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(回答先: 「イラク問題の本質は、イラクに大量破壊兵器が保有されていること」と言っていた神崎武法公明党代表 投稿者 外野 日時 2004 年 9 月 15 日 22:58:50)
スコット・リッター氏 外国人記者クラブ講演録(2003年2月5日)
Luncheon Lecture at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (2/5/2003)
[English Text below]
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スコット・リッター氏は、アメリカとイギリスによるイラク攻撃を「前代未聞の愚行」と呼びます。1961年に軍人の家庭に生まれ、大学卒業後、軍に入隊。80年代は情報将校として勤務しました。湾岸戦争には弾道ミサイル専門家として従軍、91年後半に国連イラク大量兵器廃棄特別委員会(UNSCOM)に加わって52回以上の査察団に参加し、うち14回は主任査察官を務めます。1999年には『エンドゲーム――イラク問題の全面解決』(Endgame: Solving the Iraq Problem-Once and For All)を出版。さらに昨年、ドキュメンタリーフィルム『流砂の中で――UNSCOMとイラク武装解除の真実』(In Shifting Sands: The Truth about UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq)を制作しました[1]。本日、コリン・パウエルは安保理で対イラク戦争の可能性について根拠を示す予定です。本日、リッター氏はそれに反対する根拠を示してくれるでしょう。どうかみなさん、信念の人スコット・リッター氏を温かくお迎えください。
[1] 2002年12月8日、NHK・BS1ワールドドキュメンタリー・スペシャル「イラク査察の真実」として全篇放映。2003年2月23日にも再放送。
[2] イラクは湾岸戦争の停戦決議によって射程150km以下の短距離ミサイルを含む通常兵器の保有を認められており、ここでいう「武装解除」(disarmament)とは国連決議で禁じられた大量破壊兵器をもたない状態を意味する。場合によっては「軍備管理」か「軍縮」と言い換えたほうが正確。
Professional Luncheon with Mr. Scott Ritter
-- Former Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector in Iraq
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
February 5, 2003
Mr. Ritter called US and British military strikes against Iraq a "horrible mistake". Scott Ritter was born in Florida in 1961 to a military family. He joined the armed forces after university and worked as a military intelligence officer in the 1980s. During the Gulf War, he served as a ballistic missile expert and joined United Nation Special Commission in late 1991. He took part in more than 52 inspections and was team leader of 14. In 1999 he also published a book, called the "Endgame; Solving the Iraq Problem--Once and For All". Then, last year he produced a documentary film, entitled "In Shifting Sands: The Truth about UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq". Today Collin Powel is going to make his case for a possible war in Iraq in the Security Council. Today Mr. Ritter is going to make the case against it. Please give a very warm welcome to a man who has courage to state what he feels, Mr. Scott Ritter.
Thank you very much, first of all, certainly for the honor and privilege to have the opportunity to be here in Tokyo and to talk to you about what is a very important issue. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of war with Iraq, whether or not you support the Bush administration's policies or you're in opposition to the policies, I think we all could be in an agreement that this is an extremely serious issue.
And like all serious issues, it’s one that, I believe, must be subjected to debate, discussion and dialogue. That's where I come from. As an American citizen I believe in the concept of democracy, and the role that each American must play in holding their government accountable for what it does in our name. Therefore, I’m not someone who believes in blind obedience where the government says and we nod our head and dumbly “yes” and someone who believes in my responsibilities and indeed my obligation as a citizen to raise my hand and ask the tough question of those whom I elected to higher office.
And on the issue of Iraq, I think I have a double responsibility because I’ve been blessed or cursed depending on your outlook with, you know, a decade’s worth of Iraq experience. I was on the ground in Iraq not only as a Marine during the operation Dessert Storm but for seven years as a weapons inspector. And that gave me insight into the facts and truths surrounding the issue of Iraq weapons of mass destruction and the nature of the Iraqi regime. And therefore, it’s incumbent upon me as an American citizen to be a citizen and to speak out when I hear my government say things about Iraq that I know not to be reflective of the truth that I know, to deviate from the facts that I experienced.
Let’s talk about Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction. Does Iraq have them? And does Iraq pose a threat to the security of the United States, indeed the security of the international community that warns going to war? This is a critical issue. We have weapons inspectors in Iraq today who are permitted to carry out inspections of sites without obstruction. But does that constitute disarmament? And that’s I think one of the critical points that Bush administration is going to attempt to make in days and indeed weeks to come, that even though you have inspectors in Iraq, even though these inspectors are getting full and free access to sites, that doesn’t constitute disarmament; disarmament is only accomplished when you eliminate weapons of mass destruction. There could be no doubt that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. That’s not a topic of debate. In fact they had massive programs dedicated to the manufacture of chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles. The question is, are those programs in existence today, and does Iraq possess residual weaponry from past programs that could pose a threat to the international peace and security. And this is a critical question.
I was a weapons inspector from 1991 to 1998. During that period of time, we were able to accomplish a lot in the field of disarming. Indeed, 90 to 95 % of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were confirmed as and verified as eliminated and disposed by weapons inspectors and this includes 100% of the factories that Iraq used to produce these weapons, together with the associated production equipment. Now, there’s 5 to 10 % out there that we don’t know what a final disposition of is. But the fact is we can mitigate our concerns about this by knowing that from 1994 to 1998, the weapons inspectors carried out the most stringent onsite inspection monitoring program in the history of arms control blanketing the totality of Iraq’s industrial infrastructure with the most sophisticated censors with no notice-inspections and never once, did we detect the evidence of a retained prohibited activity, or the effort by Iraq to reconstitute a prohibited activity.
So, the point here is if Iraq has weapons of mass destruction today, they would have needed to reconstitute the manufacturing base since 1998, and no one has provided any evidence that substantiates allegations to that effect. Now, there is concern about this unaccountable material of 5 to 10 %, but you can mitigate that by just doing some basic research. For instance, Hans Blix spoke before the Security Council on 27 January and he made a report that I find to be very one-sided and misleading. He said that Iraq has not accounted for growth media, which could be used to produce anthrax. It’s the food that anthrax is grown up with and this unaccountable growth media leads to potential of Iraq having produced thousands of liters of anthrax which they haven’t declared. We must assume therefore that this anthrax is there viable and represents a threat.
But what Has Blix didn’t say is that Iraq only produced liquid bulk anthrax. There is no evidence there that Iraq produced any other form of anthrax, and liquid bulk anthrax under ideal storage conditions has a shelf life of three years and germinates and becomes useless sludge. Hans Blix didn’t say the last known bunch of anthrax came out of Iraqi factory in 1991. Hans Blix didn’t say that the Iraqi factory, Al Hakum was destroyed in total by the weapons inspectors in 1996. Hans Blix didn’t say that the unaccounted growth media was acquired in the late 1980s by the Iraqis and itself has a shelf life of five to seven years. So, my question to Hans Blix would be; “What anthrax?” “Where did it go?” “ Where did it come from?” He can’t answer that question. He simply goes back to the past and talks about unaccountable material implying that the access of that is still viable today.
He did the same thing with chemical weapons. He spoke of a document, so-called “Air Force” document that certainly revealed that short-coming of the Iraqi accounting of 6,000 munitions. He said, because we can’t account for these munitions, we need to presume that chemical fill is still in Iraq and still represents a threat. But, Hans Blix failed to take into account the Council that his own chemical weapons experts who have written the documents that are privy to that say, given poor quality of Iraqi chemical weapons program, poor quality of munitions involved, any chemical weapon that Iraq has from 1983 to 1988 is no longer viable. And the period in time, the question of 6,000 uncountable munitions is 1983 to 1988. So, what is Hans Blix talking about? How dare he stand before the international community and imply that these 6,000 munitions and a hundred tons of chemical agent associated with these munitions are somehow still present and still viable? It’s a misleading report. We need to ask ourselves, does Iraq have a chemical weapons program, does Iraq have a biological weapons program, does Iraq retain proscribed capability that represents a threat but you cannot go back to 1991 and extrapolate that Iraq possess the nuclear weapons today. You need to speak about the now, the present. And, that’s something people aren’t willing to discuss.
Inspections. For inspections to work a couple of things have to be in place. A: Iraq has to fully cooperate. The inspection regime is not viable and cannot succeed in disarming of Iraq without the full cooperation of Iraq. For seven years, I was a weapons inspector. We succeeded in doing quite a bit. But we never succeeded in ascertaining 100% compliance because Iraq did not cooperate.
Second, the Security Council in passing its laws calling for Iraq’s disarmament must be willing to enforce this law. What good is a law if you don’t enforce it? And enforcement in the case of Iraq means you have to put pressure on the leadership that matters - that is Saddam Hussein, So if you are going to enforce a law in regards to disarming Iraq you have to be willing to affect the existence of Saddam Hussein. You have to be willing to bring military power to bear - that has the potential to terminate Saddam Hussein’s existence.
During the time when I was an inspector we had repeated instances of Iraqi non-cooperation, yet the Security Council was never willing to back up the alert of inspectors. Today, inspectors arein Iraq. They are getting full cooperation in terms of getting access to the sites they designate for inspection; I only wish we had that because if Iraq has done that when I was an inspector, we wouldn’t be here talking about Iraq today. We would have wrapped up the disarming program within the period of months if not a year. All done. It’s Iraq’s fault. They choose to lie.
Two, the Security Council has made it clear in Security Resolution 1441 that if Iraq does not comply, they will hold Iraq accountable for serious consequences; that means military action that threatens the existence of Saddam Hussein. We have a much healthier inspection environment today than we’ve ever had. Inspections can work if given a chance.
But, there’s a third aspect of inspections you see? Holding Iraq to rule of law is critical, but in doing so, we must ensure that those who implement international law, the weapons inspectors, likewise operate within the framework of international law. The weapons inspectors work for the Security Council, and the Security Council is composed of 15 members - 5 of them are permanent. The most influential and powerful permanent member of the Security Council is the United States of America. Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to consider, what impact does it have on the integrity of the inspection operation when the United States of America has maintained since 1991 a policy of regime removal, of eliminating Saddam Hussein, that has no basis in international law, and which has taken priority over disarmament issues?
You see, the United States doesn’t want Iraq to disarm. The United States wants Saddam Hussein gone, and they use disarmament to facilitate the elimination of Saddam Hussein. The weapons inspectors, sadly, have been useful to the United States in so far as they A) enable the continuation of economic sanctions, B) essentially destabilize the regime of Saddam Hussein, and C) facilitate the collection of intelligence information about the security of Saddam Hussein. None of these is authorized under Security Council resolutions. All of them deviate from the mandated task of disarmament, and the overall effect is to pollute the integrity of the inspections operation. The United States has corrupted the integrity of the inspections while I was an inspector. And it is the same despite the fact that Iraq has given the inspectors access today, and the Security Council has said it is willing to enforce its own law.
Ladies and Gentlemen, American policy today is regime removal - elimination of Saddam Hussein, and the United States will continue to use the inspection process, for purposes pertaining not to disarmament, but rather, to the elimination of Saddam Hussein. That’s why when Hans Blix stands before the Security Council and criticizes Iraq for not allowing the U2 aircraft to fly over in support of inspections, he’s wrong. Cause Hans Blix should remember that the last time the U2 aircraft flew over Iraq, with the United Nations’ insignia on it, it was supporting American intelligence collection against Saddam Hussein, it was supporting and facilitating an American policy of regime removal. Today, we have thousands of Americans forward deployed, prepared to go to war against Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein from power. Why in God’s name would the United Nations facilitate intelligence collection that would support that military action by enabling a U2 spy aircraft to fly over. As long as the United States maintains a policy of regime removal, that corrupts the integrity of the inspection process. That’s why tomorrow, or today if you go by Japanese time, as Colin Powell speaks to the Security Council, I ask you to pay very close attention to a number of things
First, the timing. Why February the 5th? The chief inspectors from IAEA and UNMOVIC are going back to Iraq on Feb 8th, and then will be reporting back to the Security Council on Feb 14th. Isn’t it a little presumptuous for the United States to give a presentation to the Security Council talking about Iraqi cooperation while inspection process is still engaged? Of course it is! What is the motivation of Collin Powell making a presentation? He’s not going to make a clear-cut case that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Already the State Department is backing away from any notion that Collin Powell will present a “Smoking Gun.” He’s going to present circumstantial evidence, that packaged together and presented will make a compelling case that inspections don’t work, that inspections can’t work. That Iraq is actively conspiring against inspections, thereby denigrating the efficacy of inspections, while the world waits for inspectors to do their job.
The purpose of Collin Powel’s presentation tomorrow is to destroy international trust and confidence in weapons inspections, and that’s a darn shame. That shouldn’t take place. The United States doesn’t want the inspections to work. Just walk through the basic calculus. If the inspections work and Iraq turns out to be disarmed, what happens? Economic sanctions are lifted. When economic sanctions are lifted, what happens? You’ve broken the containment of Iraq. Once you’ve broken the containment of Iraq, Iraq comes back into the fold of international community with Saddam Hussein still at the helm, which of course is the exact opposite of what the US government wants. The US government policy is regime removal - the elimination of Saddam Hussein, and it’s about time that not only the US government being upfront and honest about it, but that the international community also be upfront about it; International media be upfront and honest about it. Don’t give the United States cover by talking about disarmament while the US pursues regime removal.
Be up right front. Acknowledge it. The United States Policy is regime removal. It’s a policy that flies in the face of international law. It’s a policy that sickens and disgusts me. I’m not a pacifist; I’m not afraid of war. I’ve worn the uniform of the Marine Core for 12 years; I’ve been to war. I know what war is about. That’s why I reject the concept of war with Iraq. Not because I’m afraid to fight. I’ll fight anytime, any nation or group of nations that threatens my country. I took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign or domestic. I didn’t take an oath to obey the President blindly. That’s what a good German did back in the 1940s. I’m a good American. My job, my responsibility is to the Constitution of the United States of America, and I understand what that constitution means. Article 6 of the United States Constitution says that when the United States enters into an international agreement or treaty that’s been ratified by 2/3 of senate, that is the Law of the Land. We are signatories to the United Nation’s Charter. And the United Nations Charter does a couple of things. It forswears war as a means of resolving disputes between nations. It also says that no nation or group of nations has the right to pick the leadership of a sovereign state, that is the sole prerogative of the population - the people of that country.
So the United States policy of regime removal is not only a flagrant violation of international law, it’s un-American, and as an American I’m going to speak out against it, I’m going to oppose that policy, and I’m going to continue to oppose that policy until which time, either the die is cast and we go to war, or hopefully by speaking out, there might be a means of generating public opposition. Because the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, is that while war seems to be inevitable, it’s not. This is not a war about the national security of the United States. This is not a war about defending international peace and security. This is a war about domestic American politics.
President Bush has invested so much political capital behind the concept of regime removal, that he’s pinned himself into a rhetorical corner. He’s going to go to war with Iraq right now because he feels he’s going to gain politically by this action. But if the point and time comes where president Bush is convinced that by going to war with Iraq he loses politically, he’s not going to go to war. So public opinion does matter. That’s why it’s imperative that we engaged in debate, discussion and dialogue, and that the media does a very fair and honest job of getting their facts to the population. Key to the concept of democracy is education. Democracy only functions if the people get involved. But it functions well and it only functions well when the people who get involved are empowered with knowledge and information. That’s what we need to do. Encourage knowledge and information amongst the people
Another key element of democracy is accountability. Holding those whom we elect to higher office accountable for what they believe. Today, let’s go through a basic element of democracy. I’ve said my piece, now you hold me accountable. I’ll take any questions anybody has. Thank you very much.