the city have been sealed. US and stooge forces have carried out massive campaigns of house raids and searches in the neighborhoods of al-Mu‘allimin and ad-Dubbat, storming into more than 50 homes and arresting more than 25 young men, according to local witnesses.
Puppet officials in Rawah told Quds Press that US forces on Monday bombed the city’s water treatment plant on the pretext that there were “gunmen” there. As a result the city’s drinkable water supply has been cut off.
The Quds Press correspondent learned that four Iraqi Resistance car bombs exploded by American columns in recent days. Two car bombs blew up in the early hours of Monday morning. Two more exploded by US forces during Monday-Tuesday night.
The first went off by a US military column near the city municipal offices, destroying one Humvee and disabling an armored vehicle. Six American troops were killed or wounded in the blast, Quds Press reported.
The second Resistance car bomb of the night blew up by a temporary American checkpoint on the main street in the city just minutes after the first car bomb went off. The second blast totally destroyed the checkpoint.
Meanwhile, during the night dozens of Iraqi families could be seen trudging and driving along the dirt road that leads out of Rawah towards the town of ‘Anah across the Euphrates River. The civilians were trying to flee their city, now become the target of ferocious American bombing and shelling. The refugees found their way barred and the road closed before them by US forces. The Americans ordered them back towards the target city, telling them that the road would be opened on Tuesday morning and forcing them back into Rawah.
US soldier reported killed in afternoon roadside bombing.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by an American armored column on the highway north of ar-Ramadi in western Iraq at 4pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Residents of the village of al-Bu ‘Isa, north of the city told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a Resistance bomb planted by the side of the highway exploded when the column of eight US armored vehicles and two Humvees was passing by.
The blast disabled one American armored vehicle, killing one US soldier and wounding four other American troops.
American soldier reported killed in afternoon bombing in al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the industrial zone in southeastern al-Fallujah at 3pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Residents of the industrial zone told the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb, which was planted by the side of al-Karinat Road, blew up when the joint patrol passed by, damaging a US Humvee and killing one US soldier and two Iraqi puppet troops and wounding a third Iraqi puppet soldier.
Resistance bombards US camp northwest of al-Fallujah at midnight Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US military camp at the northwestern entrance to the city of al-Fallujah on the road to as-Saqlawiyah in western Iraq with 10 mortar rounds during Monday-Tuesday night.
Residents of al-Fallujah’s al-Jawlan neighborhood told the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the 10 mortar rounds blasted powerfully into the American camp at midnight.
Large parts of the camp were destroyed and fires blazed sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky. The correspondent was unable to assess the extent or nature of casualties in the US-occupied facility, however, since the curfew was still in effect at the time of the attack.
Four US troops reported killed in Monday night bombing in Hit.
A large Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded by a US patrol in the Khanjar area in the middle of the western Iraqi city of Hit at about 11pm Monday night.
Residents of al-Khanjar told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the mine was planted under the main street in their area and that it blew up as a patrol of six US Humvees passed over it.
The blast destroyed one Humvee and severely damaged a second, killing four US troops and wounding three more.
Muqtada as-Sadr movement accuses US of being behind bombings in Baghdad al-Jadidah and al-Musayyib that left large numbers of children, civilians dead.
The Office of the Martyr as-Sadr, the movement headed by Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr, issued a statement on Tuesday in which it accused the US occupation forces and their stooges of being behind the “massacre” in Baghdad al-Jadidah that took place on Wednesday, 13 July, in which 32 Iraqi children were killed, and the bombing at a fuel station that killed dozens more civilians in al-Musayyib on Saturday, 16 July.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the statement issued at midday Tuesday by the as-Sadr office said, “regarding the massacre that occurred in the Baghdad al-Jadidah area in the eastern part of the capital Baghdad last Wednesday in which a bombing took the lives of 32 Iraqi children, involved in it were the hands of the American occupation and its collaborators who then accused what the occupation and its stooges called ‘terrorists’ of being responsible. We confirm that the American occupation in Iraq and its collaborators are the real killers of the Iraqi children and civilians in al-Musayyib and in Baghdad in the last few days.”
The statement went on: “The occupation’s aim in this is to destabilize the security situation to provide itself with an excuse and justification for continuing to storm cities, killing and driving people out of their homes and destroying their infrastructures, all in order to prolong the period of their presence on Iraqi soil.”
The website Mafkarat al-Islam already published a report on Saturday in which witnesses indicated that the US occupation forces were directly responsible for the Baghdad al-Jadidah bombing. In addition, the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars, the highest Sunni religious authority in occupied Iraq accused the US of being responsible for the attack, as did the Shi‘i al-Khalisi movement and a number of Iraqi politicians opposed to the occupation, following statements from the Iraqi Resistance saying that they had nothing to do with the attack and condemning the bombing.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that opponents of the occupation regard the Tuesday statement by Muqtada as-Sadr’s movement as being a major factor in heading off efforts by the occupation and its supporters to spark sectarian warfare within Iraq in keeping with plans by the occupation to “divide and rule.”
(See: “Car bomb targets US checkpoint in ar-Rustamiyah,” in Iraqi Resistance Report for Wednesday, 13 July 2005; and “Suspicious bomb attack kills 60 people in al-Musayyib Saturday” in Iraqi Resistance Report for Saturday, 16 July 2005, for contemporary accounts of the attacks that already appeared suspicious; and “Iraqi experts accuse US forces of being behind car bombing that killed 32 children three days ago,” in Iraqi Resistance Report for Saturday, 16 July 2005, for the first reports indicating that the US and its stooges were behind the Baghdad al-Jadidah blasts.)
Sunday car bombing reportedly killed 25 members of collaborationist “constitution writing committee.” US, Iraqi puppet regime silent.
In the first Resistance attack on the collaborationist so-called “committee to write the Iraqi constitution” a martyrdom fighter drove an explosives laden car into the building housing the puppet so-called “supreme commission for elections” in the Camp Sarah area northeast of Baghdad on the road to the old ar-Rashid military base.
A source in the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” told Mafkarat al-Islam that 25 members of the collaborator “constitutional committee” were killed in the Resistance assault.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a Resistance martyrdom fighter raced an explosives-packed Kia car through the main gate and into the building where it blew up, killing 25 of the collaborator “constitution writers.”
In his dispatch posted at 11:30am Mecca time Tuesday morning, the correspondent reported that the building was surrounded by a large number of US occupation troops and puppet soldiers who placed boards at both sides of the street on which were signs saying “No taking pictures.”
The Iraqi puppet regime has so-far refused to comment on the attack that took place on Sunday.
The Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers distributed a communiqu in a number of local mosques in the az-Za‘faraniyah area of Baghdad in which it took responsibility for the attack.
Two members of collaborationist “constitution writing committee” reported shot.
In a dispatch posted at 7:09pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, the Saudi Press Agency (WAS) reported Iraqi occupation television as saying that Iraqi Resistance forces had shot dead two members of the collaborationist “constitution writing committee” on Tuesday.
The television report quoted a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light weapons had opened fire on Dr. Damin al-‘Ubaydi and Dr. Mujbil ash-Shaykh ‘Isa, both of them Sunni members of the collaborationist committee writing the “constitution” to serve occupied Iraq, as they left a Baghdad restaurant. No further details were provided.
US Marine has himself shot in attempt to avoid returning to Iraq.
Correspondent Corine Lesnes of the French newspaper Le Monde reported on Tuesday, 19 July that US Marine Moises Fernandez, 19, came home on leave from Iraq on 5 June and did not want to return there. While staying with his family in Chicago, Fernandez asked a cousin to shoot him in the leg in the hopes that a wound would keep him from going back to occupation duty. According to the prosecutor, he had nightmares and wanted no more of war. The cousin hesitated, but then agreed.
Wounded, the young Marine tried to explain the injury by saying that he had been a victim of a stray bullet fired during a gang shooting in his neighborhood. Nobody was astonished at that; violence is frequent in his area of northwest Chicago. In fact it was to escape such violence that Fernandez joined the Marine Corps in 2003. Both he and his father had been attacked in the past. As he explained to the local press, Ray Fernandez said that the family thought that the military would be the best way for Moises to get out of that dangerous environment.
After the “shooting” in which Moises was supposed to have been wounded, people of his neighborhood came out into the street to protest against violence. But in the course of their inquiry, the police realized that on this occasion the gangs had nothing to do with the shooting. The cousin, Juan Hernanzez, admitted the truth and was charged with carrying a weapon and giving a false statement. The injured man was immediately shipped back to his unit at Camp Pendleton in California. Since his return, Moises’ father says his son has been disturbed: “he wakes up at night and goes into the home there and turns the lights on and off.”
Moises Fernandez’s story is not the first of its kind. In mid-December a soldier in the 3rd Infantry Division, Marquise Roberts, 23, was wounded while on leave in Philadelphia. A cousin of his wife’s agreed to shoot him in the leg, one week before he was scheduled to return to Iraq.
According to the Pentagon, more than 5,000 US troops have been charged with desertion since the US invasion of Iraq in spring 2003. Eight hundred reservists failed to show up when their units were called up; asking to be exempted for family or medical reasons. During a recent meeting, governors of US states expressed their concern that the American National Guard, like other units of the US military, has been unable to meet its recruitment objectives despite the generous lures being offered by some states, such as an offer of college tuition or a premium to buy a house.
Youth flees heat, dies under American tank-treads.
The night of 13-14 July in the University area of western Baghdad was hot. The temperature was over 50 degrees Celsius, and with no electricity ミ as usual under the American occupation ミ many people went outside to sleep where the heat might be occasionally relieved by nighttime breezes.
Nineteen-year-old Yasin Khalaf as-Samarra’i was one of those sleeping outside in the courtyard of his family home when US forces blasted in on one of their many raids. At 3am that morning one group of Americans blew up the front door, while a US tank burst through the wall in back and into the courtyard where Yasin was sleeping. Yasin’s uncle told Quds Press that the tank crushed his nephew’s skull as it came crashing into his yard. “What crime was he guilty of to deserve such a death,” the uncle asked.
Imperialist World Bank to loan Iraq $500 million for urgent relief ミ first World Bank money to go to Iraq since 1973.
It was announced on Tuesday that the globalist imperialist institution the World Bank, following up on the American invasion of Iraq, would be extending a loan of US$500 million to the American-installed puppet regime in Baghdad ミ the first World Bank loan to go to Iraq since 1973.
Justifying the institution’s service to the American occupation, Christian Poortman, the Bank vice president for the “Middle East” and North Africa, said that his institution had made a commitment to support the development and reconstruction efforts” of the US-installed regime provided the puppet officials submitted a request.
Poortman indicated that the funds are designed to “address Iraq’s urgent needs” in hopes that Iraqis might “feel the difference in their day-to-day lives.”
Iraq’s population is living through a humanitarian disaster as a result of the American invasion and Washington has now brought in the World Bank to try to help bail the American occupation out of its difficulties, while sending the bill for repayment of the loan to the Iraqis.
Babil Province.
Resistance reportedly wipes out Badr Brigade convoy, killing 46 collaborator gunmen, following up with an attack on puppet troops, killing seven.
In a dispatch posted at 11:53am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported a large-scale assault by Iraqi Resistance forces on Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigade gunmen south of Baghdad.
Witnesses told the al-Hillah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that three Kia vehicles each carrying 14 Badr Brigade gunmen and another black Prince car with four Badr Brigade commanders were on their way from Baghdad to al-Hillah when Iraqi Resistance fighters in six cars armed with machine guns, hand grenades, and anti-personnel rockets pulled into their path forcing the Badr Brigade cars to halt whereupon the Resistance fighters opened up with all their weapons in an intensive attack. All the Badr Brigade gunmen and commanders were killed.
Other witnesses reported that the Resistance fighters who attacked the Badr Brigade convoy left a booby-trapped car at the scene that blew up when puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” rushed into the area about 15 minutes after the attack. That blast left seven puppet troops dead and five more wounded.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” acknowledged the attack on the Iraqi puppet forces, but made no mention of the ambush of the Badr Brigade gunmen that preceded it.
The Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers issued a communiqu, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, saying that the attack was to avenge Sunnis of al-Hillah who have been repressed by the Badr Brigade gangs and their supporters among the partisans of pro-American Shi‘i religious authority ‘Ali as-Sistani.
Five Polish occupation troops killed in Resistance bombing early Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a Polish military column at the western entrance to al-Mashru‘ city, east of al-Hillah at 6am Tuesday morning.
Residents of the al-Mashru‘ project area told Mafkarat al-Islam that a Resistance bomb that was planted on the road linking their area with al-Musayyib to the west of al-Mashru‘ blew up as a column of three Polish troop transports and five armored vehicles was passing.
The explosion destroyed one troop transport, killing or wounding five Polish occupation troops, the witnesses said.
Diyala Province.
Resistance forces attack minibus carrying collaborators to work on US base near Ba‘qubah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a minibus carrying Iraqi collaborators to work on the US base north of the city of Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad on Tuesday morning.
A puppet security source told the correspondent for Quds Press that the Resistance attacked a Kia minibus near Ba‘qubah, forcing it to stop and then spraying it with a hail of bullets, killing 10 and wounding a number of other collaborators aboard. The source said that the Resistance fighters then left the scene before puppet police and troops could arrive on the scene.
The Iraqi puppet police claimed that three civilians were killed when the incident caused their car to veer off the road and crash.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance ambush leaves a reported four American troops dead.
In a dispatch posted at 4:24pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the at-Ta’mim neighborhood in eastern Samarra’, north of Baghdad.
Residents of at-Ta’mim told the Samarra’ correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that about 15 Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, attacked the joint patrol sparking a fire fight that lasted about 10 minutes.
Two US Humvees were set ablaze in the attack, which left four American soldiers dead and six other US troops wounded. Four Iraqi puppet soldiers died in the ambush, one of them a lieutenant.
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted two consecutive attacks on a US column in the middle of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq beginning at 2pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Residents of the Sa‘d neighborhood of Tall ‘Afar told the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the first attack came in the form of a roadside bomb that was planted along the main road in the area. It exploded as a US column was passing by, destroying a Humvee.
The second attack took place when Resistance forces bombarded the column with six mortar shells immediately after it came to a halt following the explosion of the roadside bomb. The barrage set one more Humvee on fire and disabled a US armored vehicle, killing or wounding about 12 American troops.
The correspondent reported that after the double attack, US forces opened fire indiscriminately on civilians in on the street, killing and wounding seven local people.
Resistance bomb, undetected by minesweeper, blasts US column early Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US armored column in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul at 8am, local time, Tuesday morning.
Residents of the al-Islah az-Zira‘i neighborhood who witnessed the attack told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb, which was planted by the side of the road, blew up as a column of four armored vehicles, two Humvees, and one mine sweeper passed by.
The bomb set one of the American armored vehicles on fire, killing or wounding five US troops. The witnesses noted that the bomb exploded and did its damage despite the presence of the American minesweeper.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance bomb kills puppet policeman, Kurdish chauvinist in Kirkuk Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of the Iraqi puppet police in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Tuesday. In a dispatch posted at 9:59 Mecca time Tuesday morning, the Saudi Press Agency (WAS) reported that a puppet policeman and an activist in the Kurdish chauvinist collaborationist National Union of Kurdistan party were killed in the attack and four others were wounded. The Iraqi puppet police said that an office of the Kurdistani chauvinist party is located near the scene where the bomb exploded.
Al-Muthanna Province.
Residents, tribal leaders of as-Samawah vent feelings about Japanese occupation troops, demand their withdrawal.
The people of the southern Iraqi city of as-Samawah have registered their resentment over the continued presence of Japanese troops on their soil, mounting demonstrations in which hundreds took part protesting the “lies” of the Japanese forces.
According to a report carried by Mafkarat al-Islam, the citizens of as-Samawah presented a letter of protest that listed five grievances they had against the Japanese occupation forces. Chief among the grievances was the fact that the Japanese “lied to the people of the city” when they promised to rebuild as-Samawah, provide a supply of drinkable water, bring electricity back to the city, provide jobs to the local people, and wipe out the crippling disease that has afflicted the children throughout the length and breadth of as-Samawah.
Shaykh ‘Ali ash-Shamari, the chief of the Shamar tribe who presented the note of protest to the Japanese forces, described the Japanese as the “worst emissaries of the worst country to enter Iraq.” Shaykh ash-Shamari said the Japanese troops were like a “scarecrow in a barley field,” because “they didn’t fight with the other armies but neither did they build any of the things they promised us in the city.”
Shaykh ash-Shamari said, “we haven’t got anything from them but their garbage, which they dump at the edge of town; the crap from their camp that grossly defaces the look of as-Samawah.” The shaykh said bitterly, “the only good thing they’ve done is to rid us of the stray dogs which are a delicacy for them and which have now become the thing they most want to receive as gifts from local people.”
“They lied to us,” Shaykh ash-Shamari old Mafkarat al-Islam. “And they must leave our city, particularly now that az-Zarqawi’s group has now come to as-Samawah and mounted repeated operations against their base. You might think they would become a real army that can defend itself, but after every attack all they do is burrow more trenches inside their base like a bunch of big rats, to protect themselves from the rocket blasts.”
Shaykh ash-Shamari said, “They’ve become a burden for the Iraqi puppet forces. As soon as they get hit they run to the Iraqi puppet forces to ask to be rescued. And they scare the whole city with their noisy air raid sirens like they’d been hit by atom bombs.”
“Do you know why the Resistance in Iraq hasn’t attacked those Japanese forces in a serious way until now?” the Shaykh asked. “Even the Jaysh al-Mahdi of Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr didn’t go after them when he raised his revolt. The reason is that a strong man only likes to fight another strong man. But the Japanese army is an army of cowards. They hear one explosion and they’re reduced to trembling, setting off their sirens and calling for help near and far from the Iraqi puppet forces around them. Even though the Iraqi Resistance is here in force, they the Japanese are pretty much safe from them, and the latest attacks on them were only a response to the Japanese government’s statement that it was going to keep its forces in Iraq.”
“As the chief and shaykh of the biggest tribe in as-Samawah demand that those Japanese forces leave our city as soon as possible,” ‘Ali ash-Shamari concluded.
Trying to get a sense of the sentiment of the citizens of as-Samawah regarding the Japanese, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent conducted a poll of 132 persons over a period of three days asking people how they felt about the Japanese presence and whether they wanted them to go.
Of those questioned, 76 percent replied that they want the Japanese to leave the country because their presence serves no purpose for good or ill.
The remaining 24 percent said that they want the Japanese to stay, so long as there’s an occupation anyway in Iraq, because the presence of 550 soldiers doesn’t have any impact so long as there are dozens of armies in the country. They said they hoped that the latest demonstrations would serve as an impetus to prompt the Japanese to fulfill their promises to the people of the city.