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(回答先: 英紙「小泉首相に屈辱的打撃」 イラク・年金が原因と指摘(共同) 投稿者 スタン反戦 日時 2004 年 7 月 12 日 15:50:24)
Japan's PM suffers poll setback
The opposition Democrats in Japan have made gains in an upper house election at the expense of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Liberal Democrats.
Provisional results show that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won 49 seats out of 121 - two short of its modest target of 51.
However, the governing coalition will still have a majority in both houses of parliament.
The main opposition Democratic Party, led by Katsuya Okada, won 50 seats.
Mr Koizumi has dismissed any talk of his resignation.
However, BBC Tokyo correspondent Jonathan Head says the poll has weakened the prime minister, who will face emboldened enemies within his own party and an opposition with a real chance of forming the next government.
The LDP's junior coalition partner, the New Komeito party, won 11 seats, giving the coalition 139 of the 242 seats in the upper house.
End of the affair
Mr Koizumi, 62, came to power promising bold economic reform that would revitalise the Japanese economy. Critics say those reforms have fallen far short of success.
Mr Koizumi's three-year love affair with a Japanese public desperate for a bit zest and colour in their dreary political life is now over, our correspondent says.
He must now battle through the last two years of his administration.
Our correspondent says Mr Koizumi is disliked by conservative factions within his party who have borne the brunt of much of his criticism, and now that he no longer looks like a vote winner, they may start seeking alternatives.
The results are due to be officially validated on Monday.
写真:Koizumi's falling popularity has benefited the opposition