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発表している[Free Arab voice]の共同編集者ムハンマド・アブ・ナスルを,
彼が過去に発表した文章の中に,シリア共産党のKhaled Bakdashという人物の
イスラム・メモの記事を多く掲載するJihad Unspun(JUS)に対しても戦死者の数の
US Department of State about Islam Memo, Muhammad Abu Nasr, and Jihad Unspun
By: usinfo.state.gov on: 20.04.2005 [21:02 ] (965 reads)
A Trio of Disinformers: Islam Memo, Muhammad Abu Nasr, and Jihad Unspun
Obscure Web sites play major role in disinformation
A trio of obscure Web sites and individuals has combined to spread deliberate disinformation, particularly about U.S. actions in Iraq. The entities involved are Islam Memo (Islammemo.cc), Muhammad Abu Nasr, and Jihad Unspun (jihadunspun.net).
Most of the disinformation appears to originate with Islam Memo, which is a pro-al Qaeda, pro-Iraqi insurgency, Arabic-language Web site based in Saudi Arabia.
Muhammad Abu Nasr, co-editor of the Free Arab Voice Web site (freearabvoice.org), translates material from Islam Memo into English and posts it as "Iraqi Resistance Reports" on his Web site.
Jihad Unspun publishes selected articles by Muhammad Abu Nasr, giving them a broader audience.
This trio of Web sites and individuals has attempted to launch many disinformation stories. Most have fizzled out without any great impact, but some have spread more widely.
Islam Memo
Islam Memo, or Mafkarat al-Islam, is perhaps the most unreliable source of "news" about Iraq on the Internet. For example, on March 27, 2005, Islam Memo "news items" translated into English by Muhammad Abu Nasr claimed that more than 88 U.S. soldiers had been killed that day. In reality, none had been killed. Such disinformation fabrications are typical of Islam Memo. In the ten-day period from March 20 to March 29, 2005, they claimed that more than 334 U.S. troops had been killed. The real number was eight.
Muhammad Abu Nasr
As mentioned earlier, Muhammad Abu Nasr, co-editor of the Free Arab Voice Web site, translates Islam Memo reports into English. The contents of his Web site make it clear that Muhammad Abu Nasr is a communist. For example, he includes on the Web site an obscure 1935 speech by Khaled Bakdash, the former head of the Syrian Communist Party, because he believes it has important "contemporary implications."
The speech deals with "popular front" tactics ― ways in which communists in the 1930s tried to use popular national causes to advance the victory of communism. For example, Muhammad Abu Nasr approvingly quotes Bakdash's advocacy of working with "revolutionary nationalists ... even when they claimed to be Nazi or fascist."
Applying this logic to today's world, Muhammad Abu Nasr champions Arab nationalist, anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiments apparently because he believes that a broad-based "popular front" based on such causes will hasten the victory of communism in the Arab world.
Muhammad Abu Nasr faithfully translates the Islam Memo's many phony "news items" into English every day and posts them as "Iraqi Resistance Reports" on his Web site. They are also posted on other Web sites, including Jihad Unspun.
Jihad Unspun
Jihad Unspun is owned and published by a Canadian woman who converted to Islam in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
Jihad Unspun has a track record of spreading very unreliable allegations. For example, on November 22, 2004, it reported that a November 21 attack on a U.S. base in Balad, Iraq had killed 270 U.S. troops. In reality, no U.S. troops were killed that day.
Jihad Unspun has often cited Islam Memo reports, praising their "accuracy." On December 19, 2004, Jihad Unspun JUS wrote, "from shortly after the time of our inception almost three years ago, JUS has carried many reports from the news agency Mafkarat al-Islam (Islam Memo). We have done this as we have come to have a great deal of respect for the accuracy of their reporting."
Two months later, Jihad Unspun revealed some reservations about the accuracy of Islam Memo reports. On February 23, 2005, Jihad Unspun posted the contents of a letter it had written to Islam Memo, which stated, "we are well aware that there is now a ‘family feud' brewing and that Mafkarat al-Islam is currently under attack by many Arab news and Mujahideen sites. ... the voices of your critics are becoming louder, as is the strength of the case they are making against your reporting."
Jihad Unspun went on to publicly ask Islam Memo several pointed questions, including, "why are the number of American casualties reported by Mujahideen groups to other news sites far more modest than the numbers reported by Mafkarat al-Islam?"
It is not clear whether Islam Memo responded to Jihad Unspun, but Jihad Unspun apparently overcame its reservations about the accuracy of Islam Memo's reports. On March 28, 2005, it published an Iraqi Resistance Report based on Islam Memo reporting, which falsely claimed that more than 88 U.S. soldiers had been killed on March 27. As noted above, the real number was zero.
Disinformation Successes
While most disinformation fabrications by Islam Memo do not receive much media attention, some have.
As explained in another article in this Web collection, Islam Memo, Muhammad Abu Nasr, and Jihad Unspun combined to spread the false story that U.S. forces had used mustard gas in Fallujah, Iraq. This disinformation was subsequently repeated by Cuba's official news agency Prensa Latina and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.
In another example of successful disinformation, on December 18, 2004, Muhammad Abu Nasr posted an Islam Memo report that claimed an attack against Abu Ghraib prison had been sparked by a letter from a female inmate named Fatima. In the letter, which seems undoubtedly to be a fabrication, Fatima claims to have been raped repeatedly, along with 13 other girls.
The charges in the letter are totally groundless and Fatima herself appears to have never existed. Only six females were held temporarily at Abu Ghraib prison at various times from July to mid-December 2004, two of them for treatment in the medical facility. None of them were held for more than 10 days and none were sexually assaulted.
Despite the fact that the claims in "Fatima's letter" are baseless, the sensationalistic, outrageous nature of the charges ensured that the letter was widely reposted on Internet sites and circulated by e-mail. Jihad Unspun posted it on December 24, 2004.
On January 7, 2005, Islam Memo claimed that Fatima had been killed in an attack that day on Abu Ghraib prison. Conveniently, this meant that she could not be questioned about the letter she had supposedly written. But, there was no attack on Abu Ghraib prison on January 7, just as Fatima herself did not exist.
Created: 08 Apr 2005 Updated: 08 Apr 200
西側メディアがバスラ・ネットへの愚かな中傷 [イラク情勢ニュース]
投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 3 月 30 日 00:21:42: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac
イラク・レジスタンス・レポート(日本語版) 2004/12/18 [イラク情勢ニュース]
投稿者 white 日時 2004 年 12 月 20 日 22:53:42:QYBiAyr6jr5Ac
私の兄弟はムジャヒディンとなって神の示した道を歩んでいるのに、私は皆さんに何を語ることができるでしょう。 皆さんに話します。私たちのお腹には、私たちをレイプしたブタとサルの子によって、不義の子どもができました。そうでなければ、彼らが私たちの身体を傷つけ、私たちの顔にツバを吐き、首にかけたコーランの小さなコピーを破ったと言えたででしょうか。 神は偉大なり! 皆さんは私たちの置かれた環境を理解できないのでしょうか? 皆さんが私たちの身に起こったことを知らないというのは本当でしょうか? 私たちは皆さんの姉妹です。神は、明日、このことを皆さんに報告するよう求めています。
神に誓って、私たちは収容所に入れられて以来、一夜としてサルやブタどもに飛びかかられることなしに過ごしたことはありませんでした。私たちは神への畏怖とは別に、純潔を守ってきました。 神を畏れたまえ! 私たちを奴らもろとも殺してください! それは気高い行為となるでしょう。 神を畏れたまえ! 奴らの戦車と飛行機を追い払ってください! アブグレイブ収容所の私たちのもとに来てください。
私は、神に誓って、あなたの姉妹(ファティマ)です。彼らはある日、私を9回以上レイプしました。あなたは理解できますか? あなたの姉妹がレイプされたと想像してください。あなたがそれを想像できないのは、私があなたの姉妹だからです。私と一緒に13人の少女がいます。全員が未婚です。そして全員が衆人環視のなかでレイプされました。
彼らは私たちに祈ることさえさせません。彼らは私たちの衣服を奪いとり、服を着させようとしません。私がこの手紙を書いているとき、一人の少女が自殺しました。彼女は残酷にレイプされたのです。兵士は彼女をレイプしたあと、彼女の胸と大腿を撃ちました。彼女に信じられない拷問をおこなったのです。彼女は死ぬまで独房の壁に頭をぶつけました。 自殺はイスラム教で禁じられているとはいえ、彼女はそれ以上は耐えきれなかったのです。神も彼女を許してくれると祈っています。
兄弟たちよ、今一度言います。 神を畏れたまえ! 私たちを彼らともども殺してください。そうすれば私たちに平穏がおとずれるでしょう。 助けて! 助けて! 助けて!