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WA29 110 2003/3/26 12:06:17
Iraqi exile group says WMD intelligence it gave Britain could be false
Tue Jan 27,10:28 AM ET
LONDON (AFP) - An Iraqi exile group in London which claims to have supplied Britain with a key piece of intelligence on Iraqi weapons has admitted that the information might have been false.
The claim that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was able to deploy chemical or biological weapons within 45 minutes of the order being given was a headline- grabbing assertion in a British government dossier published in September 2002, in the run-up to the Iraq (news - web sites) war.
It was also at the heart of a row between the British government and the BBC over allegations that Downing Street "sexed up" intelligence on Iraq's weapons ahead of the war.
But Nick Theros the Washington representative of Iyad Allawi, who headed the Iraqi National Accord in exile and is now a member of the Iraqi governing council in Baghdad, said the 45-minute claim was raw information from a single source, part of a large amount of information passed on by the INA to British intelligence.
Theros told the Tuesday's edition of The Guardian newspaper: "We were passing it on in good faith. It was for the intelligence services to verify it."
Theros said the information now seemed to be baseless, a "crock of shit". "Clearly we have not found WMD," he said, referring to Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction.
《★訳注:crock of shit *《俗》 たわごと, 大うそ, だぼら, ナンセンス; *《俗》 ひどいもの[場所]; *《俗》 くだらないやつ, 見下げたやつ, くず, クソがき. (crock of shit の原義は「小便壺」である。)》
Saddam's refusal to give up the pursuit of such banned arms was cited by Britain and the United States as a main justification for war.
Theros said the Iraqi officer who claims to have been the original source of the intelligence passed on by the INA had in fact never seen purported chemical weapons crates upon which his 45-minute claim was based.
On Wednesday, a senior British judge is to deliver a long awaited report on the suicide of David Kelly, the weapons expert at the centre of allegations that Downing Street embellished intelligence ahead of the Iraq conflict.
朝日新聞(2003年12月7日 21:12)
英政府の情報源は旧イラク軍中佐 英日曜紙報道
英日曜紙サンデー・テレグラフは7日、英政府が対イラク開戦前、フセイン政権が保有する大量破壊兵器の脅威を強調する目的で明らかにした 「イラク軍は45分以内に、生物・化学兵器を使用できる」とする情報を提供したのは旧イラク陸軍の中佐だった、と報じた。情報はイラク反体制派を通して英側に流したという。この中佐は「内容は正確だった」と語っている。
アルダバ氏は「戦争中に使われなかったのは、軍がフセイン氏のために戦いたくなかったからだ」と説明。化学・生物兵器をミサイルに搭載し、周辺国などを攻撃する計画が存在したかどうかについては「知らない」と述べ た。
【参考】INA(Iraqi National Accord)について
from (I.N.A) charter
●The Iraqi National Accord (I.N.A) was established in 1990 to achieve a democratic pluralistic regime that respects human rights and lives peacefully with its citizens, neighbors and the whole world.
(I.N.A) advocates the removal of Saddam's regime. We hope to achieve this by encouraging and working with opposition elements (both military and civilian) within Iraq in their efforts to bring about change. We also look to the future, promoting a vision of genuinely democratic Iraq post Saddam which can take its rightful place within the international community.
In the last two decades, Saddam, by every means in his power, suppressed severely any attempt of free thinking or independent political activity, whether it came from persons, organizations or even Ba'ath party itself. He who ventured departing from the state direction or opposing the regime policy, met death.
Some fortunate Iraqis escaped the terrorist regime to live as refugees or residents in other countries. Supported by Iraqis inside and outside Iraq, some of those fugitives, united by a common goal, that is the removal of Saddam's regime, try to organize themselves in political groups.
(I.N.A) came as a natural result of a long political communication between some personalities of the same political opinion who were subjected in the past to the physical and intellectual terrorism Saddam inflicted on Iraqis.
(I.N.A) seeks to ensure the broadest framework through which those personalities can work, so most members of (I.N.A) have broad political and party experience and they held many official and international offices.
(I.N.A) believes in a real democracy and looks to an Iraqi society living peacefully within its geographical borders, a society with all its religions, nationalities and confessions, live in an atmosphere of fraternal friendship and sincerity.
(I.N.A) charter emphasizes the necessity of establishing a constitutional democratic regime which respects human rights and believes in pluralism, the reign of law, the unrestricted independence of judicatory and the equal rights for all citizens.
(I.N.A) respects completely the democratic and nationalist aspirations of the Kurds and supports the political program of Kurdistan front. It will also work for passing necessary legislations ensuring and respecting the cultural rights of Turkmen, Assyrian, and other minorities.
●Main points of the charter National Affair
1.the protection of the geographical unity of Iraq, and the refusal of any interference in its internal affairs.
2.Working truly on achieving a real democracy and passing laws respecting human rights according to the UN's resolutions that ensure freedom for all political ideologies.
3.Working on achieving a completely independent judicatory to ensure equal rights for all Iraqis regardless of their nationalities, religions, cultures and political affairs.
4.Working on the return of Iraqis forced by Saddam's tyrannous regime, to emigrate or escape and encouraging the new government to pass a new law of nationality which will ensure the complete rights for all citizens.
5.Going over all the former laws that caused damages to Iraqi citizens who will have a suitable compensation.
National Economy
1- The development of a new economic policy based on a real estimation of the national wealth and economic sources in Iraq, taking in consideration the real economic interest of the country.
2- The emphasis on using the proceeds of Iraqi oil sources for the advantage of Iraqi citizens.
3- The undertaking of carrying out a special program for rebuilding in order to lift the suffering of Iraqi people resulting from Saddam's wars and sanctions.
4- Laying out a clear economic and tax policy.
5- The establishment of democratic frameworks necessary for obtaining (periodically and regularly) information, data and all the economic indicators. The using of such a system will enhance the discussions and the free dialogue among all economic, monetary and tax viewpoints necessary for the implementation and observation of such a policy.
6- Giving permission to the private sector and the relevant establishments to participate in all economic activities and giving permission to the free market to specify the direction of those economic activities.
Arabic affairs
1. The adoption of a foreign policy based on nonaggression, dialogue and the respect of the international law.
2. Creation of an environment that enhances the relationship and cooperation among Arabic and foreign countries.
3. The development of friendly relations with Islamic countries, in the service of our common interests.
4. Creation of a new Iraq that respects the charter of the United Nations, seeks to comply with and apply all its resolutions and cooperates with other members to keep security and peace in the world.
5.The complete abidance by the UN's resolutions regarding human rights.
Iraqi National Accord
簡説: サダム政権の転覆が目的。異なった民族と宗教を縦断する民主主義を求める組織
ラジオ放送「Al Mustaqbal(The Future)」: 1996年4月21日設立したイラク向けのラジオ放送局
日に3時間中波1557- 1584KHz(1700)
Baghdad newspaper(in Arabic)/every Friday
Monthly bulletin(in Arabic)
National news monthly bulletins(in Arabic)
イラク国営通信社(INA:Iraqi News Agency)と同じ略称だが、別組織
【参考】アヤッド・アラウィ(Ayad Allawi)氏について
米国のブッシュ政権は英国のブレアー政権と協力しつつ、サダム・フセイン後のイラク政権のあり方を検討する「イラクの将来プロジェクト」(the Future of Iraq Project)を7月以来進めている。米国務省が中核役を果たす同プロジェクトは、法の支配と戦争犯罪、民主主義、財政と銀行業務、農業といった15の作業部会に分かれて作業を行っており、そこでは反イラク政府の6グループ(Group of Six)が反政府の在外イラク人の代表として中心的な役割を果たしている。
6グループとは、1)イラク国民議会(Iraq National Congress、略称 INC)、 2)クルド民主党 (Kurdistan Democratic Party、略称KDP)、3) クルド愛国同盟(Patriotic Union of Kurdistan、略称PUK)、4)イラク・イスラム革命最高評議会(Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq、略称SCIRI)、5)イラク国民協会(Iraq National Accord、略称 INA)、6)立憲君主運動(Constitutional Monarchy Movement、略称 CMM)、のことである。
●アフマド・チャラビ(Ahmad Chalabi)・INC代表:1954年生まれ。マサチューセッツ工科大学及びシカゴ大学卒業。その後数学の講師や銀行 役員を経て現在に至る。英国籍を保有。シーア派教徒。イラク国内では 余り知られていないが、1992年にINCグループを創設した行動派として 知られる。米国では国防総省や議会で強い支持を得ているものの、CIAや国務省からは余り信頼されていない。政権転覆(regime change)政策の標榜者でもある。
●マスード・バルザーニ(Massoud Barzani)・KDP党首:クルド人の指導 者の子息として1946年に誕生した。1978年にはウィーンで暗殺未遂事 件に遭っているが、翌79年には死去した実父の後を継いでKDP党首に 就任している。これまで、サダム・フセイン政権と米国政府の双方との関 係を巧みに維持してきた。本年9月には長年の宿敵であるジャラール・タルバーニ氏と会談し、クルド国民議会の召集で合意した。
●ジャラール・タラバーニ(Jalal Talabani)・PUK党首:1933年に北イラク のケルカンで生まれた。1975年にKDPと袂を分かってPUKを創設し今日 を迎えている。約4000人の民兵を抱え北イラクの一部を支配すると共 に、イランと良好な関係を維持している。ライバルであるKDPとは長年に 亘り抗争を繰り返してきた。
●アヤッド・アラウィ(Ayad Allawi)・INC代表:1946年生まれ。医師で一時は熱心なバース党党員であったが、その後反体制派に転じ、1970年代中頃に英国に移住した。1978年にはロンドンの自宅で、イラク政府によるものと思われる暗殺未遂事件に見舞われている。シーア派教 徒。1990年にINCを創設して以降、米国のCIA、国務省やアラブ諸国政府と良好な関係を保っている。1996年には反フセイン・クーデターを計画したが、事前に察知され多くの活動家を失った。バース党や軍のシーア派教徒に支持者がいると喧伝している。
●シャリフ・アリ・ビン・アル・フセイン(Sharif Ali bin Al-Hussein)・CMM 代表:1956年バグダッド生まれ。1939年から暗殺される1958年までイラ ク・ハシュマイト王国の国王を務めたフェイサル二世国王の従兄弟。レバノン及び英国で育ち、経済学を学んでロンドンで投資銀行に奉職した。雄弁なスンニー派教徒。
(エネルギー・環境室長 畑中美樹)