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ロマノ・プロディ欧州委員会委員長は、1月に世界と欧州のユダヤ人会議から、昨年の「イスラエルが世界平和の脅威である」という世論調査結果に関して「EUはヨーロッパでの反ユダヤ主義に対して責任がある」と非難されて、カンカンに怒っていたのですが、2月19日にブリュッセルで行われたユダヤ人団体とのセミナーで、「EUは反ユダヤ主義に対して厳しくあるべきだ」との声明を出しました。やはりユダヤ(というよりシオニスト)勢力には逆らえない? それともバックにいるアメリカの力? あるいは中東問題で欧州が主導権を取るためにイスラエルに「貸し」を作って丸め込んでおこうという戦略でもあるのでしょうか。今の私にはどれとも判断できません。
欧州のユダヤ問題に関しては、ご参考までに、私の『イベリア半島「百鬼昼行図」 その7:オプス・デイはカトリック内の「ユダヤ勢力」の代理人か?』もお読みください。
2月20日 ブリュッセル エル・パイス
Prodi requests that the UE is more severe with the anti-semitic acts
BOSCO ESTERUELAS – Bruselas EL PAÍS | Internacional - 20-02-2004
Prodi Roman, president of the European Commission and impelling next to the Jewish Congresses World-wide and European of a seminary celebrated yesterday in Brussels on the resurgence of the anti-semitism in the Old Continent, think that the UE must harden sanctions and reinforce the social education to eradicate it. "Racism, xenophobia and anti-semitism contradict the new Europe", declared Prodi before more than two hundreds of Jewish, political and academic leaders religious European and Israeli.
"I do not believe that one is in any case an organized phenomenon", it affirmed, against which they maintain some Jewish groups. The communitarian president, who exposed a series of proposals in the educative and judicial field to end the phenomenon, criticized to the Governments of the UE by still not to have given to the approval to a decision frame of the Commission of 2001 in favor of hardening the sanctions against anti-semitic acts and improving the judicial cooperation. Germany, United Kingdom and Italy block the approval by different reasons. Also Prodi requested support to an Irish resolution in the UN against the religious intolerancia.
In the seminary, that arose after the publication in November from eurobarómetro very negative on Israel, they participated the German minister of Outer Subjects, Joschka Fischer; the Israeli person in charge for Jerusalem and the diáspora, Nathan Sharanski, as well as Elie Wiesel, Nobel prize of La Paz. "If Auschwitz did not cure to the world of the anti-semitism, I wonder myself what can cure to him", the North American Jewish writer said, who presided over the presidential commission on the Holocausto and underwent the horrors of nazism. "To the Jew he hates himself to him before being born", sentenced Wiesel.
Fischer confessed its historical moral responsibility as citizen German and judged that the best answer is the resistance and the firmness of the civil society. The minister, who took several applause at certain moments, suggested is necessary to act not with words, but with a plan of coordinated operation. "I do not get to include/understand absolutely why the phenomenon has taken place. What I know is that there is to act ", observed.