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(回答先: ロシアは世界中どこにでも「対テロ予防攻撃をしかける」:検事総局は学校襲撃をチェチェンと結びつけず(エル・ムンド) 投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2004 年 9 月 08 日 21:42:00)
(El Mund : 08/09/2004)
Russia threatens with pre-emptive strikes to terrorists in all the corners of the world
The report of the Russian Office of the public prosecutor does not relate the event to Chechenia
MOSCOW. - The head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, general Yuri Baluyevski, has affirmed that Moscow is arranged to send to pre-emptive strikes con terrorist bases in any corner of the world. The British Secretary of State, Jack Straw, says that this measurement is "understandable" and "in accordance to the international laws". On the other hand, the report of the Russian Office of the public prosecutor does not relate the kidnapping to Chechnya.
Nevertheless, Russia offers one compensates of 8.5 million euros by any information that allows to eliminate the Chechens leaders Masjádov and Basáyev.
"We are going to take all the measures to eliminate the terrorist bases in any region of the world. But it does not mean that we are going to send to nuclear attacks" said Baluyevski, mentioned by Interfax agency.
The means based on the aim
The Russian general, who made these declarations after meeting with the supreme commander NATO in Europe, general James Jones, indicated that "the means will be chosen depending on the concrete situation in one or another one region".
"Las the military are the extreme measures in the fight against terrorism", Baluyevski said, that added that during the tragic taking of hostages, that concluded with 335 dead ones according to the last data, the Armed Forces offered support to the services secret.
After the meeting with the supreme commander NATO in Europe, the Russian general also added that his country is determined to cooperate with the Atlantic Alliance in the fight against the international terrorism.
This announcement arrives after Russian television NTV emitted the images of the kidnapping of the school of Beslán that had recorded the own detectors. In these, it is possible to be seen the masked kidnappers, hostages seated with the hands on the head, and numerous united explosive charges among them by cables throughout all the gymnasium. Also a missile launcher can be appreciated.
Resignation of the Government of North Osetia
On the other hand, the president of Osetia of the North, Alexandr Dzasójov, has promised the next resignation of his Government before a crowd in rage.
"In the next two days the decree of destitution of the Gobierno will be dictated", Dzasójov said, according to Ria-Novosti agency, to the participants of a meeting that two days ago demanded not only the resignation of the Cabinet, but also that of the president of North Osetia itself.
He explained the decision to dismiss the Government with the necessity "better to solve many accumulated problems.”
As far as its own resignation, Dzasójov said: "I am thinking that and I will take one decision".
From a balcony of the third floor of the House of the Government in the North Osetia capital, Vladikavkaz, Dzasójov informed to the demonstrators into which a "state commission" will arrive the next Saturday to Osetia from the North to investigate all circumstances of the terrorist attack of a commando presumably led by Chechen Shamil Basáyev against the school number 1 of Beslán.
With respect to the people in charge of the structures of security of the republic, Dzasojov was forceful: "Whatever they are the epaulets of the generals will be removed".
Last Saturday, the day after the bloody end of the crisis of hostages in Beslán, the minister of the noroseta Interior, general lieutenant Kazbek Dzantíev, submitted his retirement application of irrevocable way, but this one was not accepted by Dzasójov.
(El Mund : 08/09/2004)
The official report of the Russian Office of the fiscal does not relate the kidnapping of Beslán to Chechnya
MOSCOW. - The Russian general fiscal, Vladimir Ustinov, have informed to Putin on the taking of hostages in the school of Beslán. Contrary to the saying before by the Office of the public prosecutor, Ustinov has not given any explanation on the identity of the kidnappers nor has established no relation with Chechnya.
"Just before the attack, the band met in a forest near one location", the Fiscal has said, without offering no indication on this place, according to the images spread by the Russian television.
They mention the declarations of the only member of the commando who was captured with life, Ustinov has indicated that the kidnappers were "around of 30, two of them women", and that acted to the control of somebody nicknamed 'the colonel', helped by another called man 'Abdoul Malik'.
"They split on board in the direction of Beslán of three vehicles (a one of them truck) and arrived there at alba", it has added the public prosecutor, who has indicated that during the passage they had a confrontation with a police of district, without giving more details.
"They entered in car in the patio of the school, had an enormous amount of arms and explosives", it has continued Ustinov.
Then, according to the public prosecutor, several members of the commando protested because they did not want to kidnap to schoolboy.
Always according to the declarations of the captured kidnapper, "'el colonel' hombres" killed one of his; in order to stop the protests of the others.
"The same day, to alert to the rebels as to its hostages as much, this bandit made two kamikaze-women with a remote control jump by airs", Ustinov has informed to a impassible Putin with the serious look.
The kidnappers mined the building later "con such knowledge of the technical questions" that terrorists attested its "good preparation for this act”, according to the Fiscal.
But,”at last after two days, when they wanted to change his system of explosives, there was a deflagration that caused the panic inside the school".
"Many hostages tried to flee and the rebels shot them", he has added.
"Until today, this enormous terrorist act has caused loss to us”, Ustinov has said. "Whatever to the rebels, they were entirely annihilated", the Fiscal, who has spoken of 30 bodies and numerous pieces, in addition to the captured kidnapper, has added.
The taking of hostages caused 336 dead ones without considering the kidnappers, according to the last official balance.