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(回答先: アルジャジーラは「うそつき」 米軍が非難 (CNN)ー根拠なく、批判をかわす米軍幹部 小泉さんとよく似てる(笑) 投稿者 ああ、やっぱり 日時 2004 年 4 月 15 日 01:03:56)
アルジャジーラはアフガニスタンでも空爆の被害にあったし、イラクでも同様である。先の謎のホテルテロのすぐ裏にはアルジャジーラ支局があった。 昨年5月には英語ページにアメリカの国旗が登場し、神の祝福を、とする「愛国者」と名乗る人物のハックにあった。 そして現在、国連でも大嘘をつき、嘘、嘘、嘘を重ねイラクにやってきたアメリカのキミットが、ファルージャをめぐるアルジャジーラの報道について、アルジャジーラを嘘つきだと批判するという実にユーモラスな行動を行った。 キミットは「カメラもしばしばうそをつく」と言っているのだが、それは本当だ。次などは実に見事だった。 PR会社の演技指導で行われたクウェート大使の娘による伝説のIncubator Lieもあった。油塗れの水鳥の話もある。 アルジャジーラが、パレスチナ少年自爆テロリストについて疑惑を報じたことも思い出される。同じく疑惑を報じたBBCはイスラエルに偏向メディアとの烙印を頂戴し、メディアとしての評価を高めた。 ともあれ、アルジャジーラはキミットの主張を否定し引くことはしない。おそらくこれでまた視聴者を増やすのではないだろうか。 Aljazeera rejects US accusations Aljazeera has rejected the US military's comments against its coverage of the latest events in Iraq, and considered the accusations as a threat to the media. US Army chief spokesman, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, on Monday called Aljazeera, and other Arab media outlets the "anti-coalition media" and advised viewers to "change the channel". Meanwhile, General John Abizaid, the head of US Central Command, singled out Aljazeera as portraying US military action "as purposely targeting civilians, and we absolutely do not do that, and I think everybody knows that." "They have not been truthful in their reporting. Haven't been accurate," said Abizaid. Aljazeera denied the allegations. "Aljazeera rejects these accusations and consider them a threat to the right and the mission of the media outlets to cover the reality of what is happening in Iraq during this tough and complicated field circumstances," said Aljazeera in a statement on Tuesday. "This is an unjustified pressure against the freedom of the press," added the statement. Editorial policy Aljazeera has also pointed out that it will continue to cover the events in Iraq and present all the points of view on Iraq "objectively, independently and professionally". Aljazeera reiterated its standing with its editorial policy "that is commited to portraying different opinions and presenting the viewers with a full and real picture." US Marines, responding to the murder of four American guards in Falluja on 31 March, attacked resistance fighters in the town last week. As fighting intensified, US authorities have stepped up a separate battle for public opinion, tightly controlling the flow of information to journalists whose ability to move freely in Iraq has been limited by increasing danger. Doctors in Falluja say more than 700 people have died in the fighting. The US military says they are mainly "rebels", but Aljazeera, with teams inside the town, insists a large number of women and children are among the dead. ******アルジャジーラは「うそつき」 米軍が非難
Wednesday 14 April 2004, 8:40 Makka Time, 5:40 GMT
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by Fake Terror Watcher