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(回答先: 爆弾テロで大統領死亡 チェチェン、戦勝記念式典【共同通信】親ロシア派大統領の殺害でロシアのチェチェン統治に打撃 投稿者 処方箋 日時 2004 年 5 月 09 日 17:55:48)
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[Last Updated: Sunday, 9 May, 2004, 12:42 GMT 13:42 UK]
親モスクワ派チェチェン大統領 Ahmad Kadyrov と他の30人が、首都グロズヌイの爆撃で殺害された。
The pro-Moscow President of Chechnya, Akhmad Kadyrov, and at least 30 other people have been killed in a bomb attack in the capital, Grozny.
ロシア大統領 Vladimir Putin は、チェチェン大統領を真実の英雄と語り、この攻撃への復讐を誓った。
Russian President Vladimir Putin described the Chechen leader as a true hero and vowed revenge for the attack.
Kadyrov の死は、チェチェン共和国の秩序回復を目論むクレムリンにとって、大打撃になるものと見られる。
Mr Kadyrov's death is being seen as a massive blow to the Kremlin's attempts to restore order in the republic.
Suspicion immediately fell on Chechen rebels, who have been fighting for independence for more than a decade.
Kadyrov 大統領は、第二次大戦の戦勝記念式典中に、地雷の爆発で致命傷を負っていた。
President Kadyrov was fatally wounded when a landmine exploded during a ceremony marking victory in WWII.
A spokesman for Russia's emergency situations ministry said the landmine had gone off in a VIP seating area of the packed Dynamo stadium.
同じくスタジアムに居た、チェチェン駐留ロシア部隊司令官 Valery Baranov 大将の生死は、不明。
There is uncertainty over the fate of the commander of Russian troops in Chechnya, Gen Valery Baranov, who was also in the stadium at the time.
当局は、Baranov 氏がこの爆撃で殺害されたという報告を否定し、氏が病院で闘病中であるとした。
Officials have denied reports that he was killed by the blast and said he was fighting for his life in hospital.
パニックに陥った Panic-stricken
ロシアの TV は、パニックに陥った観客がその場から逃げ出し、スタンドの瓦礫の中から茶色の煙が立ち上る、混沌とした状況を映し出した。
Russian television showed chaotic scenes as panic-stricken spectators ran from the scene and brown smoke rose from the debris of the stand.
One man was seen carrying an injured child to safety, while bursts of gunfire rang out.
The emergency ministry spokesman said a second landmine had been found following the evacuation of the stadium.
Chechen interior ministry officials quoted by the AFP news agency said at least 32 people had been killed and 46 injured.
Putin 大統領は、モスクワの(第二次大戦)戦勝記念式典の終わりに演説して、次のように語った:「我々が今日闘っている相手に対して、報復が不可避であることは、間違いない。テロリストにとって、それは不可避である。」
President Putin, speaking at the end of the Victory Day parade in Moscow, said: "There can be no doubt that retribution is inevitable for those whom we are fighting today. It will be unavoidable for terrorists."
Putin 大統領によれば、Kadyrov 氏の仕事は、「強盗やテロリストと、チェチェン人民と」が違うものだということを証明した。
He said Mr Kadyrov's work had proven there was a difference between "bandits, terrorists and the Chechen people".
Putin 大統領は、チェチェンの首相 Sergei Abramov を、大統領代行に指名した。
He has appointed Chechnya's Prime Minister Sergei Abramov as acting president.
Russia has been fighting separatists in Chechnya since the republic first tried to break away in the 1990s.
Moscow has reimposed its rule in Grozny, but rebel attacks have continued, both in Chechnya and elsewhere in Russia.
Leaders caught in Chechnya blast