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(回答先: イスラム・メモ/イラク・レジスタンス・レポート/JUSはデマだ! 投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 4 月 21 日 22:49:16)
You Know You Have Arrived When The US Government Alleges You're A メDisinformerモ
Apr 21, 2005
Khadija Abdul Qahaar, JUS
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Er-Rahmeen
In an article titled メA Trio Of Disinformersモ published on the US State Departmentユs website that coincidentally coincides with our three year anniversary, JUS can only deduce that indeed we have arrived when the masters of deception themselves deem us worthy of their attention.
The article, which can be found in its entirety at http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005/Apr/08-205989.html lays claim not only against JUS but also makes a personal attack against against Muhammad Abu Nasr who has worked tirelessly publshing the Iraqi Resistance Report in conjunction with Free Arab Press and for the most part takes issue with the validity of news reports from Islam Memo that are the basis for Nasrユs Iraqi Resistance Report, and that are selectively published by JUS.
In the first place, the allegations of credible reporting coming from the masters of deception who brought death and destruction to Afghanistan, covering over both civilian and military casualties and who continue to tout a non-existence reconstruction of that country (outside of the roads facilitating oil that is), while entirely underpinning the war that continues to be waged there as nothing more than メremnants of the former Talibanモ, isnユt really saying very much.
Coming from the sponsors of global state terrorism who then brought us the invasion of Iraq, a sovereign nation, on the basis of fabricated intelligence of the country's メweapons of mass destruction that could be launched in 45 minutesモ that experts insisted did not exists and having proven so, one is hard pressed to relate the words メcredibilityモ and the US government in the same sentence. With thousands of civilians killed, thousands more detained, Abu Ghraib abuses carried out by the US military from the brass on down, daily losses of military personal covered up and thousands of their wounded being ignored, the use of internationally banned weapons rife and lets not forget the plunder of Iraqユs oil, does the US government live in such a vacuum that it actually thinks it has any credibility left?
What is most amazing about the entire article is that it once again shows that the US government has no concept of how it is perceived on the Arab and Muslim street, let alone with its own citzens, some of whom are loyal JUS readers. With opposition to the war in Iraq by official polls now over 50% and a huge outcry before the country was ever invaded, it is really not all that startling that those whose daily occupation is disinformation were actually re-elected. With politically controlled mainstream media and Americans consumed with themselves, it is only now that the stock market is once again declining and the price of oil is off the scales that American war sentiments are changing. Why? Because it is effecting America's economy and Americans ability to go shopping. And where is all that oil they stole anyway?
It is also clear that the US State Department does have a clue about any of the メtrio of disinformersモ. In their personal attack on Muhammad Abu Nasr, it is obvious that they do not know the difference between communism and Islam as they claim this dedicated brother, who has translated news on a daily basis without compensation for over two years, which is no small feet, is a communist!
They also allege in the article that Islam Memo is pro-Al-Qaida. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam Memo has recently come under attack allegedly for tampering with footage released by al-Qaida and removing their logo from the clip. The majority of Al-Qaida operations that are referenced in Islam Memo's news are done so without identifying the group but rather referred to, as all others are whether conducted by Mujahideen or Baathists, as メResistance forcesモ. Regardless of any other allegations against Islam Memo, one thing that they can not be called is pro-Al-Qaida!
JUS selects its daily news on the basis of first, direct reports from Mujahideen groups that are reporting their activities that we are capable of translating within the rapid daily news timeframe. We publish their statements, translated to English by our own team, uncut and uncensored, and let you, the viewer decide. Alhamdulilah, three years on, on any given day the JUS News Desk is flooded with reports direct from the battlefields. For those of you who are fluent in Arabic and English and continue to sit on the sideline, this is your queue; not only does our blessed Ummah need this news but so does the public in general and for us it is gut wrenching to publish such a small selection of the direct reports we receive. First hand reports from those engaged in the battle is the best news there is and we run as much of this as we can process on a given day. Ya Allah, bring us more of your true servants to help with this work. Ameen.
As far as Islam Memo is concerned, we have always maintained that we do not believe that their correspondents are hand counting casualties but rather are estimating these based on the number of troops a vehicle holds etc. Over the past months, we have seen Islam Memo quote more and more of their news from so-called Iraqi national sources, spokesmen in the US enforced Iraqi government, witnesses and even the occasional US Marine. Rarely do they accredit their information directly to a gvien Mujahideen group by name that carries out the attack. It is for this reason that we were prompted to direct some pointed questions to Islam Memo in a letter we wrote sometime ago and which we have yet to receive a reply to.
While we continue to run some of their reports selectively, specifically those we have some knowledge of through our own reporting staff, and assign the appropriate disclaimer of メreportedly killedモ as third party information dictates, the quality of information surrounding Islam Memo's reporting is still closer to the bone than that which appears in mainstream press, dutifully obliging US control. Case in point is the メ1200 Insurgents Killedモ that was widely reported a few months back without any reference as to where, what, why, when and how - let alone photographs. This is business as usual in todayユs politically positioned press, just like last week メ150 Shia Hostages Heldモ, a bogus story that came to light soon after. And where are Ramzi bin Al-Shibh, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed and all the other so-called high level captures we have yet to see or hear a peep from following their alleged arrest? Not in US custody in most cases.
The fact is that on a given day, the news items that JUS reports outweighs, by leaps and bounds, those that are inherantly omitted from censored press and it appears that that has earned us the compliment of playing a major role as a US government メdisinformerモ.
In recent months, news wires such as Reuters have taken some of our translations quoting only an "Islamist" website. While we care not for acclaim as our work is only for Allah, this derogatory term is a word created by those who separate church and state and again shows ignorance of the very nature of Islam which is a complete religion that integrates every aspect of life. If Reuters is going to use our translatiions, it would be nice if they at least used the correct term of Islamic press if they don't want to mention our name!
All praise is to Allah, for it is He who has allowed us to publish for the past three years and on the occasion of this important milestone, the US State Department couldnユt have given us a better endorsement. Indeed, through Allahユs grace, we have arrived.
Glory is to Allah, his messenger and the Believers
Khadija Abdul Qahaar
Publisher, Jihad Unspun
12 Rabie Al-Awwal, 1426
April 21, 2005
Jihad Unspun ゥ 2005