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(回答先: 劣化ウランの被害が認められた湾岸戦争従軍兵士(英軍) [todays_news_from_uk] 投稿者 のらくろ 日時 2004 年 2 月 05 日 13:03:32)
2004年2月3日 画期的ニュース
なお、CADU(Campaign Against DU)のホームページによりますと、昨年、別の退役軍人がPensions Appeal Tribunalで勝訴したという記事が掲載されています。今回のケニー・ダンカン氏のことについての情報も少しあり、昨年の時点では、まだ完全な年金が得られていないので係争中と書かれています。
-Court Makes Landmark Ruling on Gulf War Syndrome
- But Other UK Veteran Still Face Pension Fight)
Wednesday 3rd February 2004 Landmark Breaking
Another first for Hull based National Gulf Veterans & Families Association
Scottish Veteran first to win Landmark ruling on Depleted Uranium poisoning from the Gulf War the Tribunal was heard in Edinburgh
02 02 04.
Kenny Duncan from Clackmananshire Scotland yesterday became the first British Gulf War Veteran to win his case for Depleted Uranium Poisoning from the gulf War 1991.
Kenny served with the Royal Corps of Transport and served as a specialist Tank transporter, it was one of his jobs to move Iraqi Tanks hit and destroyed by Depleted Uranium, it was doing this job that caused his exposure by inhaling the Depleted Uranium Dust from the burnt out tanks hit by DU. All 3 of Kenny and Mandy's children have physical health problems since being born post Gulf War.
Kenny won his case at the Pensions appeal Tribunal service at Scotland he was represented by Mr Roy Gibson of the NGVFA based in Hull the National Charity for Gulf War Veterans.
The tribunal found that Mr Kenny Duncan's exposure to Depleted Uranium was attributable to service in the 1991 Gulf War. The Chairman and Doctor found the Chromosome Aberrations Tests carried out at the World Health Organisation Laboratories Bremen Institute implicit, it must be noted that these tests had to be paid for by the Charity. We have to thank a German Professor Dr Albrect Schott who recognised the similarities and had the bloods taken and tested at the Bremen Institute. The blood tests show damage by Ionising radiation from the Gulf War and can only be from the Battlefield. We have to thank Dr.Med W.Hoffmann M.P.H WHO Bremen Institute Germany.
It must be noted that it is 13 years since the Gulf War 1991 and the Government and the Ministry of Defence have not yet tested British Soldiers for Depleted Uranium Damage and disease, yet the 24hr Urine test has been available since 1996, and the chromosome aberration test since 2000, it begs the question WHY our troops have not been tested and why they have to turn to a small Charity for testing.
This result makes for further pressure on the prime minister for a public enquiry into Gulf War Illness.
606 Soldiers that we know of have died since April 1991, 5933 to date have applied for War Pensions due to Disablement. We however believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg and the figures on both accounts are actually double.
For further information:
Contact Shaun Rusling (Chairman)
Professor Malcolm Hooper DU Panel.
Advocate Roy Gibson
Gulf war syndrome: the legal case collapses
Clare Dyer, legal correspondent
Thursday February 5, 2004
The Guardian
An eight-year, multimillion pound legal battle by more than 2,000 veterans for compensation for Gulf war syndrome has collapsed because there is not enough scientific evidence to prove their case in court.
The Legal Services Commission (LSC), which is estimated to have spent around £4m on the case, is expected to withdraw legal aid this month after being told by the veterans' lawyers that the action has no real chance of success. Taking the case to trial in the high court could cost a further £4m in legal aid.
The legal team - headed by Stephen Irwin QC, the chairman of the bar, and Patrick Allen, senior partner of solicitors Hodge Jones & Allen - last night called on the government to set up a public review of the issues surrounding Gulf war illness and to make ex gratia payments to veterans.
To succeed in their claim against the Ministry of Defence, the veterans would have to produce scientific evidence not only that their illness was caused by their service in the 1991 Gulf war, but also that the MoD had been negligent. The burden of proof would be on them as claimants to prove their case.
But a trawl by scientists through 10 years of research worldwide, overseen by the veterans' lawyers and funded by the LSC, has found no evidence which establishes any specific cause for the range of health problems they suffer.
There is also little or no evidence of negligence on the part of the MoD, according to the legal opinion by Mr Irwin and the junior counsel Christopher Hough, which has gone to the LSC.
The collapse of the case comes only months after litigation by parents who blame the MMR vaccine for their children's autism suffered a similar fate, also for lack of scientific evidence to back up their claims.
Many of the 55,000 British troops who served in the Gulf have experienced a range of symptoms including muscle weakness, neurological symptoms, headaches, depression, fatigue, short-term memory loss and difficulty in concentrating, joint and muscle pain, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, and shortness of breath. Gulf war veterans, including British, American, Australian and Danish troops, have about twice the expected rate of ill health.
But while experts worldwide accept that a Gulf war "health effect" exists, no hard evidence has emerged proving the veterans' problems were caused by anything encountered during the conflict. Among the causes suggested are depleted uranium fallout from munitions; multiple vaccinations administered before the conflict; tablets given to guard against nerve agents; chemical weapons used by Iraqi forces or destroyed by the allies after the war; organophosphates used to spray tents and equipment against flies; and pollution from oil well fires.
More than 2,000 Gulf veterans have been awarded "no fault" war pensions, granted to those whose health has been affected by war service. This week the first war pension for the effects of depleted uranium was awarded to a former soldier, Kenny Duncan, who claimed he was poisoned from inhaling DU dust from burnt-out tanks.
But winning a war pension is no pointer to success in a high court compensation claim. The burden of proof is reversed in pension cases, putting the onus on the MoD to prove the illness is not linked to Gulf service, and there is no need to prove negligence.
"We very much regret that we have not been able to support these claims," Mr Allen said. "We have every sympathy for the plight of veterans and acknowledge that many suffer significant ill health which is linked to their service for their country.
"We hope that a cause will be found for Gulf war illnesses in due course and that effective treatment programmes can be instigated to help improve the health of veterans."
A spokesman for the LSC said: "We anticipate reaching a conclusion on the future public funding of this case in the next two to three weeks."