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(回答先: 2005年体制へのディアラフォー(EU大統領はだれに?) 投稿者 愚民党 日時 2004 年 6 月 17 日 20:27:28)
SIEは、オランダ語(Speciaal Interventie Eskadron)の略語である。
ESIは、フランス語(Esquadron d'Intervention Special)の略語である。
知っての通り、オランダ語とフランス語(ドイツ語と共に)が、ここで話されている公用語であり、オランダ語はフランダース(北部)で、フランス語は「La Wallonie」(南部)で話されている。
「Diana」の名前は、実際には、ギリシアの狩の神、「Diane」である。グループは、was called that at its inception, but quickly adapted the more neutral acronym(s), SIE/ESI. The goddess is still featured on the unit's badge however.
ベルギーのほぼ全ての市民は、今なお、SIE/ESIを「groep Diane」(ディアナ・グループ)として言及しているが、この名前は、今、十年以上、公式には使用されていない。
SIE(Speciaal Interventie Eskadron)又は特殊介入中隊(フランス語:Esquadron Speciale d'Intervention−ESI)は、ベルギー唯一の専門武装警察部隊である。ベルギーは小国であるため、彼らは、SWATとCTの両任務を遂行する。その起源は、is military since they were created as a unit within the 「Guard of the Empire」 ( = literal translation, you can however compare this 'Guard' with the French Gendarmerie, they are exactly alike in concept. A Belgian dialect word for them is 'Gendarmen' which is plural for one member of the corps ). この「親衛隊」は、軍事組織と階級制度を有し、they also stood under the command of the 最高軍事司令部. しかしながら、彼らは、交通、犯罪捜査等、常に文民義務を遂行している。You could view them as a union of State Troopers and FBI. 改編のため、彼らは、今、警察部隊と統合されている。
SIEは、観測と武装支援 ( = the 'shooters' = 介入部隊)の2つの基本部隊から成る。観測部隊は、POSA(観測・高度危険逮捕遂行小隊)チームとその任務を共有する。POSAは、 are in fact a spin-off from the SIE, in that the SIE operates from Brussels, while the POSA has teams in several parts of the country and serves as 'back-up' for certain tasks ( not CT however ).
SIEは、ベルギー政府のための対テロ任務を付与された主要グループである。SIEは、多くの欧州の部隊のように、was created in the aftermath of the 1972年のオリンピック.. When it was originally raised, it operated under the コードネーム「Diane」. In spite of the fact that the name for officially changed to Escadron Special d’Intervention(ESI)(又は、SIE(Speciaal Interventie Eskadron)) in 1974, the moniker "Diane" can still be found when mentioned in the ベルギーのプレス上. 部隊は、is also known by the name Groupe Interforces Antiterroriste. Outside of Belgium , however, the unit is known by is newer and more formal SIE acronym.
Overall control of SIE lies with the 内務省, although it is important to note that prior to 1994, SIE took its orders from the 国防省. しかしながら、環境に応じて、部隊は、司法省の作戦統制下でも配備され得る。In those instances, SIE plays the role of a national SWAT team which includes 犯罪者に対する逮捕力 (similar to Germany's GSG-9). この環境下で作戦を行うとき、SIE may be backed up by the Grupe de Repression du Terrorisme (GRT) of the 司法警察. この部隊は、has been compared to the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in that it is a plainclothes unit tasked, in part, with domestic intelligence-gathering.
SIE may also work in tandem with the Securite de L'etat (State Security). このグループは、首相府からのみ任務を受領することにおいて独特である。Securite de L'etatは、 is responsible for infiltrating domestic terrorist and insurgent groups such as the Kurdish rSIEstance and Algerian terrorist movement which has a significant presence in Belgium. SIEは、 acts as the assault force is situations in which any of the above organizations are involved. In fact, the only area in which SIE takes a back seat is in situations where an explosive device is involved. Here, the unit hands over duties to the Service d'Enlevement et de Destruction des Engins Explosifs (SEDEE). In major terrorist operations outside of Belgium, SIE would be replaced by the Equippe Specialise de Reconnaisance (ESR) section of the空挺コマンドの
200人のSIEは、突入/行動部門(SIE)、観測・逮捕部門(POSA)、及び中規模の兵站部隊の3主要部隊に分かれる。Notable amongst these is the observation branch, which is known to be capable of performing small-scale infiltration of terrorist groups, similar to the Securite de L'etat.
部隊は、is one of a number of 国際CT部隊 that draws its membership directly from the national police, in this case the Gendarmerie Royale. Those who volunteer face a primary selection process which involves a rigorous two week course. The attrition rate of this course is typical, averaging 約50%. Those who pass the selection phase face another three months of training at the "Schoolcompagnie" before they become fully qualified operators. SIEは、 is different from many of the western units in that females are permitted to serve in the unit, although they serve in observation and undercover roles only. SIE operators receive training in the offensive and tactical use of cars and motorcycles during high-speed chases and hostage rescue. Their motor pool contains unmarked vans and Mercedes sedans used in undercover work as well as Range Rover 4x4s. Zodiac inflatable boats are used for waterborne operations.
1993年、SIEは、対テロ任務に1,000人時を費やした。同年、彼らは、spent 7,000 hours fighting narcotics trafficking and nearly 20,000 man-hours combating organized crime. SIEは、 was deployed under the Department of Justice to combat an unusual series of murders at supermarkets in the 1980s. These instances have caused some concern in Belgium due to accusations that they were the result of an attempt by senior officers in the SIE to overthrow the Belgian government. There has been no resolution to this suspected activity and given the secretive nature of the unit, speculation is that there most likely will not be.
A profile of the unit
From an interview conducted with the commander of the unit, Eric Liévin.
The unit commander, Eric Lievin, gives a synopsis of the unit's philosophy :"A criminal dealing with the SIE,
has a better chance of surviving than another. His chance of escape however will be non-existant".
They try to use a minimal level of violence/force, and yet try to attain a maximum level of efficiency.
Example of this : an armed and barricaded terrorist was disarmed and taken away without any blood-shed on either
side. ( date : March 5 1999 location : Elsene/Ixelles near Brussels )
Can an armed man who has barricaded himself always be apprehanded without a brutal intervention
Eric Liévin:That is at least what is intended. 危機状況において、我々は、常に先ず交渉を試みている。Many hours if that's what it takes. 我々のスタッフの何人かはそのように訓練されており、and we can always rely on a psychologist of the general command. 誰もが、深刻な問題が常に暴力なしで解決されることを知っている。SIEにおいて、優先度は、常に人質を傷つけることを防止し、彼らを解放して、悪者を行きたまま捕らえることである。これは、我々の職業的名誉であり、and we are trained for these kinds of delicate situations.
Yet, your men are sometimes obligated to open fire?
Eric Liévin: Indeed; but only when all other possible means have failed and when the lives of hostages or operators is in danger. The variety of possible methods of intervention is large. It ranges from negociations to shoot to kill. All methods can all be combined to get the optimal result : situation solved, nobody hurt. What methods are there? Without giving away to much details, a small summary : use of gas, attack dogs, unarmed apprehension, ... Alle methods are studied, analyzed and our operators are intensively trained in them.
Just like society, we have gone through an evolution. That society demands less violence and more efficiency. Some methods which were previously called "efficient", are now no longer socially acceptable. We work as hard as we can to limit this violence to an absolute minimum. This of course calls for technically perfected means, a thorough training and may mean more risk to the personnel.
我々にとって、最終結果は重要だが、but also the means by which it is accomplished.
To attain such a level of control, the SIEの技術的及び身体的標準は、極めて高くなければならないのか?
Eric Liévin:They are. 介入部隊において、we have a personnel shortage of 30%. Plenty of candidates, but we don't want to change the 選考基準. The delicate nature of our assignment does not allow such a thing. BSIEdes the technical and physical aspects, we value cold-bloodedness, character, stress rSIEstancy, ... Maturity is primordial. Our men are no cowboys or crude morons. They have to be able to size up a situation, knowing that their decision can have catastrofic and lehtal consequences.
What about selection of candidates
Eric Liévin:候補者は、undergo a thourough medical examination. その後、they take tests for a week long to evaluate その身体的、心理的及び知的能力. He who passes gets gets a 5 month training, SIE and POSA together. For the POSA members a 2 month evaluation period withing the unit is the end of the couse, the members of the SIE receive an additional 2 month training course, whether they will serve on the intervention unit or observation unit.
Could you describe the profile of an operator?
Eric Liévin:平均年齢は、27〜28歳である。彼ら全員は、are expert marksmen, but some train further in long range sniping or shooting under adverse conditions. There are also diving and explosive experts on board. 女性も許されているが、観察部隊だけである。If they would pass the physical tests for the intervention unit then they would be allowed to do the job, but up to now none has passed.
What qualities must a good observer have?
Eric Liévin:良き観察官は、has to have a lot of patience, an eye for detail and and a capacity to synthesise everything he sees through his scope. It is very important that the observers and the arrest unit function as a tightly knit team. This goes for POSA as well as SIE. 勿論、one cannot forget the 技術スタッフ ( engineers, techinicians, ... ). Thanks to them and the new techniques they introduce, operations previously thought impossible, are now a reality.
What about training frenquency ?
Eric Liévin:They train as much as possible, either in Belgium or abroad. But there is a feeling that there is not enough time for training, because of the amount of operations performed. Training gives the squad the chance to practice all different kinds of situations : barricadings, kidnapping, airplane hijack, hostage taking, uprisings, ...
How do the men deal with the stress coming from operating in extremely dangerous situations.
Eric Liévin:During an op there is little time for stress, it's there of course, but they are trained to keep it under control in the heat of the battle. Afterwards stress feelings are dealt with, everybody does it in their own way.
Have members already been killed on an op?
Eric Liévin:作戦中ではないが、訓練中にはある。1987年、 a member died during an exercise with a helicopter, and in the beginning of the 90's another member died during a live fire drill.
Does that mean that a drill is more dangerous than an op?
Eric Liévin:No. But it is so that a training exercise has to approach reality as close as possible. And exercises are more frequent than really dangerous ops. So it is normal that a team is in more danger during exercises than during ops. When somebody dies it is always an accident, and an inquiry is always performed to see whether the squad is not stretching the limits. In comparison with other foreign units the death toll is small in the SIE, although every death is one too many.
Is the combination of a family life and a job in the SIE easy, since they have to be available 24 hours a day?
Eric Liévin:It certainly is not ! One has to be available at any moment and family life can suffer because of it. Our guys ( SIE and POSA ) carry a semaphone which can go off at any given time. It does not matter where they are, they have to drop everything and go straight to the unit. To count on daddy to pick up the kids is a risky thing. The wives also have to live with the anxiety of seeing their husband leave for a maybe risky assignment.
Can one say that in every intervention, there is a lesson to be learned?
Eric Liévin:Yes. We are so professional that we do indeed look for a lesson in every intervention we do. Debriefings are very important to us. Even if we have had, up to today, quite a number of successful missions - fortunately -, we do learn more from our mistakes then from our successes. My definition of the word "mistake"? What I can think of is a gas propelling unit which malfunctions, due to lack in maintenance... But we always try to not let the mission success depend on one single means. Especially when technical stuff is involved...we always have a back-up plan.
We also have debriefings with foreign units. We have had members of the GIGN come over here, to analyze the way we handled a situation in Elsene. Three years before that, we went to them to gain valuable lessons from the storming of the hijacked aircraft in Marseille.
Is luck a factor in what you do?
Eric Liévin:That speaks for itself. Without a wee bit of luck, any op, how well prepared it may be, can end in the wrong way. However, we have to 'help' luck in every possible way, try to eliminate coincidence completely.
Are there at this time situations that can catch your unit off guard?
Eric Liévin: In all modesty, I do think I'd have to answer yes to that question. We try to be prepared for kinds of developments in a situation, but surprise always lurks around the corner.
We always deploy our means as flexibly as possible, to be able to control any given situation. We do keep an open mind to all kinds of new technologies ( arms, transmission, ... ) We Belgians have one great advantage. Our land on the cross roads of the Anglo-Saxon, German and Latin culture. We combine the Latin sense for imagination, improvisation and flexibility with a fiercefully strong will. That is our great strength.
"A merciless selection"
BRUSSELS. - In the session 1997-'98, 132 member of the gendarmes, were candidate for a function within a unit of the SIE, while there were only 51 available positions : 23 for observation, 16 for intervention and 12 for POSA ). In a first selection round 29 candidates were waived ( for medical or administrative reasons, or dropped on request )
Eventually 59 candidates took part in a week of tests for the observation unit and 44 for the intervention unit and the POSA. After that week, only 24 candidates for observation remained, 6 for intervention and 8 for POSA.
During training 19 members, passed all tests and they were assigned to the SIE : 12 for observation, 5 for POSA and 2 for intervention. That results in a 15% drop out. A lieutenant of the training unit, says the average percentage would be around 20 for the last couple of years.
BRUSSELS. - José Masschelin, reporter for a belgian newspaper.
「Because of my profession I have been able to follow quite a number of SIE operations. What I remember mostly about them, is the sheer professionalism with which they resolve the situation, but also their tremendous patience. They are capable of waiting for hours and hours, before performing a direct action, which can sometimes be violent. I also followed an op of the RAID in Roubaix. Without questioning the skills of these people, I thought they began shooting rather fast, four people died there.
When an イスラム原理主義者が had barricaded himself in Elsene, the SIE approached the situation very differently. For hours and hours they talked, when that got no results, the terrorist was apprehended without having any injury."
"A Close Bond"
VERSAILLES. - GIGN指揮官, commander Eric Thomas (34).
「SIEは、GIGNの姉妹部隊である。我々は、have a very good relationship with our belgian colleagues, which is more than a mere partnership. You could describe the bond between our units, as one of great respect and friendship. De SIE隊員は、真のプロだが、but nonetheless very modest. 我々は、have learned quite a bit from them, concerning special techniques of combatting certain forms of criminality and negociation skills. We meet on a regular basis to exchange professional experience. The bond between the SIE and the GIGN is very close."