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(回答先: ニコラス・バーグ事件(仏レゾーヴォルテール) 投稿者 さすれば 日時 2004 年 5 月 23 日 06:27:44)
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A poisoned video
the case Nicholas Berg
A sequence video of the murder of Nicholas Berg was spread by the three great Anglo-Saxon television networks the 12 of May 2004. On the following day, its authenticity was confirmed by the CIA that needed to have identified the assassin and mentioned its name: Abu Moussab Zarkaui.
Nevertheless the interpretation of the documentary video implies an exhaustive and rigorous analysis.
Origin of the video
The existence of this document video was presented by the correspondents the news agency Reuters in Dubai day 12 of May. Which would have been discovered by the http://www.al-ansar.biz Arab Web site/. One hour later, the documentary video already was being spread by the television networks Fox news, CNN and the BBC, the two first Americans, the third Briton. Nevertheless, the Arab television networks that wished to also obtain these images to spread it in their channel, did not find it in the indicated original site. All the versions at the moment available and that have circulated throughout the world come from the three great Anglo-Saxon television networks.
Site Internet at issue was lodged (hosting servant) by a society located in Malaysia and that lends such type of services. Before the avalanche of internauts and the enormous flow of connections, this last one retired it of site Internet so that at the present time this does not exist more. The dominion name, that is the property of direction Internet belonged to the Arab Press House, one respected society of press with seat in London and without bond some with the islamistas.
Literary style or writing form of the video
The documentary video lasts of 5 minutes and 37 seconds, it is of low quality of definition to allow to the reading or understanding of details. This compound of two different sequences (the presentation of the victim and its execution). The documentary video has undergone a assembly to emphasize the scene of the decapitation, but the assembly of the sound is different from the assembly image. The band seems later to have been voiced, so that it is impossible to know if the voice of which read the condemnatory official notice is the one of the assassin, and if the shouts are of the victim. But the synchronization deficiency can be also from the compression of the video so that it can be spread in the Web. The camera that films is on a support in the beginning, but at the time of the execution, the approaches are manual, the objective is to look for an unbearable dramatic picture and to increase stress of the spectator.
The staging is to double reading according to the public:
For, Nicholas Berg car is identified when it pronounces the names of his parents, of his brother and sister, lets understand that he is Jewish. Later the masked Islamic extremists denounce to the United States and the paquistaní president. Then these behead it to take revenge "the satanic abuses of men and Muslim women in the prison of Abu Ghraib in Iraq". The violence of the scene is unbearable and induces the spectator to think that the barbarism of the assassins does not have nor a point of comparison with the abuses of American GI’s soldiers who occupy Iraq. The islamistas seem to incarnate Badly.
For others, Nicholas Berg dressed an identical pajamas orange to the prisoners of Guantánamo, takes a beard like the Islamic ones. Berg appears seated on an identical chair to those visible ones on the used photos of torture in the prison of Abu Grahib in Bagdad. The masked personages appear as islamistas and spurt of hatred. One from them, taking ring of gold in finger, - thing that strictly is prohibited between the Islamic fundamentalists -, removes to a knife and shaft. With this act it reproduces the sacrifice of Abraham, but replacing the lamb by a man, committing this way a sacrilege. The unbearable violence of the scene induces the spectator to think that the United States is arranged to commit any barbarism against their own compatriots in order to completely condemn and to discredit the Muslims.
Incoherences of the documentary video
The ridiculous clothes of the kidnappers is very remote of the typical clothes of the resistant Iraqians, who are in the middle of a bloody war, the necessity of the "uniform" of the terrorists, all identical ones in the documentary video, respond more to the mediatic objective of the running and to the looked for action of the film video.
Two of the "Arab terrorists" take their left hand to the face during the scene. It is a gesture that is not current, same by inadvertence, in the Arab culture the left hand is reserved to the hygiene, does not have to be never in contact with the enemy with the face.
The used method, the throat cutting of the victim using as a knife military mountain range tends to reproduce the ritual of Abraham and is completely misfit for the circumstance. The decapitations generally are carried out of a strong dry blow, using a sword or heavy saber sharpened good, even when it is an axe.
The body of the victim practically does not move when the decapitation or the cut of its head occurs. It does not suffer of convulsions that habitually are observed when it beheads an animal.
The amount of blood that spills the body and the head of the victim in the documentary video is enough. This effect must perhaps to the assembly of the band video, the time of the tape video (Time code) lets suppose a cut of the video of 9 minutes. It would be during that suppressed moment that the blood was spilled strongly, aspect that is not appraised in this band.
The identification of the assassin
The CIA has not explained how nor on account that elements have been able to identify the assassin, but the espionage agency affirms that it is Abu Mussab Zarkaui. For months, the CIA one has been making an effort to present/display to this individual like the successor of Usama Bin Laden.
He is then that becomes difficult to understand why if the assassin is Abu Mussab Zarkaui, why would hide he its face, which can be appreciated by all sides and on the thousands of posters that demand their capture and offer one compensates of 10 million dollars by their arrest?
In some preceding information the CIA it indicated that Abou Moussab Zarkaoui was lost a leg when the American forces bombed Afghanistan. Also it was confirmed in that then ones that Abou Moussab Zarkaoui had points tattooed on its left hand. The evidence demonstrates that the assassin is not hándicap nor tattooed.
Abou Moussab Zarkaoui has the reputation to speak with Jordanian accent. It is not the case of the voice that is listened to in the document video. But if this document video has been voiced later, this voice could be of another person and not the one of the assassin.
Identification of A the Qaida
The translation of the spread audio band in American mass media makes reference to A the Qaida. One is an error that was rectified later by the Virtual National Translation Center.
Identification of the victim
The forces of the Coalition that occupy Iraq discovered before the diffusion of the video a beheaded body that they identified like being the one of Nicholas Berg. The corpse was repatriated towards the United States in where it was buried. The family of the deceased identifies it in the video.
Profile of the victim
The commercial company of the Berg family (father and son) appeared in the list of "the enemies of the State" published in the Web site pro-Bush freerepublic. The father had gotten up in the movement anti-war A.N.S.W.E.R., presided over by Ramsey Clark.
During one demurrage of studies in the Oklahoma, "Nick" Berg would have lent the electronic direction (email) and its password (password) to which he did not know, and this person as well lent it to one third that she says herself that intimate of Zacarias Moussaoui was a collaborator, the accused French to have participated to the organization of the attacks of the 11 of September. Berg had been interrogated later by the FBI that concluded simultaneously to a coincidence, clarifying and confirming the innocence of Berg. Nevertheless, Carol Devine-Molin (of enterstageright.com) affirms that Nicholas Berg was again person questioned, and this much after the 11 of September, so during its halting in Iraq by the American forces before disappears in Bagdad. This hypothesis would come to confirm that the FBI had serious doubts on him.
Nick had traveled to Israel previously, without worrying before the migratory authorities Israelite from the customs to its arrival, so that they do not put a seal in his passport, since many Americans by prudence do generally when they travel by the Middle East.
According to the Seattle Post Intelligencer: "Berg previously worked in Iraq in December and January to return again in March. He inspected the facilities of communication of his company, since many of them were destroyed by the war or the plunderers. During his demurrage in Iraq, Berg worked on the tower of the prison of Abu Ghraib, sadly famous prison by the tortures conducted there by the American soldiers ". Berg made its works in company of Aziz Kadoory Aziz, known also under the pseudonym of Aziz the Taee, exactly, Berg had sent its company of towers of communication with this last personage. But Aziz Kadoory Aziz is also the founder of the Council Iraqian-American and in favor inflaming of the invasion of its country. It has had several appearances as orator in the television network Fox News of the U.S.A. also Organized and in several occasions manifestations of support to the military troops, all this before the war broke out. It has the reputation of being an agent of the CIA.
According to the London newspaper Guardian, the society of Berg finished within the framework obtaining a contract of the Iraqian partnership Average Network (a program of the NED/CIA). Only the confidence companies could receive mandates or contracts in the market of the telecommunications in Abu Ghraib or the Iraqian Media Network.
Nocholas Berg was arrested without its identity cards by the commander of the forces of the Coalition that occupy Iraq the 24 of March. For such reason it was jailed supposedly while its identification lasted. The family of Berg in the United States called vainly to the consulate to make release it, and the 5 of April have presented/displayed a penal denunciation against the authorities of the U.S.A. by illegal halting, mentioning the fact that the diplomats did not enjoy more any power to take part in their case. Berg was released around the 8 of April. During this period it was interrogated three times by the FBI. The authorities have declared to have tried to persuade it leg that leaves the country by its own security, in spite of not to have made anything to repatriate it of force.
The history of the victim gives the impression that Berg has been near a islamista and the groups of pacifists opposed to the war in Iraq. Later, history has turned around completely, Berg appears working next to an agent of the company, without the American secret services have been safe of their fidelity. This duality opens the doors to numerous possibilities of interpretation on this event.
Considering the itinerary of Berg, of the assembly of the band video, the looked for staging, of its incoherences, this documentary video like a testimony in first degree cannot be considered. On the contrary, their violence and the intrinsic of his polisemia demonstrate the will clearly to confuse and to confuse the spectator. Everything tends to indicate this like a useful one of propaganda, of which they want to impose to the world the war or shock of civilizations. The document video of the murder of the young person Nicholas Berg tends to provoke a different reading and interpretation, according to the cultural groups, reinforcing this way the antagonisms.
l This article originally appeared in the Réseau Voltaire (French section) day 18 of May 2004. Translated by the equipment of the Network Voltaire.
Network Voltaire Focus
The case Nicholas Berg