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11/9: new investigative contributions
Spanish Journalists affirm that no airplane crashed in the Pentagon
September 11, 2004
Two books published in Spain and with much success of sale affirm that the official version of the tragic 11 events of September 2001 presented by the authorities of the U.S.A. is false partly and manipulated. The public opinion and the Spanish press have accepted and given good welcome to these investigations.
Three years has past since the time of the attack that destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center de New York, attacks perpetrated by airplanes and in where they perished around three thousand people. The "official version" of the government of the U.S.A. blamed immediately of the attack to Osama Bin Laden and its terrorist networks of A the Qaida, without, until nowadays, governmental official investigation it has been able to certify his culpability nor publicly shown the citizenship the respective proofs.
Before the great silence of the American government to clarify these events, the investigator and French journalist Thierry Meyssan, director of the Network Voltaire, published two entitled books months after the attack: The great imposture, no airplane crashed in the Pentagon and the Pentagate (www.effroyable-imposture.net and www.pentagate.info). The book quickly became a success of bookstore and better sale in France. It was translated to more than twenty foreign languages.
Nevertheless Thierry Meyssan became the target of the French press that not only tried to discredit it but that also to discredit it virulently. The controversy was growing and the critics not only came from the right press but that also of left, famous the monthly one " Le Monde Diplomatique" attacked Meyssan under the pen of journalist Serge Halimi (French note).
Nowadays with a better panorama and information of these tragic events, with new independent investigative contributions - they are the many either intellectuals, journalists, thinkers or other that also affirm that the "official version" does not say all the truth or that it has been deceived or manipulated in many aspects the public opinion. This is certain to a large extent and mainly in the U.S.A., as Michael Moore said to it simply to the film director, author of Farenheit 9/11: "if the American press would make its work I would not be so famous".
The Spanish books
In year 2003 appear two books in Spain written by Hispanic journalists who affirm that there was no airplane that crashed in the Pentagon and that is rather a missile.
The first published book was “The Boss Atta, the secret of the White House” (publishing Janet & Plaza) of the journalist Pilar Urbano. Although the book is not a rigorous investigation and is plagued of disinformation, the interesting thing and revealing of the book it is that it demonstrates that an author like Pilar Urbano. member of the Opus Dei, near politically of the Spanish right and the previous government of Jose Maria Aznar, has decided on these theses. Pilar Urbano is biography official of the Kings of Spain and friend of Mr. Trillo, old Minister of Defense of the Spanish government of Aznar, that supported the invasion of Iraq by the U.S.A..
“The Boss Atta, the secret of the White House” relates in 550 pages the biography to us of the "integrist" Mohamed Atta, presented/displayed as one of the pilots of the suicide airplanes and ringleader of the terrorists, so that in last the 50 pages affirm us with a little more logic and argument to me that no airplane has crashed in the Pentagon and what she really has herself starred there has been rather missile.
New investigative contributions
The second book appeared in September 2003 under the title: “History of one infamy”, the lies of the official version (Corona Boralis) of Madrilenian independent journalist Bruno Cardeñosa.
The work of Cardeñosa is a remarkable investigation that helps to clarify and to include/understand a little plus the 11 events of September 2001. For example, Mohamed presented/displayed Atta as a fervent Moslem integrist lived in Miami and took a relation with Amanda Keller, a North American woman who worked in means of prostitution, of the night clubs of strip-tease. Witnesses or known this woman along with affirmed often to have seen Mohamed Atta she drinking alcohol, even consuming drugs or eating even until pig impossible thing for a Muslim. Other witnesses assure that as much Atta as Keller shared the apartment and was united sentimentally. Independent American journalists, who work for small local newspapers of Miami, wrote the information on the matter but it didn’t become known. Nobody knows at the present time where is Amanda Keller.
Cardeñosa also had the luck to interview in several occasions the last instructor of piloting of Mohamed Atta. One is Iván Chirivella, a Spanish who emigrated to the U.S.A. with the intention to make race like professional tennis player. But it finished like flying instructor. When Cardeñosa asked to him Chirivella that thought of the feat of piloting of Atta, of to have been able to star the Boeing against the tower, Chirivella said that it seemed impossible to him, that when Atta left the school it did not have the technical capacities to make such maneuver, almost did not know anything. It had been possible, only it concludes Chirivella, if Atta had taken the airplane control, one or two seconds before crashing. At the moment Chirivella is pilot of the Iberia company and in spite of to have lived many years in the U.S.A., and of not to have committed no crime, the USA authorities have prohibited him the entrance to the country. Indeed Chirivella is a witness who bothers to the "official version".
The book explains to us between many things for example about the seismographs of New York that affirm - proofs to the hands - that they took strong shake in the terrestrial crust and the bases of the twin towers seconds before these collapse and that they do not correspond to the shock of the airplanes nor to the fall of the towers, which also are registered. In addition for the specialists the things are well clear, the two last ones correspond to shocks in the surface of the crust, whereas other no. The investigation of Cardeñosa is a mine of serious and objective information. To comment all the book aspects this intelligent and interesting would not be possible in this short journalistic note.
And if no airplane crashed in Pentagonal him and were a missile which destroyed this governmental dependencies, the question that is made everybody three years later is: where are then the airplane and all the passengers?
*Sandro Cruz
Journalist, coordinator of the Network Voltaire. It founded the news agency Latin America the IPI. Publisher of the Timéli house in Geneva, Switzerland.
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Brief interview to Bruno Cardeñosa
How came to you the idea to make this book?
Examining the news and the information I realized that were many incongruence, the photos did not show no airplane, also there was the pioneering work of Thierry Meyssan and all this gave desire me to envestigar and to contribute to new tracks and information more.
How have received the Spanish press and the public opinion your book on 11 September and mainly about your affirmation that no airplane crashed in the Pentagon?
Very good, as much the public as the press does not create in the official version. Three of four great national newspapers have written on the matter. I have received many messages by email of support and words of praise.
It did not have you criticize?
Yes, but of a very reduced sector, the extreme right. In the general press, in regional or autonomic newspapers there have been commentaries but it does not stop to discredit the book, on the contrary. The weekly of political information of quality, as the Time they have made very good commentaries. But also it is necessary to indicate that in Spain it has appeared the self-control of the press, for the very revealing investigations because they are scared and they do not want to go out itself the norm.