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(回答先: 妊婦の一次検査は確度10% HIV、心理的ケア必要/エイズ発生届に居住地 厚労省検討会が方針[共同] 投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2005 年 4 月 25 日 20:45:15)
南アフリカは2004年発表の統計では530万人の感染者を有しているが、インドは正確な統計がないために250万から850万人と見られている。その感染増は病気に対する知識を持っているイスラム教徒よりもヒンドゥー教徒の中で顕著であり、Global Fund to Fight Aids(「エイズと戦う世界基金」?)はインドのHIV感染者の急増に対して打つ手がないと言い、インド製薬会社による無印の対エイズ薬も国内よりアフリカ諸国で容易に手に入れられる状況について批判している【1】。しかしながらインド政府は「基金」の「打つ手が無い」と言う発言を否定し、感染者もほぼ正確に510万だとしている【2】。また、インド人は遺伝的にHIVへの免疫が弱く、感染、発病しやすいとの研究が発表されている【3】。
【1】HIV is 'out of control' in India
Last Updated: Tuesday, 19 April, 2005, 17:11 GMT 18:11 UK
A senior Aids expert has warned that HIV in India is "out of control".
The executive director of the Global Fund to Fight Aids said that the epidemic in India is spreading rapidly and nothing is being done to stop it.
Richard Feachem warned that India has overtaken South Africa as the country with the most HIV positive patients.
He warned that the epidemic has spread so quickly that India needed to "wake up" and take the problem seriously, otherwise millions of people will die.
Official statistics 'wrong'
"The epidemic [in India] is growing very rapidly. It is out of control. There is nothing happening in India today that is big or serious enough to prevent it," Mr Feachem said.
He warned that India has now overtaken South Africa as the country with the highest number of people living with Aids or the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV.
"Official statistics show India in second place and South Africa in first place," he said, "but the official statistics are wrong. India is in first place," he told the AFP news agency.
Latest figures provided by the UN agency UNAids - released in July 2004 - show that South Africa had the highest total of people with HIV or Aids in the world, with an estimated 5.3 million infected adults and children in a range of 4.5 to 6.2 million.
India's total was put at 5.1 million, but the range estimate was far wider - from 2.5 to 8.5 million - because of the lack of reliable data there in relation to the HIV pandemic.
Mr Feachem warned that the illness would spread faster among India's Hindu population than among Muslims, because Muslims tend to be circumcised, which he said was "an acknowledged protective factor" against the Aids virus.
Widespread ignorance
The Global Health Fund was set up in 2001 by the G8 group of industrialised countries to provide funding for projects in countries worst affected by HIV/Aids, Malaria and TB.
Mr Feachem said that the biggest form of transmission in India is from heterosexual intercourse with prostitutes.
He said the problems were compounded by widespread ignorance about HIV, an illness which he said had become stigmatised.
He also criticised the high prices in India of anti-HIV drugs.
"It is easier to get Indian generic drugs in Africa than it is to get them in India. That is a scandal and has to be changed."
The Global Fund has committed more than $3bn to 300 programmes in 127 countries for combating HIV/Aids, TB and malaria.
The Indian government has dismissed a claim by an Aids expert that the country now has the most HIV-positive people in the world.
The claim was made by Richard Feachem of the Global Fund to Fight Aids. He says figures showing India having fewer cases than South Africa are wrong.
The United Nations says that South Africa has 5.3 million people infected with the Aids virus.
The Delhi government says there are 5.1 million cases in India.
However, independent experts say the number of people infected in India could be anywhere between 2.5 million and 8.5 million - because of the lack of reliable data here in relation to the HIV pandemic.
India's government-controlled National Aids Control Organisation (Naco) chief SY Qureshi told the BBC that Mr Feachem's claim was "nonsense".
"Our [Aids] surveillance systems are certified by the World Health Organisation, UN agency UNAids and the Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR].
"We stand by our figure of 5.1 million [infections]," Mr Qureshi said.
Mr Feachem, who is the executive director of Global Fund to Fight Aids, said in Paris on Tuesday that the epidemic in India was spreading rapidly and that nothing was being done to stop it.
Mr Qureshi strongly rejected his comments.
"HIV/Aids is a serious problem [in India]. We are aware of the gravity of the situation and we have programmes to deal with it," he said.
But Indian and international groups working to prevent HIV/Aids have questioned the official figure.
Anjali Gopalan of the Naz Foundation, an non-government organisation working with HIV-infected people, said the statistics did not look reliable.
"We have seen the numbers of the infected grow rapidly. Each and every confirmed case hides at least two more. This means the number of infected could be as high as 15 million," she said.
The Global Fund to Fight Aids has committed more than $3bn to 300 programmes in 127 countries for combating HIV/Aids, TB and malaria.
Indians infected with the Aids virus are more likely to contract the disease than people in the west, a new study has found.
Scientists say that Indians have lower immunity to the virus because they have genes that hasten the disease.
India says more than five million of its citizens are infected with the HIV virus, second only to South Africa.
Activists say the number of Indians affected by HIV/Aids is much higher than the government says.
Scientists at India's premier medical school, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), studied 200 people with HIV infection and 2000 healthy people over two years for the study.
They found that the HLA-B*35-Px gene linked to rapid progression from HIV infection to Aids is "two-and-a-half times" more common in Indians than a protective gene called HLA-B*35-Py.
They also found that that a "protective variant" of chemokines - intracellular messenger molecules whose major function is to attract immune cells to sites of infection - was not present among Indians.
Rising infection
"Protective genes are low among Indians while the harmful genes are more common," Dr NK Mehra, head of the study told the BBC.
A leading Indian HIV/Aids expert Dr Smarajit Jana says that this could be a major finding.
"If true, it could open up more research on genetic factors and regarding the path from HIV infection to Aids," he said.
Last July, India's National Aids Control Organisation (Naco) said that the country had 5.1 million infections, second only to South Africa which has 5.3 million people living with HIV or Aids.
Two years ago, the United States National Intelligence Council estimated there were five million to eight million HIV-infected people in India, a number it said could swell to 20-25 million by 2010.
The Indian government says there is no need to panic as only 0.5% of Indians have been infected, compared to 2.1% in Thailand and 2.3% in South Africa.
Half of India's new HIV infections occur in the 10-25 age group but only 59% of adolescents in the country are familiar with condoms, according to a government report.
The report says the level of HIV infection among women is likely to go up, with increasing numbers of married women being infected by their husbands.