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(回答先: ラムズフェルド長官の「拷問」容認メモ、公開へ(CNN)ラムちゃん切り? 投稿者 天地 日時 2004 年 6 月 22 日 13:39:30)
イラク人虐待で訴追の女性兵、予審延期 司法取引か
Web posted at: 10:47 JST
(CNN) イラク人虐待事件で訴追された米兵のうち、女性のリンディ・イングランド上等兵に対して22日に予定されていた軍法会議の予備審問が、7月12日に延期された。審問が開かれる米ノースカロライナ州フォートブラッグ陸軍基地の報道官が、明らかにした。イングランド上等兵は、裸にされたイラク人の前で、くわえタバコの笑顔で親指をたてたり、囚人の首に巻いた綱を手にしたりという姿で虐待写真に写っていたため、虐待事件に関与したとされる米兵の中でも、最も注目を集めた。
Hearing set for abuse row soldier
Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Posted: 1022 GMT (1822 HKT)
A hooded and wired Iraqi prisoner is shown at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, Iraq, in this undated photo.
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Photos and a video clip showing Iraqi prisoner abuse.
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Gallery: Abuse at Abu Ghraib prison (Contains graphic content. Viewer discretion advised.)
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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A pre-trial hearing in the court martial of one of the U.S. soldiers in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal is due to begin later Tuesday.
Staff Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick was originally scheduled for a pre-trial hearing on Monday, but it was postponed because his civilian attorney did not appear in court, citing security concerns and difficulties getting to Baghdad.
The judge said the attorney had asked to represent Frederick by telephone, a request he denied.
Tuesday afternoon's hearing will be held at Camp Victory, located near Baghdad International Airport.
Spc. Charles Graner, considered the "ring leader" of the abuse at Abu Ghraib, and Sgt. Javal Davis had their pre-trial hearings as scheduled Monday at a coalition headquarters building in central Baghdad. (Full story)
All are members of the 372nd Military Police Company and have been reassigned to other duties in the aftermath of the charges at the prison.
Trials for the military policemen charged in the case are not expected to begin before October.
Meanwhile in North Carolina on Monday, court-martial proceedings against another soldier, Pfc. Lynndie England, were delayed until next month. (Full story)
England is one of the female soldiers shown in some of the photographs from Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. One shows her holding a leash tied to an Iraqi prisoner's neck, while in another she is pointing to the genitals of a detainee who is naked but for a hood.
The leash photo is the basis for one of the most serious charges against England: conspiring to commit maltreatment of a detainee.
She also faces three counts of assault against Iraqi detainees, nine counts of conduct prejudicial to good discipline in the military, and one count of indecent acts with various soldiers and detainees.
England was transferred to the United States after she reportedly became pregnant as a result of an affair with Graner.
The 21-year-old from Fort Ashby, West Virginia is now assigned to duties with the 16th Military Police Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. She has told reporters she was simply doing what she was told.
"I was told to stand here, point thumbs up, look at the camera and take the picture," she told a Denver, Colorado, television station.
"They just told us, 'Hey, you're doing great. Keep it up.' "
Like six others charged with abuse, England is a member of the 372nd Military Police Company, an Army Reserve unit based outside Cumberland, Maryland, near her hometown.
Her case is the only Abu Ghraib proceeding to be held in the United States.
At a court martial in May in Baghdad, American soldier Jeremy Sivits admitted abusing inmates and photographing them in humiliating poses at Abu Ghraib. He was sentenced to one year in prison, demoted and discharged from service. (Full story)
In Baghdad on Monday, the judge in three of those cases granted a defense motion to declare the Abu Ghraib site a crime scene and ordered that the prison must not be destroyed while U.S. soldiers are on trial for their roles in the scandal. (Full story)
In a speech late last month, President George W. Bush said the United States would tear the prison down if the new Iraqi government agreed. Just over a week ago, Iraq's interim president said "demolishing and rebuilding" the facility would be a waste of money.